This is a contact form project, you can use in personal portfolio websites or anywhere where people will like to contact you.
When you submit the form it will save the details of the person who tried contacting you inside the database and also sends an email message both to the ower of contact form and person who tried conatcting with a personalised message.
Install the requirements.txt in a virtual env.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Redis installation for Ubuntu here
Update your email address in file which will be used for sending an email.
Update .env file by saving your email's password into it.
Open four terminals with the virtual env created using requirements.txt file
Terminal 1 : Start Django server.
python runserver
Note : Your directory should be same as file.
Terminal 2 : Starting Redis server ie. Message Broker.
Make sure you have install redis properly.
Termial 3 : Starting Redis CLI to interact with our Django Application.
Termial 4 : Running the Celery worker server i.e. connecting Celery to Redis by using below command.
celery -A PortfolioContact worker --loglevel=INFO
Follow the link from Terminal 1 to your local host .
Submit the form to see the results.