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OCW Studio manages deployments for OCW courses.


  1. Initial Setup
  2. Testing and Formatting
  3. Importing OCW course sites
  4. Defining local starter projects and site configs
  5. Enabling GitHub integration

Initial Setup

ocw_studio follows the same initial setup steps outlined in the common ODL web app guide. Run through those steps including the addition of /etc/hosts aliases and the optional step for running the createsuperuser command.

In addition, you should create a starter with slug=ocw-www through the admin interface with config data taken from the ocw-www starter on RC or production. Then, you should go to the /sites UI and create a new site with name=ocw-www using the ocw-www starter.

Finally, create/update additional starters with the following command:

docker-compose run web python override_site_config

Testing Touchstone login with SAML via SSOCircle

Note: Testing with ShibTest instead of SSOCircle fails unless python-saml3 is downgraded to 1.2.6 and use="signing" is removed from the KeyDescriptor tag of the SP metadata

  • NOTE: your app's BASE_URL hostname and the x509 FQDN must match, additionally SSOCircle enforces an requirement that this value be unique per user, so you'll need to pick a hostname no one else on our team is using

  • Create an X.509 certificate & key with the following command, picking a unique FQDN for yourself (e.g. MYNAME.ocw-studio.odl.local):

    openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out saml.crt -keyout saml.key
  • Enter values for the following SAML configuration variables in your .env file

    SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID=http://MYNAME.ocw-studio.odl.local:8043/  # replace with the one entered into the x509 cert above
    SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT=<saml.crt contents, no spaces or returns>
    SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY= <saml.key contents, no spaces or returns>
    # The value for SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_IDP_X509 comes from
    SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_IDP_X509=<get value from>
  • Go to http://MYNAME.ocw-studio.odl.local:8043/saml/metadata/ and copy the XML response

  • Register & login for a free account at, the email that you use to register will be used as your social-auth identifier.

    SSOCircle free accounts are limited to three concurrent sessions. See

  • After confirming your registration, go to

    • Click Add new Service Provider
    • Enter your FQDN as the FQDN
    • Check FirstName, EmailAddress
    • Paste the XML response from above into the text field
    • Submit the form
  • In an incognito browser window, go to http://MYNAME.ocw-studio.odl.local:8043/login/saml/?next=%2F&idp=default

  • You should be redirected to SSOCircle, fill out the captcha and click Continue SAML Single Sign On

  • You should be redirected back to the /sites/ pages, and be logged in.

  • Log out & back in as a superuser and to go the Users admin page.

    • There should be a new user with the same email address and name that you used to register with SSOCircle.


To ensure commits to github are safe, you should install the following first:

pip install pre_commit
pre-commit install

To automatically install precommit hooks when cloning a repo, you can run this:

git config --global init.templateDir ~/.git-template
pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template

Testing and Formatting

Writing tests, running the test suite, and formatting code follows the same steps that are outlined in the common ODL web app guide. Below are some steps that may be particular to this project.

JS/CSS Tests and Linting

The JS linting, testing, and formatting tools can be used either in the watch (node.js) container or on the host computer from the command line.

To run these things in the docker container, preface the commands below with docker-compose run --rm watch.

JS tests

We use Jest for our JavaScript tests. It's a nice batteries-included testing framework built for testing React components from the ground up.

To run the tests:

npm test

For watch mode (jest --watch):

npm run test:watch

To run a specific test by name:

npm test -- -t "my test name"

(note that this will find partial matches too).

To generate a coverage report:

npm run test:coverage

JS formatting, linting, and typechecking

We're using TypeScript for typechecking, eslint for linting, and prettier for opinionated code formatting. Just as with the tests above, these commands can all be run ether in the docker container or the host machine.

To run the typechecker:

npm run typecheck

This runs tsc --noEmit, which basically typechecks the program and outputs any error but does not run a full compilation. We have incremental compilation turned on, so this should be relatively fast. It uses a file called .tsbuildinfo for incremental compilation.

To run the linter:

npm run lint

And to format, try:

npm run fmt

You can also try npm run fmt:check to see if any files need to be reformatted.

Defining local starter projects and site configs

This project includes some tools that simplify development with starter projects and site configs. These tools allow you to do the following:

  • Define entire starter projects within this repo and load them into your database
  • Override the site config for starters with a particular slug value

Enabling GitHub integration

You can enable git integration so that website content will be synced with GitHub:

  • Create an organization within Github
  • Create a Github personal access token, with all repo permissions
  • Add the following to your .env file:
  • If you need to use a custom git domain, add GIT_API_URL=<your_domain>/api/v3
  • If you would like git commits to be anonymized, add FEATURE_GIT_ANONYMOUS_COMMITS=True

You will also need authenticate using either a personal access token or via a github app. Both options have a base rate limit of 5K/hour, but a github app will allow for an additional 50/hr for each repo in your organization if you have at least 20 repos.

If you wish to authenticate using a personal access token, create one in Github then set the following in your .env file:


If you wish to use a github app, create one for your organization:

  • The homepage url can be anything
  • You do not need a callback url or webhook url (disable webhooks)
  • For Repository Permissions, choose "read/write" permission for "Administration", "Contents", "Pull Requests", "Commit Statuses"
  • After it is created, add the "App ID" to your .env file:
    GITHUB_APP_ID=<app id>
  • Generate a private key. A pem file will download. You need to use the content of this file in your .env file:
  • Install the app (follow instructions in link above) to your organization for "All repositories"

Local S3 emulation with Minio

Our docker-compose configuration includes an instance of Minio which emulates Amazon's S3 service locally. This works in conjunction with the ENVIRONMENT env variable being set to "dev." When this is set, usage of the boto3 library will automatically set endpoint_url to the internal docker IP address of the Minio instance. You will need a few env variables:


Notice how MINIO_ROOT_USER is the same value as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD is the same as AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. This is to ensure that the Minio server is initialized with the same access keys that ocw-studio is using. The rest of the AWS bucket name keys are the same as a standard AWS configuration. the RESOURCE_BASE_URL keys are for use with the Concourse container. When using Minio in conjunction with Concourse and running any of the management commands that upsert pipelines, these values will be used for the RESOURCE_BASE_URL env variable when building sites.

In sites that support resource upload, you should be able to upload anything except videos to Google Drive using the RC Google Drive credentials, then in your site click "Sync w/ Google Drive." If you visit http://localhost:9001 in your web browser, you should be brought to the Minio control panel. You can log into this with whatever you set MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD to. Inside, you should be able to browse the files you uploaded to the bucket. Videos are not currently supported locally beacuse of the transcoding service that is normally used with this. The preview and publish buckets are exposed via nginx locally at http://localhost:8044 and http://localhost:8045 respectively.

In order to complete your local development setup, you will need to follow the instructions below to configure a Concourse docker container so you can run pipelines and have them push their output to your Minio S3 buckets. The OCW_HUGO_THEMES_BRANCH and OCW_HUGO_PROJECTS_BRANCH settings will control the branch of each of these repos that are pulled down in pipelines that build sites. If you are debugging an issue with a specific branch, This is where you want to change them before you run a command that pushes up a pipeline like docker-compose exec web ./ backpopulate_pipelines --filter etc...

Note that you may also want to set OCW_STUDIO_LIVE_URL=https://localhost:8045/and OCW_STUDIO_DRAFT_URL=http://localhost:8045/ in your .env file so that the URLs in the publish drawer will point to your Minio published content. If you do this, you will likely need to also set STATIC_API_BASE_URL to like above. Usually the best way to get started getting content into your local instance of ocw-studio is to dump and restore the production database to your local instance. One side effect of doing this is that the ocw-www site in production has a bunch of different sites linked to it via various course lists. When building ocw-www, Hugo will attempt to fetch static JSON data related to these linked courses and will encounter errors if it cannot fetch them. To avoid this, make sure STATIC_API_BASE_URL is set as detailed above. If STATIC_API_BASE_URL is not set, it will fall back to OCW_STUDIO_DRAFT_URL or OCW_STUDIO_LIVE_URL depending on the context of the pipeline. So, if you have this set to a URL where the courses referenced in your ocw-www site's course lists haven't been published, you will have issues.

Enabling Concourse-CI integration

Concourse-CI integration is enabled by default to create and trigger publishing pipelines, but you will need to follow some additional steps before it is fully functional.

  • Set up Github integration as described above

  • Set up a Concourse-CI instance with a team, username, and password

  • Add the following to your .env file:

    AWS_PREVIEW_BUCKET_NAME=<S3 bucket for draft content>
    AWS_PUBLISH_BUCKET_NAME=<S3 bucket for live content>
    GIT_DOMAIN=<root domain for github repos, ie>
    ROOT_WEBSITE_NAME=< for the website that should be the 'home page'>
    CONCOURSE_URL=<The URL of your Concourse-CI instance>
    CONCOURSE_TEAM=<Concourse-CI team, defaults to "ocw">
    CONCOURSE_USERNAME=<Concourse-CI username>
    CONCOURSE_PASSWORD=<Concourse-CI password>
    CONCOURSE_IS_PRIVATE_REPO=<True if repo is private, False otherwise>
    API_BEARER_TOKEN=<some hard to guess string>
  • Draft and live pipelines should then be created for every new Website based on a WebsiteStarter with source=github and a valid github path.

  • There are also several management commands for Concourse-CI pipelines:

    • backpopulate_pipelines: to create/update pipelines for all or some existing Websites (filters available)
    • trigger_pipelines <version>: to manually trigger the draft or live pipeline for all or some existing Websites (filters available)
  • If you wish to disable concourse integration, set CONTENT_SYNC_PIPELINE_BACKEND= in your .env file.

Running a Local Concourse Docker Container

You will need to set the following .env variables for the concourse docker container:


When you spin up ocw-studio with docker-compose up, the Concourse container will come up with everything else. The concourse UI will be available for login at http://concourse:8080 (You should add concourse to your hosts file.) When you create a new website or run one of the various management commands that push pipelines up to Concourse, they will go to your local instance instead. The pipeline templates with the -dev suffix are used when settings.ENVIRONMENT is set to "dev."

When you click publish on a site, the pipelines in your local instance of Concourse will be triggered. If you set up Minio as detailed above, the pipelines will publish their output to your locally running S3 buckets inside it. As also described above, you can view the output of your sites at http://localhost:8044 and http://localhost:8045 for draft and live respectively. You will need to also make sure you run docker-compose exec web ./ upsert_theme_assets_pipeline to push up the theme assets pipeline to your local Concourse instance. You will then need to log into Concourse, unpause the pipeline and start a run of it. This will place theme assets into the bucket you have configured at AWS_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET_NAME that your site pipelines can reference. If you have already existing sites that don't have their pipelines pushed up into your local Concourse yet, you will need to run docker-compose exec web ./ backpopulate_pipelines and use the --filter or --filter-json arguments to specify the sites to push up pipelines for. The mass build sites pipeline can be pushed up with docker-compose exec web ./ upsert_mass_build_pipeline. Beware that when testing the mass build pipeline locally, you will likely need to limit the amount of sites in your local instance as with only one dockerized worker publishing the entire OCW site will take a very long time.

Running OCW Studio on Apple Silicon

Currently, the default Docker image for Concourse is not compatible with Apple Silicon. Therefore, run the following command prior to running docker-compose up:

cp docker-compose-arm64.yml docker-compose.override.yml

Note: we are currently using concourse v7.7.1 on Apple Silicon and concourse v7.9.0 on Intel architectures.

Enabling YouTube integration

  • Create a new project at
    • Save the project ID in your .env file as YT_PROJECT_ID
  • Create an OAuth client ID for the project (type: Web application)
    • Add an authorized Javascript origin (ie https://<your_domain>/)
    • Add an authorized redirect URI: https://<your_domain>/api/youtube-tokens/
    • You may need to create an oauth consent screen if prompted; make sure to publish it.
    • Save your client ID and client secret in your .env file (as YT_CLIENT_ID and YT_CLIENT_SECRET)
  • Enable the YouTube Data API v3 for your project
  • Go to https://<your_domain>/api/youtube-tokens/.
  • You should be prompted to choose a Google account. Choose an account that has upload permissions for your Youtube channel.
  • You will then be prompted to choose an account or brand account. Choose whichever is appropriate.
  • After clicking through these and allowing any requested permissions, you should be redirected back to an API response containing values for YT_ACCESS_TOKEN and YT_REFRESH_TOKEN. Add these to your .env file.

Enabling Google Drive integration

With Google Drive integration enabled, a folder on the specified Team Drive will be created for each new website. The folder will have the same name as the short_id of the website. Under this folder will be 3 subfolders: files, files_final, videos_final. Videos should be uploaded to videos_final, everything else should be uploaded to files_final. The files folder is just for temporary storage.

If this integration is enabled, manual resource creation and file uploads will no longer be possible. Files must be uploaded to Google Drive first, and then the "Sync w/Google Drive" button will import and create resources for them.

  • Add the following to your .env file:

    AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=The S3 bucket to upload google drive files to. Also populate AWS authentication settings.
    DRIVE_SHARED_ID=The id of your Google Team Drive
    DRIVE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDS=The required Google service account credentials in JSON format.
    DRIVE_IMPORT_RECENT_FILES_SECONDS=Optional, default 3600. The frequency to check for new/updated files.
    DRIVE_UPLOADS_PARENT_FOLDER_ID=Optional, the folder id in the team drive where course folders should go.
  • If your site configuration for resources has a non-standard field name for type, add the following to your .env file:



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  • Python 63.7%
  • TypeScript 34.5%
  • SCSS 0.6%
  • JavaScript 0.5%
  • HTML 0.4%
  • Shell 0.2%
  • Other 0.1%