mViewer(Micro/Mongo Viewer) is a light web-based GUI for managing MongoDB without needing any installation.
- Enhanced Look-n-Feel
- Enhanced Query Executor with support for running all queries on collections including Map Reduce & the new aggregation framework.
- Support for managing Database users
- Supoort for managing Collection indexes
- Enhanced authentication & security with support for --auth mode
- Enhanced command executor
You can checkout the code or download the zip and make a release build using maven/ant as described below. Extract the generated & mViewer-0.9.2-release.tar.gz and run start_mViewer.bat/
You can raise feature requests and bugs found @
- Managing Databases - Create/Drop databases
- Managing Collections - Create/Update/Drop collections
- Managing GridFS files - Add/View/Download/Drop files
- Querying for documents using Query executor
- Quick Navigation & Execution of all actions items using CTRL + Space.
- Pagination and Navigation to any subset of documents.
- Viewing stats of databases, collections and gridFS
- Opening multiple connections from same browser to different MongoDB servers
Windows :-
Mac/Linux :-
Download previous versions from
Unzip/Untar the downloaded package and simply run start_mViewer.bat/ (with +x permission).
>start_mViewer.bat <port> in Windows
$./ <port> in Mac/Linux
'port' is optional, if not provided default port (8080) set in properties file will be used.
Start using mViewer at http://localhost:/index.html
Detailed documentation on mViewer features & usage can be found at
1) Fork Imaginea / mViewer
2) Clone your forked mViewer repository locally
3) We use Intellij IDEA for development. So to setup with intellij
a) Create mViewer as a maven project using "Import project from external module".
b) Apply Imaginea code styles/formatting settings to avoid un-wanted diffs with spaces in pull requests.
- Download and use import settings option to apply it.
- Make sure to format the code using ctr + alt + l before committing code.
- When committing code, if see a popup regarding different line separators used in project,
then click 'Leave unchanged'.
c) Configure a Tomcat Server locally in intellij to run/debug mViewer.
4) You can send a pull request to mViewer master branch with your features/enhancements/fixes.
Using maven:-
$mvn clean -Prelease
Using ant:-
$ant release
Building a release will generate & mViewer--release.tar.gz files in the target folder which has the mViewer.war bundled with winstone servlet container and start-up scripts from scripts folder.
Using maven:-
$mvn -Pserver
Using ant:-
$ant start
It will create mViewer.war and run it using the winstone server. Once started, the application can be accessed at http://localhost:port. Default port is 8080 which can be updated in file.
Use the following command to run the unit tests. surefire-reports will be generated in target folder.
$mvn install -DskipTests=false
You can generate a distributable war file using the following commands. The war can be deployed on to tomcat 7x. Other server integration will be provided on demand.
Using maven:-
$mvn clean package
Using ant:-
$mvn dist
Once the war is deployed go to the url http://:/mViewer