Welcome to the Object Detection AI repository! This project contains scripts and resources for object detection using various AI models and computer vision techniques.
- FLIP.py: Python script to flip images horizontally and vertically.
- Grayscale_images.py: Python script to convert images to grayscale.
- Rotate.py: Python script to rotate images by a specified angle.
- detect.py: Python script for object detection using YOLOv5 model.
- yolov5n.pt: Pre-trained YOLOv5 model checkpoint.
- yolov5s.pt: Pre-trained YOLOv5 small model checkpoint.
- yolov8n-seg.pt: Pre-trained YOLOv8 segmentation model checkpoint.
- bus.jpg: Sample image of a bus.
- car.jpg: Sample image of a car.
- video1.mp4: Sample video file for testing object detection.
To run the scripts, ensure you have the required dependencies installed. You can use the following commands: