- 台指期
- Source:
- DQ2: 1987/1/7 ~ 2021/3/15
- 期交所: 2021/3/15 ~
- 交易時間: 前日夜盤+今日日盤
- 其他說明:
- DQ2成交量: 不含價差交易
- Source:
- log return
$\ln\frac{P_t}{P_{t-1}}$ ,$P_t$ 為資產在t時刻的價格
- 基差(basis)
- def: 現貨價格 - 期貨價格
$\frac{現貨-期貨}{現貨}\times10$ - 乘10目的是放大原始值域([-0.03, 0.07]->[-0.3, 0.7])
- 成交量/OI
- percentile: data[:t], 統計t時刻值在t時刻前所有資料的百分位數
- 刻劃破新高
- deg_change:
$\arctan(V_t-V_{t-1}, 100)$ - 刻劃變化量, 100為歷史成交量下限
- percentile: data[:t], 統計t時刻值在t時刻前所有資料的百分位數
- K棒
- 實體:
$|o-c|$ - 上影線:
$high-\max(o, c)$ - 下影線:
$\min(o,c)-low$ - 除range(h-l), 以分形角度看K棒
- 實體:
- Drift‐Independent Volatility Estimation Based on High, Low, Open, and Close Prices
$o_t = \ln(O_t)-\ln(C_{t-1})$ $u_t = \ln(H_t)-\ln(O_t)$ $d_t = \ln(L_t)-\ln(O_t)$ $c_t = \ln(C_t)-\ln(O_t)$
- Hurst exponent
- Hurst Exponent and Trading Signals Derived from Market Time Series
$p(k) = Ck^{-\alpha}$ - p(k) is an autocorrelation function
- C is constant
- k is number of lags
$\alpha$ is the decay parameter-
$\alpha$ ranges between [0,2] -
$0<\alpha<1$ : persistence -
$\alpha=1$ : random walk -
$1<\alpha<2$ : mean reversion
$H=1-\frac{\alpha}{2}$ - H=0.5: random walk
- H<0.5: mean reversion
- H>0.5: momentum
- 2Q/4Q
- the first 100 pages of the book,"The Science of Fractal Images" edited by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Dietmar Saupe
- use Dask df to improve speed
pip install numpy==1.19.5