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iVideoGameBoss authored Jun 29, 2024
1 parent 0eb991f commit 2845485
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 76 deletions.
145 changes: 69 additions & 76 deletions PhoenixHeadTracker/Form1.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -163,6 +163,16 @@ private struct MOUSEINPUT
double filteredValuey;
KalmanFilter filterr;
double filteredValuer;

// Declare these variables at the class level
private double driftXCompensation = 0;
private double driftYCompensation = 0;
private double driftRollCompensation = 0;
private double lowPassFilterAlpha = 0.1; // Adjust this value between 0 and 1
private double lastXRot = 0;
private double lastYRot = 0;
private double lastRollRot = 0;
private int updateCount = 0; // Add this line to define updateCount
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the screen dimensions
@@ -214,7 +224,8 @@ private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (xMapped != previousX || yMapped != previousY || rollMapped != previousRoll)
// Calculate the change in degrees for each axis

// by comparing the senor rotation difference
// beteen the xMapped to the PreviousX
if (Math.Abs(xMapped - previousX)<6000 )
deltaX = xMapped - previousX;
@@ -238,20 +249,40 @@ private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
filteredValuer = filterr.Update(deltaRoll);

// Update the rotation variables with the filtered values
xRot += (double)filteredValuex * 0.01;
yRot += (double)filteredValuey * 0.01;
rollRot += (double)filteredValuer * 0.01;
xRot += (double)filteredValuex ;
yRot += (double)filteredValuey ;
rollRot += (double)filteredValuer ;

// Calculate the change in rotation
double deltaXRotation = arr[2] - lastXRot;
double deltaYRotation = arr[1] - lastYRot;
double deltaRollRotation = arr[0] - lastRollRot;

// Calculate and update drift compensation
driftXCompensation += deltaXRotation * 0.01; // Adjust this factor as needed
driftYCompensation += deltaYRotation * 0.01; // Adjust this factor as needed
driftRollCompensation += deltaRollRotation * 0.01; // Adjust this factor as needed

// Update x, y, and roll rotation distances based on the previous values
double tempX2 = (xRot - arr[2]);
xRot += rotDistanceYaw - tempX2;
xRot += (rotDistanceYaw - tempX2) - driftXCompensation-FightDriftX;

double tempY2 = (yRot - arr[1]);
yRot += rotDistancePitch - tempY2;
yRot += rotDistancePitch - tempY2 - driftYCompensation - FightDriftY; ;

double tempRoll2 = (rollRot - arr[0]);
rollRot += rollDistanceRoll - tempRoll2;
rollRot += rollDistanceRoll - tempRoll2 - driftRollCompensation - FightDriftRoll; ;

textBoxLog1.Text = string.Format("driftCompensation {0}\r\n", driftXCompensation);

// Store the current rotation for the next update
lastXRot = arr[2];
lastYRot = arr[1];
lastRollRot = arr[0];

labelDriftFilter.Text = string.Format("Mouse Speed : {0:0}", trackBarDrift.Value);
// Update the rotation labels with the new rotation values
labelYawRotation.Text = xRot.ToString();
@@ -280,44 +311,14 @@ private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

// Filter the rotation data to smooth out noise and improve accuracy
filterx = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, xRot);
filteredValuex = filterx.Update(xRot);
filtery = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, yRot);
filteredValuey = filtery.Update(yRot);
filterr = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, rollRot);
filteredValuer = filterr.Update(rollRot);

// Compute the coordinates and orientation angles based on the filtered rotation data
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double z = 0;
double yaw = filteredValuex;
double pitch = filteredValuey;
double roll = filteredValuer;

// Adjust the orientation angles based on the rotation distances and inversion settings
yaw -= rotDistanceYaw - (xRot - arr[2]) - FightDriftX;
pitch -= rotDistancePitch - (yRot - arr[1]) - FightDriftY;
roll -= rollDistanceRoll - (rollRot - arr[0]) - FightDriftRoll;

// Instantiate Kalman filter
// t process noise variance
// r measurement noise variance
// p initial estimate error covariance
// yaw,pitch,raw initial state estimate
filterx = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, yaw);
filteredValuex = filterx.Update(yaw);
filtery = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, pitch);
filteredValuey = filtery.Update(pitch);
filterr = new KalmanFilter(t, r, p, roll);
filteredValuer = filterr.Update(roll);

//textBoxLog1.Text = string.Format("measurement{0}\r\nmeasurement{1}\r\n", filteredValuex, arr[2]);
yaw = filteredValuex;
pitch = filteredValuey;
roll = filteredValuer;
double yaw = xRot;
double pitch = yRot;
double roll = rollRot;

xRot = yaw;
yRot = pitch;
@@ -385,51 +386,42 @@ private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

// Rotate the first image (Yaw)
// Clear the graphics and set the rotation point to the center of the image
// Rotate the graphics by the negative value of xRot
// Draw the image at the top left corner of the graphics
// Set the picture box to display the rotated image
// Reset the graphics to its original state
graphics1.TranslateTransform(center1.X, center1.Y);
graphics1.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.imageYaw, -center1.X, -center1.Y);
pictureBox1.Image = image1;
// Rotate the image
graphics1.Clear(Color.White); // Yaw
graphics2.Clear(Color.White); // Pitch
graphics3.Clear(Color.White); // Roll

// Rotate the second image (Pitch)
// Clear the graphics and set the rotation point to the center of the image
// Rotate the graphics by the negative value of yRot
// Draw the image at the top left corner of the graphics
// Set the picture box to display the rotated image
// Reset the graphics to its original state
graphics1.TranslateTransform(center1.X, center1.Y);
graphics2.TranslateTransform(center2.X, center2.Y);
graphics2.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.imagePitch, -center2.X, -center2.Y);
pictureBox2.Image = image2;

// Rotate the third image (Roll)
// Clear the graphics and set the rotation point to the center of the image
// Rotate the graphics by the positive value of rollRot
// Draw the image at the top left corner of the graphics
// Set the picture box to display the rotated image
// Reset the graphics to its original state
graphics3.TranslateTransform(center3.X, center3.Y);

// Rotate the graphics by the negative value of xRot

// Draw the image at the top left corner of the graphics
graphics1.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.imageYaw, -center1.X, -center1.Y);
graphics2.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.imagePitch, -center2.X, -center2.Y);
graphics3.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.imageRoll, -center3.X, -center3.Y);

// Set the picture box to display the rotated image
pictureBox1.Image = image1;
pictureBox2.Image = image2;
pictureBox3.Image = image3;

// Reset the graphics to its original state

// Update the labels and text boxes with relevant information
// Display the values of arr[2], arr[1], and arr[0] in the respective labels
// Display the current position of the mouse in the text box
labelRawYaw.Text = string.Format("Raw Yaw: {0:0.00}", arr[2]);
labelRawPitch.Text = string.Format("Raw Pitch: {0:0.00}", arr[1]);
labelRawRoll.Text = string.Format("Raw Roll: {0:0.00}", arr[0]);

// Display the current position of the mouse in the text box
textBoxMouseLocation.Text = string.Format("Mouse X:{0} Mouse Y:{1}", Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);

@@ -446,9 +438,7 @@ private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
labelDriftFilter.Enabled = true; // Enable a label for the camera drift slider
groupBoxOpentrack.Enabled = true; // Enable a group box for controlling OpenTrack settings
groupBoxMouseTrack.Enabled = true; // Enable a group box for controlling mouse tracking settings
rotStartYaw = arr[2];
rotStartPitch = arr[1];
rotStartRoll = arr[0];

// Reset any camera values that need to be reset

@@ -477,6 +467,9 @@ private void ResetValues()
deltaY = 0;
deltaRoll = 0;

rotStartYaw = arr[2];
rotStartPitch = arr[1];
rotStartRoll = arr[0];

// Calculate distance between current and desired rotations
rotDistanceYaw = xRot - arr[2]; // Distance in the yaw (horizontal) axis

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