Releases: iani/tiny-sc
MiniSteno extended
First extension to MiniSteno: Enable multi-letter chuck names separated by .
SynthDefLoader sends new SynthDefs to Server in strict order, and starts Chucks exactly as soon as their SynthDef has been loaded. This has two advantages:
- Timing of starting of Chucks after loading new SynthDefs is precise, not dependent on arbitrary wait parameter.
- Chucks are now ready to play with Event:play instead of synth-new.
Nested Par-Ser in MiniSteno
MiniSteno: Group order is now correct for multiple nestings of Par-Ser-Par.
MiniSteno fixed
Fixed serious omissions in Par - Ser Synth-Link insertion algorithm
Reliable audio linking between chucks, in parallel and series.
Reconfiguration possible while the system is running.
No runaway links or unpredictable results.
Uses MiniSteno: A radically simplified version of Julian Rohrhuber's Steno.
Task+Chuck Synth Release details improved
Tested Task+Chuck start/stop and the corresponding release of Synths, made adjustments to cover all cases.
All "Node not found" messages have disappeared.
=> replaced by +>
- Compatibility with Org-mode tables. For use as score system.
- No longer conflicts with DewDrop lib's => operator by James Harkins.
Canis plenus et libum soldum
Chuck add task pattern fixed.
README: + Task Filter examples
*>.xopattern Tox works
FIrst working tests with *>.xo operator to add Tox filter patterns
README cleanup.