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Refactor 2023/14
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iamFIREcracker committed Feb 2, 2024
1 parent eaeb362 commit 9946f70
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 31 deletions.
70 changes: 39 additions & 31 deletions src/2023/day14.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
(in-package :aoc/2023/14)

(defun parse-input (&optional (strings (uiop:read-file-lines #P"src/2023/day14.txt")))
(defparameter *north* '(-1 0))
(defparameter *east* '(0 1))
(defparameter *south* '(1 0))
(defparameter *west* '(0 -1))

(defun parse-input (&optional (strings (aoc::read-problem-input 2023 14)))
(bnd* ((rows (length strings))
(cols (length (first strings)))
(rocks (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
Expand All @@ -11,24 +16,31 @@
(doseq ((j ch) (enumerate s))
(when (char= ch #\O)
(setf (gethash (list i j) rocks) ch))
(when (char= ch #\# )
(when (char= ch #\#)
(setf (gethash (list i j) walls) ch))))
(list rocks walls rows cols)))

(defun north-first? (pos1 pos2) (< (first pos1) (first pos2)))
(defun west-first? (pos1 pos2) (< (second pos1) (second pos2)))
(defun south-first? (pos1 pos2) (> (first pos1) (first pos2)))
(defun east-first? (pos1 pos2) (> (second pos1) (second pos2)))

(defun move (dir sort-predicate &optional (input (parse-input)))
(destructuring-bind (rocks walls rows cols) input
(dolist (pos (sort (hash-table-keys rocks) sort-predicate))
(bnd1 (npos (mapcar #'+ pos dir))
(while (not (or (gethash npos walls)
(gethash npos rocks)
(< (first npos) 0) (>= (first npos) rows)
(< (second npos) 0) (>= (second npos) cols)))
(remhash pos rocks)
(setf (gethash npos rocks) #\O
pos npos
npos (mapcar #'+ pos dir))))))
(flet ((outside? (pos)
(or (< (first pos) 0) (>= (first pos) rows)
(< (second pos) 0) (>= (second pos) cols))))
(dolist (pos (sort (hash-table-keys rocks) sort-predicate))
(bnd1 (npos (mapcar #'+ pos dir))
(while (not (or (gethash npos walls)
(gethash npos rocks)
(outside? npos)))
(remhash pos rocks)
(setf (gethash npos rocks) #\O
pos npos
npos (mapcar #'+ pos dir)))))))

Expand All @@ -38,22 +50,13 @@
(reduce #'+ (hash-table-keys rocks) :key [- rows (car _)])))

(defun part1 (&optional (input (parse-input)))
(move (list -1 0) #'north-first? input)
(north-load input))

(defun west-first? (pos1 pos2) (< (second pos1) (second pos2)))
(defun south-first? (pos1 pos2) (> (first pos1) (first pos2)))
(defun east-first? (pos1 pos2) (> (second pos1) (second pos2)))

(defun cycle (&optional (input (parse-input)))
(move (list -1 0) #'north-first? input)
(move (list 0 -1) #'west-first? input)
(move (list 1 0) #'south-first? input)
(move (list 0 1) #'east-first? input))
(move *north* #'north-first? input)
(move *west* #'west-first? input)
(move *south* #'south-first? input)
(move *east* #'east-first? input))

(defun part2 (&optional (input (parse-input)))
(defun spin-cycle (n &optional (input (parse-input)))
(destructuring-bind (cycles-at cycle-size input)
(floyd #'cycle input
:copier (lambda (state)
Expand All @@ -63,17 +66,22 @@
:key (lambda (state)
(destructuring-bind (rocks walls rows cols) state
(destructuring-bind (rocks _ rows cols) state
(declare (ignore _))
(dorange (i 0 rows)
(dorange (j 0 cols)
(when (gethash (list i j) rocks)
(collect! (list i j))))))))
:test 'equalp)
(bnd1 (rem-steps (rem (- 1000000000 cycles-at) cycle-size))
(bnd1 (rem-steps (rem (- n cycles-at) cycle-size))
(repeat rem-steps
(cycle input))
(north-load input))))

(define-solution (2023 14) (input parse-input)
(values (north-load (move *north* #'north-first? input))
(north-load (spin-cycle 1000000000 input))))

#+#:excluded (time (part2))
;; 112452
(define-test (2023 14) (109345 112452))

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