NODEJS Library for BulkSmsWeb Zimbabwe
Sign up and sign in to BulkSmsWeb Portal to get your web service token
You cannot make successful requests without the web service name and web service token / key
This library has a set of prerequisites that must be met for it to work
- Node.js installed
- NPM (node's package manager, used to install the node library)
Install the library using NPM
$ npm install --save bulksmszw
const BulkSmsZw = require("bulksmszw").BulkSmsZw;
Create an instance of the BulkSmsZw class and setting the bulkSmsWebKey and bulkSmsWebName
const api = new BulkSmsZw({
bulkSmsWebKey: 'key',
bulkSmsWebName: 'name'
Try sending a message or messages
message: 'Hi Ngonidzashe',
credits: false,
recipients: ['0777777777']
}).then(function (response) {
Or this way (using async/await functions)
let response = await api.send({
message: 'Hi Ngonidzashe',
credits: false,
recipients: ['0777777777']
Api Response
- For Authentication Failure
ApiResponse {
statusresponse: 'api_error',
api_response: ApiError {
status: 'ERR',
error: '100',
error_string: 'authentication failed',
timestamp: 1609336803
message: 'authentication failed'
- For Success
ApiResponse {
statusresponse: 'success',
api_response: ApiSuccess {
data: {
status: 'OK',
error: '0',
smslog_id: '00000000',
queue: '03cc1e906ff9d762c9bd6ba92b9a1494',
to: '263777777777'
error_string: null,
timestamp: 1609513652
message: 'success'