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⚡  Symfony template project

This repository provides the recommended project template for starting a new icapps PHP project. The project template follows the best-practices of the Symfony framework and builds upon tho official symfony/skeleton template.

🚀  Installation and Documentation

This project is set-up using Symfony Local Webserver:

Copy the necessary environment variables from .env.dist and, run:

docker-compose up -d --build
symfony proxy:start
symfony server:start --dir=symfony

For initial set-up including Sulu Admin portal, run:

symfony console sulu:build dev

To create a default user for the login flow, run:

symfony php bin/websiteconsole doctrine:fixtures:load

For setting up LexikJWTAuth .pem files, run:

symfony console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

For DateTime use Carbon (also integrated standard Doctrine datetime):

$tomorrow = Carbon::now()->addDay();
$lastWeek = Carbon::now()->subWeek();

PHP Boilerplate

For further questions, ask the icapps PHP team.

✅  Requirements

This project requires a PHP version higher or equal to 7.2 and is compatible with every Symfony version starting from 4.3.

📘  License

Symfony is released under the under terms of the MIT License.