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This is a react project helping you to create your own CV website. This project is implemented in a modular fashion expecting users just to update details in one JSON file and your CV page will be ready. With just modifying the JSON file you can update details as well as basic style elements

Checkout demo website here ->>


Currently DEV-CV supports following components.

  1. Top header/navigation bar.
  2. Landing module where users can provide a short gist of who they are.
  3. Education module where users show their education journey.
  4. Experience module where users can showcase their experience record and also highlight any accomplishment.
  5. Skills module where users can show weighted representation of skills they have.
  6. Publications module where users can show any research work/publication done by them.
  7. Contact module is basically a footer showing the dev's picture and contact links.

How to Use

From your command line, first clone dev-cv:

# Clone the repository
$ git clone

# Move into the repository
$ cd dev-cv

After that, install the dependencies using NPM

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# To build the project
$ npm build-cv

# Start the development server
$ npm start

After the server has started, go to this url http://localhost:3000/ to see the portfolio locally. Now modify the file ./src/configData.json with your details. Full construct of JSON file is mentioned below.

JSON Structure

The JSON config mainly contains the components array having all the components in the same order as we want them to appear in final webpage. Below are the JSON constructs for every components.

  1. Header Type represents the type of components. Under the data object logoURIrepresents the top left logo image. menuItemscontains the navigation links, link's name and uri. styleobject allows the basic style modification like background color, header height, text color etc.
      "type": "header",
      "data": {
        "logoURI": "",
        "menuItems": [
            "value": "Education",
            "path": "#education"
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#E4F4D8",
          "height": "65px",
          "logoImageHeight": "65px",
          "textColor": "#555"
  1. Landing heroImage could be any svg or graphic content, covering right half of the component. In the left half welcomeText1and welcomeText2helps to introduce yourself in short.

Note : remember to use max in font size styling to support responsiveness.

      "type": "landing",
      "data": {
        "heroImage": "",
        "welcomeText1": "Hi All, I am Name ✌️ ",
        "welcomeText2": "A frontend engineer ",
        "buttonText": "Resume ?",
        "style": {
          "bgImage": "linear-gradient(90deg, #496D1D, #EEF8E3)",
          "headerHeight": "65px",
          "titleFontSize": "max(3vw,21px)",
          "subtitleFontSize": "max(2vw,16px)",
          "introTextColor": "#fff",
          "buttonTextColor": "#fff"
  1. Education educationDataarray here represents list of all the institutes, degree and time period
      "type": "education",
      "data": {
        "educationData": [
            "logoURI": "",
            "title": "Institute name",
            "degree": "Degree",
            "period": "from - to"
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#1A3209",
          "sectionTitle": {
            "color": "#fff",
            "fontSize": "max(5vw, 30px)",
            "fontWeight": "300"
          "entryBgColor": "#fff"
  1. Experience experianceData contains the list of all the places you have worked. remarks is the array of strings representing the noticeable achievements or work that you did.
      "type": "experience",
      "data": {
        "experianceData": [
            "logoURI": "",
            "company": "ABC Company",
            "role": "Software Engineer",
            "period": "from - to",
            "remarks": ["Worked on improving ABC", "XYZ"]
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#577A3E",
          "sectionTitle": {
            "color": "#fff",
            "fontSize": "max(5vw, 30px)",
            "fontWeight": "300"
          "entryBgColor": "#fff"
  1. Skills skillsData represents the list of all the skills you want to showcase. typekey under it represents the name of skill and level represents the weight out of 100. barsColorsDatais the styling specific to skill bars.
      "type": "skills",
      "data": {
        "skillsData": [
            "type": "React",
            "level": 85
        "barsColorsData": {
          "bar": "#339966",
          "title": {
            "text": "#fff",
            "background": "#0d261a"
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#b3e6cc",
          "sectionTitle": {
            "color": "#1A3209",
            "fontSize": "max(5vw, 30px)",
            "fontWeight": "500"
  1. Publications publicationsData represents the data for all the publications. link is the url for actual paper on publisher's website.
      "type": "publications",
      "data": {
        "publicationsData": [
            "title": "Paper Title",
            "conference": "Conference name",
            "year": year,
            "link": "link-to-paper-publisher-website"
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#EBF7E3",
          "sectionTitle": {
            "color": "#1A3209",
            "fontSize": "max(5vw, 30px)",
            "fontWeight": "500"
          "wrapperBgColor": "#fff"
  1. Contact Contact information currently supports gmail, linkedin and twitter. displayImagewill be your photo presented on right side.
      "type": "contact",
      "data": {
        "displayImage": "",
        "gmail": "[email protected]",
        "linkedin": "",
        "twitter": "",
        "style": {
          "bgColor": "#40826D",
          "sectionTitle": {
            "color": "#fff",
            "fontSize": "max(4vw,30px)",
            "fontWeight": "400"


After you have done the modification and you can put your website live. There are many free web hosting platforms. I recommend using Netlify because of it's easy to use UI which makes things super easy.


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