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Add 2023/24 part 2
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iamFIREcracker committed Dec 28, 2023
1 parent cb09a2f commit 1c5de87
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 95 deletions.
157 changes: 62 additions & 95 deletions src/2023/day24.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,106 +9,73 @@
(mapcar #'hailstone strings))

(defun line (h)
(destructuring-bind (x y _1 vx vy _2) h
(declare (ignore _1 _2))
;; # y = mx + b
;; # b = y - mx
;; # b = P1[1] - slope * P1[0]
(bnd* ((slope (/ vy vx)) (y-intercept (- y (* slope x))))
(list slope y-intercept))))

(defun intersect-2d? (h1 h2)
(destructuring-bind (m1 b1) (line h1)
(destructuring-bind (m2 b2) (line h2)
(unless (= m1 m2)
;; # y = mx + b
;; # Set both lines equal to find the intersection point in the x direction
;; # m1 * x + b1 = m2 * x + b2
;; # m1 * x - m2 * x = b2 - b1
;; # x * (m1 - m2) = b2 - b1
;; # x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
;; x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2)
;; # Now solve for y -- use either line, because they are equal here
;; # y = mx + b
;; y = m1 * x + b1
(bnd* ((x (/ (- b2 b1) (- m1 m2))) (y (+ (* m1 x) b1)))
(list x y))))))

(defun in-the-future? (h ix iy)
(destructuring-bind (x1 y1 _1 vx vy _2) h
(declare (ignore _1 _2))
(bnd* ((x2 (+ x1 vx)) (y2 (+ y1 vy))
(dx1 (- x2 x1)) (dx2 (- ix x1)))
(plusp (* dx1 dx2)))))
;; Copied from Wikipedia:
(defun intersect-2d? (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4)
(bnd* ((xnum (- (* (- (* x1 y2) (* y1 x2)) (- x3 x4))
(* (- x1 x2) (- (* x3 y4) (* y3 x4)))))
(ynum (- (* (- (* x1 y2) (* y1 x2)) (- y3 y4))
(* (- y1 y2) (- (* x3 y4) (* y3 x4)))))
(den (- (* (- x1 x2) (- y3 y4))
(* (- y1 y2) (- x3 x4)))))
(unless (zerop den)
(list (/ xnum den) (/ ynum den)))))

(defun in-the-future? (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)
(bnd* ((dx21 (- x2 x1)) (dx31 (- x3 x1))
(dy21 (- y2 y1)) (dy31 (- y3 y1)))
(and (>= (* dx21 dx31) 0)
(>= (* dy21 dy31) 0))))

(defun all-intersections (&optional (hh (parse-input)))
(dosublists (((x1 y1 vx1 vy1) . rest) hh)
(bnd* ((x2 (+ x1 vx1)) (y2 (+ y1 vy1)))
(dolist+ ((x3 y3 vx3 vy3) rest)
(bnd* ((x4 (+ x3 vx3)) (y4 (+ y3 vy3)))
(awhen (intersect-2d? x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4)
(destructuring-bind (x y) it
(when (and (in-the-future? x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)
(in-the-future? x3 y3 x4 y4 x y))
(collect! (list x y)))))))))))

(defun ignore-axis (n h)
(destructuring-bind (x y z vx vy vz) h
(ecase n
(0 (list y z vy vz))
(1 (list x z vx vz))
(2 (list x y vx vy)))))

(defun part1 (min max &optional (hh (parse-input)))
#+#:excluded (length (all-intersections))
(defun part1 (&optional (hh (parse-input)))
(dosublists ((h1 . rest) hh)
(dolist (h2 rest)
(awhen (intersect-2d? h1 h2)
(destructuring-bind (x y) it
(when (and (in-the-future? h1 x y)
(in-the-future? h2 x y))
(count! (and (<= min x max)
(<= min y max))))))))))
(dolist+ ((x y) (all-intersections (mapcar [ignore-axis 2 _] hh)))
(count! (and (<= 200000000000000 x 400000000000000)
(<= 200000000000000 y 400000000000000))))))
#+#:excluded (part1 7 27)
#+#:excluded (part1 200000000000000 400000000000000)
#+#:excluded (part1 )
; 24999 nope
; 16779 !!!

(defun hail-at (h time)
(destructuring-bind (x y z vx vy vz) h
(list (+ x (* time vx)) (+ y (* time vy)) (+ z (* time vz)))))

(defun speed-magnitude (h)
(destructuring-bind (vx vy vz) (nthcdr 3 h)
(sqrt (+ (* vx vx) (* vy vy) (* vz vz)))))
(defun adjust-velocity (dvx dvy h)
(destructuring-bind (x y vx vy) h
(list x y (+ vx dvx) (+ vy dvy))))
#+#:excluded (untrace adjust-velocity)

(defun v- (v1 v2)
"Subtracts vector `v2` from vector `v1`"
(mapcar #'- v1 v2))

(defun v/s (v s)
"Divides vector `v` by scalar `s`"
(mapcar [/ _ s] v))

(defun v*s (v s)
"Multiplies vector `v` by scalar `s`"
(mapcar [* _ s] v))

(defun v/ (v1 v2)
"Divides vector `v1` by vector `v2` -- whatever that means"
(mapcar #'/ v1 v2))
(defun part2 (&optional (hh (parse-input)))
(setf hh (sort hh #'> :key #'speed-magnitude))
(bnd* (((h1 h2 h3 . rest) (subseq hh 0 3)))
(dorangei (time1 1 10000)
(bnd* ((c1 (hail-at h1 time1)))
(dorangei (time2 1 10000)
(unless (= time1 time2)
(bnd* ((c2 (hail-at h2 time2))
(vel (v/s (v- c1 c2)
(- time1 time2))))

(when (every #'integerp vel)
(dorangei (time3 1 10000)
(bnd* ((c3 (hail-at h3 time3))
(pos (v- c3 (v*s vel time3))))

(dolist (h rest)
(bnd* (time ( ))))
(pr vel pos)
#+#:excluded (while t
(pr h1 h2))
#+#:excluded (destructuring-bind (tx ty tx tvx tvy tvz) throw
(destructuring-bind (hx hy hx hvx hvy hvz) h

#+#:excluded (part2)
; (integerp 1)
; (length (parse-input))
(flet ((magic (axis &aux )
(bnd1 (hh (mapcar [ignore-axis axis _] (subseq hh 0 3)))
(dorangei (vx -300 300)
(dorangei (vy -300 300)
(bnd1 (points (all-intersections (mapcar [adjust-velocity vx vy _]
(when (and (> (length points) 1)
(= (length (remove-duplicates points :test #'equal)) 1))
(return-from magic (first points)))))))))
(destructuring-bind (px1 py) (magic 2)
(destructuring-bind (px2 pz) (magic 1)
(assert (= px1 px2))
(+ px1 py pz)))))
#+#:excluded (time (part2))
; 871983857253169

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