A Three.js & Vue.js viewport component for 3D applications.
This Vue.js component helps make it easier to use Three.js in your applications. The component creates its own camera and renderer (either perspective or orthographic), and uses a global Three.js scene in your Vuex store.
Live (Coming soon!) | (Source)
Four Vue.js components rendering a single global scene. They are (clockwise from upper left): top, front, left, and perspective.
npm install --save three-vue-viewport
Make sure you have Vuex installed and have created a Three.js scene
Can I use this without Vuex?
Maybe. In theory, just pass your scene into the component. This may have some scope issues though, we'll see. You'll notice this repository is blank and I won't have time to work on it until a week or so for now.
Did you really pass on the opportunity to call this a three-vueport?