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R Language Driver for Db2 family of database servers


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An asynchronous/synchronous interface for R to IBM DB2

Supported Platforms - Windows64, MacOS64, Linuxx64, Linuxia32, AIX

API Documentation

For complete list of RIBMDB APIs and example, please refer /inst/doc/RIBMDB.pdf


  • Make sure your system has C++ compiler installed that support C++11 standard.

  • For non-windows platforms: gcc compiler version >= 4.8.3 is required to install RIBMDB. Default compiler on RHEL 6 does not have the required support. Install a newer compiler or upgrade older one.

  • For Windows: compiler is optional as RIBMDB comes with pre-compiled binary on Windows64 for R version >= 3.x. To compile code on Windows, VC++ 2015.3 v14.00 (v140) or Visual Studio 2017 is required.

  • On distributed platforms, you do need not to install any Db2 ODBC client driver for connectivity. RIBMDB itself downloads and installs an odbc/cli driver from IBM website during installation. Just install RIBMDB and it is ready for use.

  • Recommended version of R is >= V3.X. to install RIBMDB.

  • The latest R version using which RIBMDB is tested: 3.6.1

  • RIBMDB package Depends on 'httr' package. Make sure you have this installed post R installation i.e. from R prompt:

NOTE: for MACOS download the MACOS binary from "" and install the same using "R CMD INSTALL DBI_1.1.0.tgz".
NOTE: For AIX, make sure that before you install the POOL package, appropriate version of gcc-c++ rpm is installed on your AIX box i.e. e.g. sudo rpm -i gcc-cplusplus-8.3.0-1.aix6.1.ppc.rpm


You can build the package using command:


Rcmd.exe build <Master Folder of Project. Make sure the name of same is different than RIBMDB>


sudo R CMD build <Master Folder of Project. Make sure the name of same is different than RIBMDB>


You may install the package using R install command for source package i.e. .tar.gz:


Rcmd.exe INSTALL RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz


sudo R CMD INSTALL RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz

You can install the package directly from source folder as well using below command:


Rcmd.exe INSTALL <Master Folder of RIBMDB Project. Make sure the name of same is different than RIBMDB like RIBMDB-src>


sudo R CMD INSTALL <Master Folder of RIBMDB Project. Make sure the name of same is different than RIBMDB like RIBMDB-src>

For Docker Linux Container, use below commands:


For more installation details please refer: INSTALLATION GUIDE

Important Environment Variables and Download Essentials


  • While installing, the driver downloads and installs the CLI driver from below URL if the same is not present in the system/environment variable.

  • If you don't want the installer to download the CLI driver, you can download the same or copy from alternate source rather than below to your system's R.Home() directory. The path should look like <R_HOME>/clidriver

  • Else, Download the driver in your selected directory and set the IBM_DB_HOME Environment variable for the same to be used.


  • Binary installer(.zip) is only available for WIN and MAC, not supported for linux.

  • General method of package installation is using the source.

  • Command to check the dependency of a Shared Object i.e. ".so" file

> ldd
  • Command to install in another folder rather than defaul R LIB using -l(. means in the same directory where you are running the command else you can specify the directory where you want to install the LIBRARY))
> sudo R CMD INSTALL -l . RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --no-test-load
  • Command to install a package without test load
> sudo R CMD INSTALL RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --no-test-load
  • Command to install a package with args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you don't want the package installer to install the CLI driver (OR) You already have the CLI driver path set i.e. "/home/foo/bar/clidriver"
> sudo R CMD INSTALL -c --no-test-load  RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --configure-args="IBM_DB_HOME=/home/foo/bar/clidriver"
  • Command to install a package with no args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you want the package installer to install the CLI driver based on LINUX version and Arch.
> sudo R CMD INSTALL -c --no-test-load  RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz
  • Command to test a connection
> db2cli validate -database "<dbname>:<HOSTNAME>:<PORT>" -user <UID> -passwd <PASSWORD> -connect
  • Connnection variable sample for RR file for test
  • Command to run a R script i.e. Master.R in the PWD
> Rscript Master.R
  • Command to run R script i.e. Master.R in "/work/foo/R/" directory
> Rscript /work/foo/R/Master.R


  • MAC is a UNIX based system so all the above commands for LINUX are applicable for MAC as well with an exception below for installation where argument for host_alias is mandatory.

  • Command to install a package with args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you don't want the package installer to install the CLI driver (OR) You already have the CLI driver path set i.e. "/home/foo/bar/clidriver"

> sudo R CMD INSTALL --no-staged-install RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --configure-args="host_alias=darwin15.6.0" --configure-args="IBM_DB_HOME=/home/foo/bar/clidriver"
  • Command to install a package with no args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you want the package installer to install the CLI driver based on LINUX version and Arch.
> sudo R CMD INSTALL --no-staged-install RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --configure-args="host_alias=darwin15.6.0"


  • AIX is a UNIX based system so all the above commands for LINUX are applicable for AIX as well with few exceptions and notes as follows:

  • Make sure you have YUM installed on your AIX machine. This facilitates R and other dependent softwares installation rather than doing the same manually from AIX toolbox. YUM installation steps, R RPM and other RPMs are available in IBM toolbox link:

  • Command to install a package with args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you don't want the package installer to install the CLI driver (OR) You already have the CLI driver path set i.e. "/home/foo/bar/clidriver"

> sudo R CMD INSTALL RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz --configure-args="IBM_DB_HOME=/home/foo/bar/clidriver"
  • Command to install a package with no args to CONFIGURE i.e. If you want the package installer to install the CLI driver based on LINUX version and Arch.
> sudo R CMD INSTALL RIBMDB_1.0-24.tar.gz
  • R 32 bit and 64 bit version can be installed on AIX 64 bit machine. Make sure the R/bin path is pointing to 64 bit installation on 64 bit machine i.e. /opt/freeware/lib64/R/bin.

  • make sure gtar is in available in /usr/bin location else use below command to create a link to gtar installation:

sudo ln -s /wsdb/oemtools/aixbin/gtar /usr/bin/gtar
  • Make sure you have curl and curl-devel rpms installed for successfull installation of httr package.

  • There is a known issue with httr package installation on 64bit R (Fix is expected soon as per IBM) because of some problem with latest mpfr rpm hence remove it and then retry httr package installation.

> sudo rm -rf /opt/freeware/lib64/libmpfr.a


Use CLIDriver_Installer.R to install the CLI driver from internet else if you already have the CLI driver installed, you can simply pass the same as argument i.e. --configure-args="IBM_DB_HOME=<CLI_DRIVER_PATH>" during RIBMDB package installation.

  • How to run the installer?
> Rscript CLIDriver_Installer.R
**Expected O/P: ** Installation Path which has to be used during RIBMDB installation in place of "CLI_DRIVER_PATH" in "configure-args"

Download clidriver (based on your platform & architecture) from the below IBM Hosted URL:


Cli Drivers for Specific Platform and Architecture

Platform Architecture Cli Driver Supported
AIX ppc aix32_odbc_cli.tar.gz Yes
others aix64_odbc_cli.tar.gz Yes
Darwin x64 macos64_odbc_cli.tar.gz Yes
Linux x64 linuxx64_odbc_cli.tar.gz Yes
Windows x64 Yes
x32 Yes

Connection Pooling

Connection pooling is supported using DBI implementation and using "POOL" package as below:


This package is mainly for connection pooling support for RIBMDB in relation with "pool" package. Check below link for details:

Example - 1

#Load library

# At first, we make a sample table using RODBC package
con <- dbConnect(RODBCDBI::ODBC(), 'foodb','',12345,'guest','guest')
con <- function()
  dbname <- 'foodb'
  host <- ''
  port <- 12345
  uid <- 'guest'
  pwd <- 'guest'
  dbConnect(RODBCDBI::ODBC(), dbname,host,port,uid,pwd)

#Show table lists

#Add new tables(iris, USArrests)
dbWriteTable(con, "USArrests", USArrests)
dbWriteTable(con, "iris", iris)

#Show table again to check that the above tables are added correctly.

#Show the columns(fields) of iris table
dbListFields(con, "iris")

#Get the entire contents of iris and USArrests tables
dbReadTable(con, "iris")
dbReadTable(con, "USArrests")

# You can fetch all results by SQL:
res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM USArrests")
# ...Or indicate its size of the row.
dbFetch(res, n=3)

# If you want to know the only row size of your query, you can use dbGetRowCount
# Or you can get all result at once by dbGetQuery
dbGetRowCount(res, "SELECT * FROM USArrests")

# You can get the column information of your query.(not implemented completely)

# Clear the result

# Disconnect from the database

Example - 2

# load pool Library

# Create pool object. This will give you a connection of pool to be used instead of individual connection.
  pool <- dbPool(
    drv = RODBCDBI::ODBC(),
    dbname = "foodb",
    host = "",
    port = 60000,
    user = "guest",
    password = "guest"
# Create table.
  dbWriteTable(pool, "iris", iris, overwrite=TRUE)

# Query Table  
  dbGetQuery(pool, "SELECT * from iris;")
# Drop Table
  dbRemoveTable(pool, "iris")
# Get connection from pool
	conn <- poolCheckout(pool)
# For above DBI APIs you can pass connection instead of pool i.e.
	dbWriteTable(conn, "iris", iris, overwrite=TRUE)
# You can get the channel and call the RIBMDB ODBC APIs directly.
	Atest <-
		data.frame(x = c(paste(1:100, collapse="+"), letters[2:4]), rn=1:4)
	sqlDrop(channel, "Atest", errors = FALSE)
	colspec <- list(character="varchar(1000)", double="double",
                 integer="integer", logical="varchar(5)")
	sqlSave(channel, Atest, typeInfo = colspec)

# Return the connection to pool once done.
# Close the pool once done.


Many thanks to Brian D. Ripley, Michael Lapsley since this package is a wrapper of RIBMDB package built on RODBC package & Nagi Teramo since RODBCDBI package is used as reference/base code.

Quick Example

channel <- odbcConnect("<dbname>","<uid>","<pwd>")


To uninstall RIBMDB package from your system, just delete the RIBMDB directory from R home library.

Need Help?

If you encountered any issue with RIBMDB, first check for existing solution or work-around under issues tab. Link for the same:

If no solution found, you can open a new issue on github in this project under Issues tab.

How to get RIBMDB instance?

The simple api is based on the instances of Database class. You may get an instance by one of the following ways:


Build Options


Standard R debugging. Refer


Contributing to the RIBMDB

Contribution Guidelines

Contributor should add a reference to the DCO sign-off as comment in the pull request(example below):
DCO 1.1 Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <[email protected]>


R Language Driver for Db2 family of database servers







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Contributors 4
