Code for Hasjob, HasGeek’s job board at
Copyright © 2010-2017 by HasGeek
Hasjob’s code is open source under the AGPL v3 license (see LICENSE.txt), but the name ‘Hasjob’ and the distinctive appearance of the job board are not part of the open source code. The code is open to:
- Establish trust and transparency on how it works, and
- Allow contributions to Hasjob.
HasGeek is a business, and like any business has trade secrets, intellectual property and competition. Hasjob’s code is not intended to be used to setup rival job boards.
If you really must use this code to run your own job board, the AGPLv3 license requires you to release all your modifications to the public under the same license. You may not make a proprietary fork.
To have your contributions merged back into the master repository, you must agree to assign copyright to HasGeek and must assert that you have the right to make this assignment.
Hasjob can be used with Docker (recommended for quick start) or the harder way with a manual setup (recommended for getting involved). The Docker approach is unmaintained at this time. Let us know if something doesn't work.
Hasjob requires a FLASK_ENV
environment variable set to one of the following values, depending on whether the deployment is in development or production:
In a production environment, you must set FLASK_ENV
globally for it to be available across processes. On Ubuntu/Debian systems, add it to /etc/environment
and reboot.
Next, rename the
Build the images
$ docker-compose build
Initialize the database
$ docker-compose run web sh web$ python db create web$ exit
Start the server
$ docker-compose up
You can edit the server name and Lastuser settings in
Hasjob without Docker requires manual installation of all dependencies.
Hasjob requires Postgres >= 9.4 and Redis. To set up a Postgres DB:
On OS X using the Postgres App:
$ # Add Postgres app to the path if it's not already in there
$ export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
$ # Make the user and database
$ createuser -d hasjob
$ createdb -O hasjob -W hasjob
On any Linux distribution:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser -d hasgeek
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O hasgeek hasjob
Edit instance/
to set the variable SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI
to postgres://hasjob:YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE@localhost:5432/hasjob
Redis does not require special configuration, but must listen on localhost and port 6379 (default).
Hasjob makes use of subdomains to serve different sub-boards for jobs. To set it up:
and add these entries (substitutingyour-machine
with whatever you call your computer): hasjob.your-machine.local static.hasjob.your-machine.local subboard.hasjob.your-machine.local
and changeSERVER_NAME
Hasjob runs on Python with the Flask microframework.
If you are going to use a computer on which you would work on multiple Python based projects, Virtualenv is strongly recommended to ensure Hasjob’s elaborate and sometimes version-specific requirements doesn't clash with anything else.
You will need to install all the requirements listed in requirements.txt
using pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you intend to actively contribute to Hasjob code, some functionality is sourced from the related libraries coaster, baseframe and Flask-Lastuser. You may want to clone these repositories separately and put them in development mode:
$ cd ..
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ pip uninstall coaster baseframe flask-lastuser
$ for DIR in coaster baseframe flask-lastuser; do cd $DIR; python develop; cd ..; done
$ cd baseframe && make && cd ..
Finish configuration with:
$ python db create
Before you run the server in development mode, make sure you have Postgres server and Redis server running as well. To start Hasjob:
$ python
Some functionality in Hasjob requires the presence of a sub-board named www
. Create it by visiting http://hasjob.your-machine.local:5000/board
(or the /board
page on whatever hostname and port you used for your installation). The www
board is a special-case to refer to the root website.
Hasjob requires some tasks to be run in periodic background jobs. These can be called from cron. Use crontab -e
as the user account running Hasjob and add:
*/10 * * * * cd /path/to/hasjob; python periodic sessions
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/hasjob; python periodic impressions
Tests are outdated at this time, but whatever tests exist are written in CasperJS.
You need to install CasperJS, which needs Python 2.6 (or greater) and PhantomJS installed.
Edit the top few lines of test file tests/test_job_post.js
with the URL, username and password.
Run the test with casperjs test tests/test_job_post.js
If you ever want to disable caching when developing, inside your
, add these lines -
CACHE_TYPE = 'null'
If you encounter a problem setting up, please look at existing issue reports on GitHub before filing a new issue. This code is the same version used in production so there is a very good chance you did something wrong and there is no actual problem in the code. Issues you encounter after setup could be real bugs.
WSGI is recommended for production. For Apache: enable mod_wsgi
and make a
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/hasjob/git/repo/folder/
For Nginx, run under uWSGI and proxy to it:
location / {
include uwsgi_params; # Include common uWSGI settings here
uwsgi_pass; # Use the port number uWSGI is running on
uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /path/to/hasjob/git/repo/folder;
uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE website;