Releases: ia-eknorr/ignition-lint
Releases · ia-eknorr/ignition-lint
What's Changed
- chore(deps): update ia-eknorr/ignition-lint action to v2.1 by @renovate in #36
- Feature: add python-version file by @ia-eknorr in #37
- Feature: Add allow_acronyms flag by @ia-eknorr in #42
Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.2
What's Changed
- chore: bump to version 2.0 by @ia-eknorr in #28
- chore: fix readme syntax by @ia-eknorr in #29
- Fix: Ignore dataset elements by @ia-eknorr in #34
- Fix: Make files input not required by @ia-eknorr in #35
Full Changelog: v2.0...v2.1
What's Changed
- feat: update for version 1.1.1 by @ia-eknorr in #20
- docs: update readme for clarity of input requirements by @ia-eknorr in #21
- feat: ignore vscode workspace by @ia-eknorr in #24
- Glob pattern support by @keith-gamble in #22
- Fix error aggregation by @ia-eknorr in #25
- Title case support by @keith-gamble in #23
- bugfix: update multi-file test to be comma-separated by @ia-eknorr in #26
New Contributors
- @keith-gamble made their first contribution in #22
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v2.0
What's Changed
- chore: remove bad path for integration test and update workflow names by @ia-eknorr in #17
- Update action.yml by @ia-eknorr in #18
- Eknorr/fix non numeric return by @ia-eknorr in #19
Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.1.1
What's Changed
- Bug/issue 14 by @ia-eknorr in #15
- Feature/prep v1.1 by @ia-eknorr in #16
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
What's Changed
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #6
- feat: add issue templates by @ia-eknorr in #10
- Eknorr/add naming styles by @ia-eknorr in #11
- Eknorr/add more tests by @ia-eknorr in #12
- Eknorr/get ready for v1.0 by @ia-eknorr in #13
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2...v1.0
What's Changed
- Eknorr/update tag by @ia-eknorr in #3
- Feature: Add a nice readme by @ia-eknorr in #4
- Eknorr/test remote use by @ia-eknorr in #5
- Eknorr/test remote use by @ia-eknorr in #7
- feat: remove failure on no file by @ia-eknorr in #8
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
What's Changed
- Eknorr/initial setup by @ia-eknorr in #1
- Eknorr/initial setup by @ia-eknorr in #2
Full Changelog: