Attention! The full documentation is provided in Icreated blog:
This REST API OSGI plugin for ERP Idempiere initially has been created to communicate with Icreated Web Portal It can be used with other type of integration, for example as an alternative to Idempiere Web Services
IPA is fully based on Spring Framework and integrates its features:
- Spring configuration with @Configuration annotation
- Idempiere context injected by
- Simple architecture based on Dependency Injection
- Spring Security integration
IPA provides following features:
- API-first product-centric approach
- Automatic generated DTO models with openapi-generator maven plugin
- MapStruct converting between DTO and Idempiere Model
- Database requests with PQuery (Idempiere Query wrapper)
- JWT Spring Security authentication
- Hibernate Validator for declarative OpenApi DTO validation
- Swagger Integration with
- Invoices and Payments lists
- OpenItems, i.e. payment due under contract
- Payment Imitation by Credit Card
To build this plugin you need to get sources in your project directory with same parent as Idempiere source folder
git clone
Import this project to Eclipse. Be sure to satisfy all required dependencies. All needed jars are added directly to lib folder. Eclipse needs a mapstruct plugin to compile converters. It can be found here
Follow instructions for installation
openapi.yaml is configured in Icreated Web Portal. It's easier to work with one file and share it between backend & frontend.
The copy of openapi.yaml is automatically copied with a maven plugin to project because of use of swagger plugin when Idempiere sever is started.
Important: add VM argument on startup (we need it to import spring beans)
--add-opens java.base/sun.reflect.annotation=ALL-UNNAMED'
Check if it works by accessing to Swagger Home Page: http://localhost:8080/portal/api To connect to API provide JWT Token you can get like this:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/portal/api/login' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch.
Pull requests are warmly welcome
GNU General Public License