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Vanilla JavaScript Landing Page

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A landing page implemented as part of Professional Web Development Track offered by egFWD Initiative through Udacity.

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To use this project, First clone the repository on your local device using the commands below:

git clone


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In this section, I will explain how the code works and how everything is put together.

Interface and Architecture

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This project has the structure shown below:

- styles.css    
- app.js


This website has a Responsive Design. This means: "All features are usable across modern desktop, tablet, and phone browsers."


When a section is in the viewport, the following actions will happen:

  1. this section will be highlighted indicating it's the active section.
  2. This active section will be highlighted in the Navbar.

HTML Structure

At the beginning, there are FOUR sections that have been added to the page.

Landing Page Behavior

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1. Navigation

Navigation is built dynamically as an unordered list. The document object has an event listener which is listening for DOMContentLoaded event. When the DOM content is loaded, the following actions are performed:

  1. Collect the required data from each displayed section using id and data-nav attributes.
  2. Clear Navbar list, if exists; to start with empty Navbar list.
  3. Create a fragment element using .createDocumentFragment() function to append the created navbar list elements into it.
  4. Loop through the collected data to create li elements; and set each innerHTML value to a specific a element; then append this li element to fragment.
  5. Append the created fragment to Navbar after adding all desired li elements to it.

2. Section Active State

It shows which section is being viewed while scrolling through the page. The document object has an event listener which is listening for scroll events. While scrolling, the following actions are performed:

  1. Obtain ALL displayed sections into single array to manipulate them easily.
  2. Get the top value of current viewport using .getBoundingClientRect() function.
  3. Loop through all sections to check if the current section passes specific conditions.
  4. if true, Set the current section to active via manipulating its classList.

3. Scroll to Anchor

When clicking an item from the navigation menu, the link should scroll smoothly to the appropriate section.
Navigation menu has an event listener which is listening for click events. When clicked, the following actions are performed:

  1. Prevent the default action; By using .preventDefault() function.
  2. Set the scroll behavior to smooth.
  3. Check if an appropriate element is clicked; By checking its href value.
  4. if it's an appropriate element, then use .scrollIntoView() function to scroll into the appropriate section.

Additional Features

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1. Navbar Active State

By highlighting the navbar link to the appropriate section, It shows which section is being viewed while scrolling through the page. The document object has an event listener which is listening for scroll events. While scrolling, the following actions are performed:
NOTE: Using the same algorithm explained previously at Section Active State.

  1. Obtain ALL displayed sections into single array to manipulate them easily.
  2. Get the top value of current viewport using .getBoundingClientRect() function.
  3. Loop through all sections to check if the current section passes specific conditions.
  4. if true, extract the navbar list item of the current section.
  5. Set this list item to active via manipulating its classList.

2. Hide Navbar while NOT Scrolling

NOTE: The idea behind this implementation is formulated after reading this great post:
Detecting when a visitor has stopped scrolling with vanilla JavaScript.

The document object has an event listener which is listening for scroll events. While scrolling, the following actions are performed:

  1. Clear the global scrolling timeout ID using clearTimeout() function.
  2. Remove a specific class, hide, from navbar classList which will show the navbar.
  3. Set the global scrolling timeout ID using setTimeout() function.
  4. The setTimeout() function will execute a specific function after a desired period of time, HIDE_TIMEOUT, which will Add the class hide to navbar classList.

3. Add New Section

The Add Section button has a list of event listeners, each is listening to a specific event as following:

  • pointerenter event: Show the button's text, which is Add Section, with some transition appearance.
  • pointerleave event: Hide the button's text.
  • click event:
    1. Get the main element and ALL the displayed sections inside it.
    2. Obtain the last section data, id and data-nav attributes, if there is ANY section; if NOT, Create a virtual section with id='section0' and data-nav='Section 0' to continue the next step without any errors.
    3. Update the last section's collected data by increasing its values by 1.
    4. Create a new section element then set the new id and data-nav attributes to it.
    5. Set the innerHTML value of this new section element to a specific value Lorem ipsum.
    6. Append this new section to the main element.

4. Delete Last Section

The Delete Section button has a list of event listeners, each is listening to a specific event as following:

  • pointerenter event: Show the button's text, which is Delete Section, with some transition appearance.
  • pointerleave event: Hide the button's text.
  • click event:
    1. Get ALL the displayed sections inside the main element.
    2. Check the number of the obtained sections; As you may want to leave the page with a specific/minimum number of sections displayed on it, this number is set through the MIN_SECTION_THRESHOLD global variable.
    3. Remove the last section from the main element.

5. Go To Top

The Go to Top button has a list of event listeners, each is listening to a specific event as following:

  • pointerenter event: Show the button's text, which is Go to Top, with some transition appearance.
  • pointerleave event: Hide the button's text.
  • click event:
    1. Set (x, y), also known as (left, top), to (0, 0).
    2. Set the scroll behavior to smooth.
    3. use .scrollTo() function to scroll to the appropriate position, which is the start of the window.