Experimental lexer/parser library written in Go. Currently under active development.
is a library for creating hand-written lexers and parsers. The API is based loosely off of Rob Pike's Lexical Scanning in Go where the lexer's state is itself a function. lexparse
extends this concept to the parser and also implements state via an interface to allow data to be held for each state without the need for a closure.
Hand-written parsers can be easier to write and manage in some situations. They are often faster and can provide more helpful error messages if written well. Rob Pike's Lexical Scanning in Go outlines some of these arguments in the beginning of the talk.
You can install the library into your project using go get
go get github.com/ianlewis/lexparse
The API for lexparse
is broken up into a lexing API and an optional parsing API. The lexing API handles separating input into tokens.
The Lexer
is a lexical analyzer and operates on a buffered stream of text and outputs tokens which consist of a lexeme (the text) and a type. It is a finite state machine where each state (LexState
) includes some logic for processing input while in that state. The Lexer
maintains a cursor to the start of the currently processed token in addition to the underlying reader's position. When the token has been fully processed it can be emitted to a channel for further processing by the Parser
Developers implement the token processing portion of the lexer by implementing LexState
interface for each relevant lexer state. Lexer
is passed to each LexState
during processing and includes a number of methods that can be used to advance through the input text.
For example, consider the following simple template language.
{% if name %}
Welcome {{ name }},
{% else %}
{% endif %}
We are looking forward to your visit.
The Lexer
might produce something like the following tokens:
Type | Value | State |
Text | "Hello,\n" |
Text |
Block Start | {% |
Symbol |
Identifier | if |
Identifier |
Block Start | {% |
Symbol |
Text | "\nWelcome " |
Text |
Variable Start | {{ |
Symbol |
Identifier | name |
Identifier |
Variable End | }} |
Symbol |
Text | ",\n" |
Text |
Block Start | {% |
Symbol |
Identifier | else |
Identifier |
Block End | %} |
Symbol |
Text | "\nWelcome,\n" |
Text |
Block Start | {% |
Symbol |
Identifier | endif |
Identifier |
Block End | %} |
Symbol |
Text | "\n\nWe are looking forward to your visit.\n" |
Text |
For a template language, parsing text is a sort of default state so the state machine might look like the following.
: processes and emits text tokens.Symbol
: processes symbol delimiters like{{
: processes a number of identifiers between symbols. Discards whitespace.Identifier
: processes a single identifier.
graph TD
%% Nodes
%% Edge connections
The Lexer
shouldn't necessarily be concerned with which symbols or identifiers are showing up in which order at this point. Robust error checking can be performed later by the parser.
Each state is represented by an object implementing the LexState
interface. It contains only a single Run
method which handles processing input text while in that state.
// LexState is the state of the current lexing state machine. It defines the logic
// to process the current state and returns the next state.
type LexState interface {
// Run returns the next state to transition to or an error. If the returned
// next state is nil or the returned error is io.EOF then the Lexer
// finishes processing normally.
Run(context.Context, *Lexer) (LexState, error)
We will first need to define our token types.
const (
textType lexparse.LexemeType = iota
If we don't need to carry any data with our state we can implement it with a function that has the same signature as LexState.Run
. The function can be converted to a LexState
by the LexStateFn
For example, in the lexText
function we peek at the input to determine if we need to emit the current token and change state. Otherwise, we continue advancing over the text.
// lexText tokenizes normal text.
func lexText(_ context.Context, l *lexparse.Lexer) (lexparse.LexState, error) {
for {
p := l.PeekN(2)
switch string(p) {
case tokenBlockStart, tokenVarStart:
if l.Width() > 0 {
return lexparse.LexStateFn(lexCode), nil
// Advance the input.
if !l.Advance() {
// End of input. Emit the text up to this point.
if l.Width() > 0 {
return nil, nil
Each state can be implemented this way to complete the Lexer
's logic. You can find a full working example in template_example_test.go
The Lexer
is initialized with a starting state, a channel to send tokens to, and a buffered reader for the input. The reader implements the BufferedReader
interface which does not have an implementation in the standard library, but a good implementation exists in ianlewis/runeio.
tokens := make(chan *lexparse.Token, 1024)
lexer := lexparse.NewLexer(r, tokens, initState),
if err := lexer.Lex(context.Background); err != nil {
The parsing API takes tokens from the Lexer
, processes them, and creates an abstract syntax tree (AST). The parsing API is optional in that the Lexer
can be used on its own, or with a parser that is better suited to your use case.
Like the Lexer
in the lexing API, the parsing API's Parser
is a finite state machine with each state (ParseState
) implementing some logic for that state. The Parser
maintains the AST as it's being created and a pointer to the current node in the tree. This allows each ParseState
to operate on the tree in the correct position. However, there are two major differences from the lexing API.
One difference from the lexer API is that the parser API utilizes Go's generics. Nodes in the AST use generics to allow each node to hold custom data.
The second is that the Parser
manages state on a stack. This allows for more recursive style of parsing by pushing future expected states onto the stack while also accommodating adding new expected states at each level.
Using the example template language above, the Parser
might generate an AST that looks like the following.
flowchart-elk TD
%% Nodes
ROOT@{ shape: lin-rect, label: "sequence (ROOT)" }
CONDITION@{ shape: diamond, label: "if/else" }
IF@{ shape: lin-rect, label: "sequence" }
ELSE@{ shape: lin-rect, label: "sequence" }
HELLO@{ shape: braces, label: "'Hello,'" }
WELCOME@{ shape: braces, label: "'Welcome'", }
WELCOME_COMMA@{ shape: braces, label: "'Welcome,'", }
COMMA@{ shape: braces, label: "','"}
MESSAGE@{ shape: braces, label: "'We are ...'"}
%% Edge connections
Similar to the lexer API, each parser state is represented by an object implementing the ParseState
interface. It contains only a single Run
method which handles processing input tokens while in that state.
// ParseState is the state of the current parsing state machine. It defines the logic
// to process the current state and returns the next state.
type ParseState[V comparable] interface {
// Run returns the next state to transition to or an error. If the returned
// next state is nil or the returned error is io.EOF then the Lexer
// finishes processing normally.
Run(context.Context, *Parser[V]) (ParseState[V], error)
We will first define our node types and custom data.
type nodeType int
const (
// nodeTypeSeq is a node whose children are various text,if,var nodes in order.
nodeTypeSeq nodeType = iota
// nodeTypeText is a leaf node comprised of text.
// nodeTypeBranch is a binary node whose first child is the 'if' sequence
// node and second is the 'else' sequence node.
// nodeTypeVar nodes are variable leaf nodes.
type tmplNode struct {
typ nodeType
// Fields below are populated based on node type.
varName string
text string
The parser's base state parseSeq
handles a sequence of text or logic nodes. Here we push the later relevant expected state onto the parser's stack.
// parseSeq delegates to another parse function based on token type.
func parseSeq(_ context.Context, p *lexparse.Parser[*tmplNode]) error {
token := p.Peek()
switch token.Type {
case lexTypeText:
case lexTypeVarStart:
case lexTypeBlockStart:
return nil
Multiple expected states can be pushed onto the stack at once. Here we can expect a variable name identifier and varible close symbol (}}
). The states are pushed in reverse order so that they are handled in the order listed.
// parseVarStart handles var start (e.g. '{{').
func parseVarStart(_ context.Context, p *lexparse.Parser[*tmplNode]) error {
// Consume the var start token.
_ = p.Next()
return nil
Each state can be implemented this way to complete the Parser
's logic. You can find a full working example in template_example_test.go
The Parser
is initialized with a channel to recieve tokens from, and the initial parser state. The reader implements the BufferedReader
interface which does not have an implementation in the standard library, but a good implementation exists in ianlewis/runeio.
tokens := make(chan *lexparse.Token, 1024)
parser := lexparse.NewParser(tokens, initState),
go func() {
// send some tokens to the channel.
Type: tokenTypeText,
Value: "some",
Type: tokenTypeText,
Value: "token",
// Close the tokens channel to indicate there are no more tokens.
if err := parser.Parse(context.Background); err != nil {
A Lexer
and Parser
can be used together by calling the LexParse
function. This returns the root node of the abstract syntax tree.
r := runeio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(`Hello, {% if subject %}{{ subject }}{% else %}World{% endif %}!`))
tokens := make(chan *lexparse.Token, 1024)
tree, err := lexparse.LexParse(
lexparse.NewLexer(r, tokens, lexparse.LexStateFn(lexText)),
lexparse.NewParser(tokens, lexparse.ParseStateFn(parseRoot)),
- zalgonoise/lex/zalgonoise/parse: A good library, but uses a custom
library for readers. - alecthomas/participle: A very well done library for mapping grammar to Go types.
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contributor documentation.