Install Neovim this from
Then install NvChad this way.
git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
After which you should follow the remaining instructions at
Then carefully assess the files in this dotfiles repo for any version/compatibility changes with your new NvChad installation before pasting each one's content accordingly.
tmux new -s nameofsession tmux detach tmux attach -t nameofsession
Custom prefix C-z
deletes your session unlike detach
which only takes you out of the session but saves it for you to later retach to.
See all sessions C-z then s
Reloading configurations :source-file or C-z then r
Toggle maximize pane C-z the m
New TMUX window C-z then c
A TMUX session can have multiple windows and each window can have multiple panes
Rename a window C-z then ,
Navigate between windows C-z then window number eg 0 or C-z then n or p
Ctrl+z :kill-session – kill the active session, all its windows and panes. Ctrl+z :kill-window or Ctrl+z & – kill the active window and all panes within it. Ctrl+z :kill-pane or Ctrl+z x – kill the active pane.
See all sessions and their windows and panes C-z then w
Rename a session C-z + $
Enable vi mode C-z then [
Selection mode in vi mode v
Exit vi mode C-c
Navigating in vi mode C-k to go up C-j to go down C-u to go up half a page C-d to go down half a page
Install Neovim
I prefer Tarball. Delete the previous extract located in the home directory and extract the new one there.
Set aliases in .bashrc alias vim='clear && nvim' alias nvim='~/nvim-linux64/bin/nvim'