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Layer Manager

A library to manage the addition, and removal of layers in Leaflet and Cesium maps (Google coming soon). Furthermore it provides methods to set opacity, visibility, events and more.


Using npm:

npm install layer-manager

or using git:

npm install vizzuality/layer-manager

âť— Requirements

layer-manager requires [email protected] or higher to work.

How to use

// Import LayersManager and the corresponding Plugin depending on the
// map provider that you are using
import LayerManager, { PluginLeaflet } from 'layer-manager';

const map ='map_canvas').setView([40, -3], 5);

const layerManager = new LayerManager(map, PluginLeaflet, {});

// Adding all layers to map
    provider: 'carto',
    opacity: 1,
    visibility: true,
    zIndex: 2,
    interactivity: ['country', 'iso'],
    events: {
      click: (...args) => { console.log(args) }
    sqlParams: {
      where: {
        year: 2010,
        commodity: 'rice'
    layerConfig: {
      type: "leaflet",
      body: {
        use_cors: false,
        url: " s as (SELECT iso, region, value, commodity FROM combined01_prepared {{where}} and impactparameter='Food Demand' and scenario='SSP2-MIRO' and iso is not null and commodity <> 'All Cereals' and commodity <> 'All Pulses' ), r as (SELECT iso, region, sum(value) as value FROM s group by iso, region), d as (SELECT centroid as geometry, iso, value, region FROM impact_regions_159 t inner join r on new_region=iso) select json_build_object('type','FeatureCollection','features',json_agg(json_build_object('geometry',cast(geometry as json),'properties', json_build_object('value',value,'country',region,'iso',iso, 'unit', 'thousand metric tons'),'type','Feature'))) as data from d"
      sql_config: [
          key: "where",
          key_params: [
              required: true,
              key: "year"
              required: false,
              key: "commodity"
      params_config: [],

// remove all layers

// removing specific layers

Layer Model

Attribute Description Type Default
opacity A number between 0 and 1. Number 1
visibility A boolean Boolean true
zIndex A number to set the position of the layer Number
provider A string that defines the type of layer that you want to display. It depends on the Plugin that you are using. Check the supported providers for each Plugin String
layerConfig An object that defines how to get the layer Object
params An object that defines how to parse the layer. Object
sqlParams An object that defines how to parse the layer Object
decodeParams An object that defines how to decode the layer Object
decodeFunction A function that defines how to decode the layer Object
interactivity An array or a boolean. It depends on the provider. You should define an array if it is a carto layer because you need that array in the call to get the carto layer. Array / Boolean
events An object that defines how you want to interact with your layer. Of course, only events supported by your map provider. Object map with key value pairs. { [event type]: [event handler] } Object


The plugin is the way of abstract the layer managment from the implementation of the layer in the different type of maps that we will be using.

There are some predefined plugins (LeafletPlugin, CesiumPlugin, MapboxPlugin) and there will be more!

When you create an instance of the plugin you will receive the map instance so you can acces to it in all the methods below. You should also define all the providers and the functions that you are going to use to get the layer in an attribute called methods

import cartoLayer from './carto-layer-leaflet';
import esriLayer from './esri-layer-leaflet';
import geeLayer from './gee-layer-leaflet';
import locaLayer from './loca-layer-leaflet';
import nexgddpLayer from './nexgddp-layer-leaflet';
import leafletLayer from './leaflet-layer-leaflet';

class PluginLeaflet {
  constructor(map) { = map;

  methods = {
    // CARTO
    cartodb: cartoLayer,
    carto: cartoLayer,
    // ESRI
    arcgis: esriLayer,
    featureservice: esriLayer,
    mapservice: esriLayer,
    tileservice: esriLayer,
    esrifeatureservice: esriLayer,
    esrimapservice: esriLayer,
    esritileservice: esriLayer,
    // GEE && LOCA && NEXGDDP
    gee: geeLayer,
    loca: locaLayer,
    nexgddp: nexgddpLayer,
    // LEAFLET
    leaflet: leafletLayer,
    wms: leafletLayer

It MUST have this methods add, remove, getLayerByProvider, setZIndex, setOpacity, setVisibility, setEvents, setParams, setLayerConfig, setDecodeParams;



add(layerModel) {
  //add layer stuff related to the current plugin


remove(layerModel) {
  //remove layer stuff related to the current plugin


getLayerByProvider(provider) {
  return this.methods[provider];


setZIndex(layerModel, zIndex) {
  //setZIndex layer stuff related to the current plugin


setOpacity(layerModel, opacity) {
  //setOpacity layer stuff related to the current plugin


setVisibility(layerModel, visibility) {
  //setVisibility layer stuff related to the current plugin


setParams(layerModel) {
  //setParams layer stuff related to the current plugin


setSQLParams(layerModel) {
  //setSQLParams layer stuff related to the current plugin


setDecodeParams(layerModel) {
  //setDecodeParams layer stuff related to the current plugin


setLayerConfig(layerModel) {
  //setLayerConfig layer stuff related to the current plugin



<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="[email protected]/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

supported providers

  • canvas
  • cartodb
  • carto
  • arcgis
  • featureservice
  • mapservice
  • tileservice
  • esrifeatureservice
  • esrimapservice
  • esritileservice
  • gee
  • loca
  • nexgddp
  • leaflet


There are two React components that can be used to help with rendering layers via the layer manager. It can be imported and used as follows:

import { LayerManager, Layer } from 'layer-manager/dist/components';
import { PluginLeaflet } from 'layer-manager';

// map is a reference to whichever map API you are using
// For leaflet this would be ='c-map', mapOptions);

const activeLayers = [
    provider: 'carto',
    opacity: 1,
    visibility: true,
    zIndex: 2,
    interactivity: ['country', 'iso'],
    events: {
      click: (...args) => { console.log(args) }
    sqlParams: {
      where: {
        year: 2010,
        commodity: 'rice'
    layerConfig: {
      type: "leaflet",
      body: {
        use_cors: false,
        url: " s as (SELECT iso, region, value, commodity FROM combined01_prepared {{where}} and impactparameter='Food Demand' and scenario='SSP2-MIRO' and iso is not null and commodity <> 'All Cereals' and commodity <> 'All Pulses' ), r as (SELECT iso, region, sum(value) as value FROM s group by iso, region), d as (SELECT centroid as geometry, iso, value, region FROM impact_regions_159 t inner join r on new_region=iso) select json_build_object('type','FeatureCollection','features',json_agg(json_build_object('geometry',cast(geometry as json),'properties', json_build_object('value',value,'country',region,'iso',iso, 'unit', 'thousand metric tons'),'type','Feature'))) as data from d"
      sql_config: [
          key: "where",
          key_params: [
              required: true,
              key: "year"
              required: false,
              key: "commodity"
      params_config: [],

<LayerManager map={} plugin={PluginLeaflet}>
  { => (
    <Layer key={} {...l} />


A library to get a layer depending on provider and layer spec







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