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Actions: icub-tech-iit/ergocub-software

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Modify origin of assigned collisions in simmechanics-generated Gazebo-related models for sole links after sole link frame location was changed
Automatically generate models and commit to the repo #97: Pull request #175 synchronize by traversaro
September 20, 2023 12:03 2m 54s fix174
September 20, 2023 12:03 2m 54s
Modify origin of assigned collisions in simmechanics-generated Gazebo-related models for sole links after sole link frame location was changed
Automatically generate models and commit to the repo #96: Pull request #175 opened by traversaro
September 20, 2023 11:57 2m 7s fix174
September 20, 2023 11:57 2m 7s