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Refactor 2023/17
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- Stop keeping track of the last N previous directions; we only need
  to keep the last one, the for how long we have been going in that
  direction (i.e., the streak)
- Create MINIMIZE-HEAT-LOSS, wrapping up A* in terms of
  :MIN-STREAK-TO-TURN (0 for part1, 4 for part2) and :MAX-STREAK (3 for
  part1, and 10 for part2)
  • Loading branch information
iamFIREcracker committed Dec 19, 2023
1 parent 8883090 commit bcad8a7
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 119 deletions.
162 changes: 43 additions & 119 deletions src/2023/day17.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,138 +2,62 @@
(in-package :aoc/2023/17)

(defun parse-map (&optional (strings (uiop:read-file-lines #P"src/2023/day17.txt")))
(bnd* ((rows (length strings))
(cols (length (first strings)))
(map (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist+ ((i s) (enumerate strings))
(dolist+ ((j ch) (enumerate s))
(setf (gethash (list i j) map) (parse-integer (mkstr ch)))))
(list map rows cols)))
#+#:excluded (parse-map)

(defparameter *north* '(-1 0))
(defparameter *east* '(0 1))
(defparameter *south* '(1 0))
(defparameter *west* '(0 -1))

(defun advance (pos dir) (mapcar #'+ pos dir))
(defun rotate-right (dir)
(defun move-straight (pos dir) (mapcar #'+ pos dir))
(defun rotate-cw (dir)
(cond ((equal dir *north*) *east*)
((equal dir *east*) *south*)
((equal dir *south*) *west*)
((equal dir *west*) *north*)))

(defun turn-back? (dir prev-dirs)
(aand (car prev-dirs)
(equal dir
(rotate-right (rotate-right it)))))
#+#:excluded (turn-back? *north* (list *east*))

(defun straight-for-too-long? (dir prev-dirs)
(and (equal dir (first prev-dirs))
(equal dir (second prev-dirs))
(equal dir (third prev-dirs)) ))
#+#:excluded (straight-for-too-long? *north* (list *north*))
#+#:excluded (straight-for-too-long? *north* (list *north* *north*))
#+#:excluded (straight-for-too-long? *north* (list *south* *north* *north*))

(defun slice (seq end) (subseq seq 0 (min (length seq) end)))
#+#:excluded (slice (cons *north* (cons *north* (cons *north* nil))) 3)
#+#:excluded (slice (list 1 2 3 4) 3)

(defun neighbors (map state)
; (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
; (break)
(destructuring-bind (pos prev-dirs) state
(dolist (dir (list *north* *east* *south* *west*))
(bnd* ((npos (advance pos dir))
(hl (gethash npos map)))
(when hl
(unless (turn-back? dir prev-dirs)
(unless (straight-for-too-long? dir prev-dirs)
(cons (list npos (slice (cons dir prev-dirs) 3))

(defun part1 (&optional (input (parse-map)))
; (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
(destructuring-bind (map rows cols) input
(bnd* ((start (list (list 0 0) nil))
(goal (list (1- rows) (1- cols))))
(a* start
:init-cost 0 ; as per text
:goalp [equal (first _) goal]
:test 'equal
:state-key (lambda (state)
(destructuring-bind (pos prev-dirs) state
(list pos
(first prev-dirs)
(streak-length prev-dirs))))
:neighbors [neighbors map _]
:heuristic [manhattan-distance (first _) goal]))))
#+#:excluded (part1)
; 963

(defun streak-length (prev-dirs)
(or (awhen (car prev-dirs)
(1+ (loop for cur in (slice (cdr prev-dirs) 9)
while (equal it cur) count 1)))
; (streak-length nil)
; (streak-length (list 1))
; (streak-length (list 1 2))
; (streak-length (list 1 1 2))

(defun turn-but-cannot? (dir prev-dirs)
(and (car prev-dirs)
(not (equal (car prev-dirs) dir))
(< (streak-length prev-dirs) 4)))
(defun parse-map (&optional (strings (uiop:read-file-lines #P"src/2023/day17.txt")))
(bnd* ((rows (length strings))
(cols (length (first strings)))
(map (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(dolist+ ((i s) (enumerate strings))
(dolist+ ((j ch) (enumerate s))
(setf (gethash (list i j) map) (parse-integer (mkstr ch)))))
(list map rows cols)))

(defun straight-but-cannot? (dir prev-dirs)
(and (equal (car prev-dirs) dir)
(= (streak-length prev-dirs) 10)))

(defun straight? (dir prev) (equal dir prev))
(defun turn? (dir prev) (not (straight? dir prev)))
(defun turn-back? (dir prev) (equal (rotate-cw (rotate-cw dir)) prev))

(defun neighbors2 (map state)
(destructuring-bind (pos prev-dirs) state
(dolist (dir (list *north* *east* *south* *west*))
(bnd* ((npos (advance pos dir))
(hl (gethash npos map)))
(when hl
(unless (turn-back? dir prev-dirs)
(unless (turn-but-cannot? dir prev-dirs)
(unless (straight-but-cannot? dir prev-dirs)
(cons (list npos (slice (cons dir prev-dirs) 10))

(defun part2 (&optional (input (parse-map)))
; (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
(defun minimize-heat-loss (input &key min-streak-to-turn max-streak)
(destructuring-bind (map rows cols) input
(bnd* ((start (list (list 0 0) nil))
(goal (list (1- rows) (1- cols))))
(a* start
:init-cost 0 ; as per text
:goalp (lambda (state)
(and (equal (first state) goal)
(>= (streak-length (second state)) 4)))
:test 'equal
:state-key (lambda (state)
(destructuring-bind (pos prev-dirs) state
(list pos
(first prev-dirs)
(streak-length prev-dirs))))
:neighbors [neighbors2 map _]
:heuristic [manhattan-distance (first _) goal]))))
(untrace neighbors turn-but-cannot? straight-but-cannot?)

#+#:excluded (part2)
; 835 nope
; 1176 nope
; 1178
(bnd* ((init-state `((0 0) (0 0) 0))
(end (list (1- rows) (1- cols))))
(flet ((neighbors (state)
(destructuring-bind (pos dir streak) state
(dolist (ndir (list *north* *east* *south* *west*))
(bnd* ((npos (move-straight pos ndir))
(hl (gethash npos map)))
(when hl
(unless (turn-back? ndir dir)
(when (or (zerop streak) ; first turn is allowed!
(and (turn? ndir dir) (>= streak min-streak-to-turn))
(and (straight? ndir dir) (< streak max-streak)))
(cons (list npos ndir (if (straight? ndir dir) (1+ streak) 1))
(a* init-state
:goalp [equal (first _) end]
:test 'equal
:neighbors #'neighbors
:heuristic [manhattan-distance (first _) end]))))))

(define-solution (2023 17) (input parse-map)
(values (minimize-heat-loss input :min-streak-to-turn 0 :max-streak 3)
(minimize-heat-loss input :min-streak-to-turn 4 :max-streak 10)))

(define-test (2023 17) (963 1178))

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