This Burpsuite plugin allows for multiple testers to share live/historical proxy requests, scope and repeater/intruder payloads with each other in real time allowing for truly collaborative web app testing. When connected to the Team Sever and in a Team Room all requests coming through your Burp client are shared with the other testers in the room and vice-versa!
Real time request/response pairs shared between all clients
Mutual TLS Encryption of all traffic between client and server
Seperate Team Rooms to allow multiple teams on 1 server
Mute individual team members or whole room
Pause sending traffic to room
Sync scope between all clients in a room
Share Repeater/Intruder payloads with individual team members or whole room
Share specific request/response pairs with individual team members or whole room
Generate shareable links to Burp Suite Requests that can be shared outside of Burp Suite
Add comments to Burp Suite requests that are v iewable by other teammates
Automatic sharing of discovered Cookies
Automatic sharing of discovered Passive/Active scan findings
Configure sharing of all requests or just in scope ones
Configure sharing/receiving Cookies
Configure sharing/receiving Issues
Save connection settings
There are two parts that make this collaborative web app testing possible. 1st is obviously a Burpsuite Plugin that uses the APIs to capture request/response pairs and ferry them to the server and receive other clients traffic. It is the main UI that users see when using this tool. 2nd is a lightweight server written in GO which manages the connections between the clients and the rooms.
go get
cd ~/go/src/
go get ./...
go install ./...
~/go/bin/BurpSuiteTeamServer -h
Usage of BurpSuiteTeamServer:
-host string
host for TLS cert. Defaults to localhost (default "localhost")
-port string
http service address (default "9999")
-serverPassword string
password for the server
The jar file is prebuilt for you within the build/jar folder. To use the prebuilt jar:
- Start Burpsuite
- Navigate to the Extender tab
- Click add and select the jar file from the git repository
- New Burpsuite tab titled "Burp TC" should appear
These actions can be taken by a client that has connected to a server
- Navigate to the "Burp TC" tab
- Enter a chosen username, the server IP address, port and server password (if required)
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" tab
- Using the "Select Certificate" file selection button, pick the server certificate generated when the server started
- Using the "Select Certificate Key" file selection button, pick the server certificate key generated when the server started
- Click the "Connect" button
- Click the "Disconnect" button
- Click the "New Room" button
- Enter a room name
- If desired, enter a room password
- Click "Ok"
- The middle right panel will show current server rooms or "No rooms currently" if none exist
- Right click on the desired room and click "Join"
- If a password is required a prompt will show, enter the room password
These actions can be taken by a client that has connected to a server and joined a room
- Click the "Leave Room" button
- Click the "Pause" button
- Click the "Unpause" button
- The middle right panel will show current room members
- Right click on the desired room and click "Mute"
- The middle right panel will show current room members
- Right click on the desired room and click "Unmute"
- Click the "Mute All" button
- Click the "Unmute All" button
(This can only be done by the client that starts the room)
- Use the Target tab to set the Burpsuite scope as desired
- Within the "Burp TC" tab click the "Set Room Scope" button
- Click the "Get Room Scope" button
These actions apply to Burpsuite tools outside of the "Burp TC" tab
- Within the Repeater tab right click within the Request editor and mouse over "Share Repeater Payload"
- Select "To Group"
- Within the Repeater tab right click within the Request editor and mouse over "Share Repeater Payload"
- Mouse over "To Teammate"
- Select the name of the desired team member
- Within the Intruder tap navigate to the "Positions" tab
- Within the "Positions" tab right click within the Request editor and mouse over "Share Intruder Payload"
- Select "To Group"
- Within the Intruder tap navigate to the "Positions" tab
- Within the "Positions" tab right click within the Request editor and mouse over "Share Intruder Payload"
- Mouse over "To Teammate"
- Select the name of the desired team member
- Within the Target tap navigate to the "Site map" tab
- Within the "Site map" tab right click on the entry you would like to share and mouse over "Share Request"
- Select "To Group"
- Within the Target tap navigate to the "Site map" tab
- Within the "Site map" tab right click on the entry you would like to share and mouse over "Share Request"
- Mouse over "To Teammate"
- Select the name of the desired team member
- Right click inside a repeater tab and select "create link"
- Navigate to the "Shared Links" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Right click on the link you would like to share and select "Get link"
- Right click inside a repeater tab and select "create Link"
- Navigate to the "Shared Links" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Right click on the link you would like to share and select "Get HTML Link"
- Right click inside a repeater tab and select "create link"
- Navigate to the "Shared Links" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Right click on the link you would like to share and select "Remove link"
- Right click on a Proxy history line or a request inside the Site Map
- Select "Comments"
- The comment UI will appear, enter your comment in the bottom textfield and hit enter
- Navigate to the "Comments" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Double click on any threads listed in the list of comments to open the Comment UI and begin commenting
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Click the "Select Cetificate" button
- Using the file picker, select the "BurpServer.pem" file generated by the server
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Click the "Select Cetificate Key" button
- Using the file picker, select the "BurpServer.key" file generated by the server
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Uncheck the "Share all requests" check-box
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Uncheck the "Share issues" check-box
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Uncheck the "Share cookies" check-box
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Uncheck the "Receive shared issues" check-box
- Navigate to the "Configuration" tab within the "Burp TC" extension tab
- Uncheck the "Receive shared cookies" check-box