This is telegram bot for Validator server.
This bot can onlysend messages to your telegram id
Tested on ubuntu 18.04 & python 3.6.8 (To check your python version, put to the terminal # python3 --version )
- Validator node
- CPU load
- RAM load
- Network
- Time diff
- Wallet balance
- Stake monitoring
- Error log monitoring
- Slow log monitoring
- CPU Utilization
- RAM Load
- Time Diff
- Disk I/O
- Network perfomance
- Ping test
- Validator node down
- High CPU Utilization
- High RAM load
- Network degradation
- Stake < Wallet balance
- Restart validotor node
- Check current stake
- Update stake
- Check wallet balance
- Check current time diff + Historical data
- Know your adnl key
- Get your error log
- Get your slow log
- Check CPU load + Historical data
- Check RAM load + Historical data
- Check disk usage
- Check disk i/o + Historical data
- Check validator ports
- Check server ping + Historical data
- Alalyze server traceroute
- Get top processes
- Check uptime
- Check network load + Historical data
- Check server network speed to different countries (Some countries may not work because speedtest servers may have problems. On Hetzner, many countries didn't work. In the future, I will add much more servers for tests)
- Create your personal telegram bot and get Api Token. Instruction
- Run command below
$ git clone -v /opt/tontgbot && chmod +x /opt/tontgbot/
- Open /opt/tontgbot/ in any editor and change values in TONTgBot from Edit starts here till Edit ends here. If you dont know your id(tg value), Just send message to @TONTgIDBot in telegram.
- Run
$ sudo /bin/bash /opt/tontgbot/
- Send to bot /start
- Enable bot start after reboot
$ sudo systemctl enable tontgbot.service
Change languages=['en'] in to language, what you need
lang_translations = gettext.translation('base', localedir='/opt/tontgbot/locales', languages=['en'])
Language - code
- English - en
- Español - es
- Français - fr
- Dansk - da
- Nederlands - nl
- हिंदी - hi
- Italiano - it
- Polski - pl
- Português - pt
- Suomi - fi
- Svenska - sv
- Türkçe - tr
- Ελληνικά - el
- Русский - ru
- Українська - uk
- 日本語 - ja
And restart your bot
$ systemctl restart tontgbot.service
If you will restart validator node from bot, tontgbot service will be it's parrent, and if you stop tontgbot, you will need to run node again from terminal. I will think about deattaching run node pid from tontgbot service after restart
Find in telebot.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) and change ERROR to DEBUG, restart tontgbot service and execute
$ journalctl -e -u tontgbot > /opt/tontgbot/servicelog.log
Then sent this log to my telegram @anvme