IBM Cloud Activity Tracker has two related offerings:
- Activity Tracker Event Routing
- Activity Tracker Hosted Event Search
In Canada, only Hosted Event Search is available, and only in the Toronto region (ca-tor). Additionally, global events, such as IAM events, will go to the Frankfurt region (eu-de) by default, meaning you either need an instance of Activity Tracker in Frankfurt, or you need to route those events to your Hosted Event Search instance in Toronto. Typically, services provisioned in a region send events to the Activity Tracker in that region, but some cloud services in Toronto are still sending audit events to us-east or us-south, so it's recommended to forward events from those regions as well. You can also forward from any other region that supports routing.
If data residency is important to your solution, you can use this Terraform to route all events to your instance of Activity Tracker in Toronto.
Note that you can only have one instance of Activity Tracker per region, so you may need to tweak this terraform to provide your Activity Tracker crn if you already have one in Toronto.
Copy terraform.tfvars.template
to terraform.tfvars
and fill in the variables.
Your API Key will need the following permissions
Service: Activity Tracker
Service Access: Manager
Platform Access: Administrator
Service: Activity Tracker event routing
Platform Access: Administrator
It will also need permission Administrator permission for the Resource Group you are using.
Name | Description | Type | Default/Example | Required |
ibmcloud_api_key | API Key used to provision resources. Your key must be authorized to perform the actions in this script. | string | N/A | yes |
region | Region to deploy resources | string | ca-tor | only if overriding the default |
resource_group_name | Name of existing resource group into which to deploy | string | N/A | yes |
activity_tracker_plan | Activity Tracker Plan 7-day or 30-day | string | 7-day | only if overriding the default |
activity_tracker_route_sources | A route will be created the sends events from the these regions to your target instance. | list(string) ["us-south","us-east","global"] | only if overriding the default. The default routes local events from us-south and us-east and global events. At time of writing, you can also route events from au-syd ,eu-de and eu-gb |
- terraform init
- terraform apply
Open your provisioned instance of Activity Tracker. You should see both local events and global events, such as iam events in your Toronto instance of Activity Tracker.
You can also view your route and target using the IBM Cloud CLI.
Type the following to see commands related to Activity Tracker
ibmcloud at -h
To see all routes, type
ibmcloud at route ls
You should see a route called canada-route
To see details of this route, type
ibmcloud at route get --route canada-route --output json
And you should see something like:
"id": "9be*****************79",
"name": "canada-route",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:atracker:global:a/fa***************c::route:9be*****************79",
"version": 0,
"rules": [
"target_ids": [
"locations": [
"created_at": "2023-03-31T15:30:20.435Z",
"updated_at": "2023-03-31T15:30:20.435Z",
"api_version": 2
To see target details:
ibmcloud at target ls
You should see a target called 'tor-at-target'. Note that the Region shows as us-east
. This is where the target metadata is stored.
To see the details of the target, type
ibmcloud at target get --target tor-at-target --output json
The output will look like:
"id": "a6a********************d",
"name": "tor-at-target",
"crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:atracker:us-east:a/fa8*******************48c::target:a6a********************d",
"target_type": "logdna",
"region": "us-east",
"logdna_endpoint": {
"target_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:logdnaat:ca-tor:a/fa8*******************48c:e16********************2::"
"write_status": {
"status": "success"
"created_at": "2023-03-31T15:30:19.459Z",
"updated_at": "2023-03-31T15:30:19.459Z",
"api_version": 2