This Weather App provides weather data for any searched city and also for the user's current location.
A solo project executed in 2 days.No External Libraries has been used.
- Deployed Link:- Enjoy the Experience
- CSS3
- OpenWeather API - for getting current, daily & hourly forecasted weather data.
- Google Maps API - for getting user's current & searched geo-location.
- Unsplash API - for getting images as per searched & current city name.
- Forecasting of current and searched weather data of 7 days.
- User is notified with current date and time.
- Integration with google maps to render location results.
- Alterations of background images as per city's name.
- Appropriate error image fetched from Unsplash is mount onto UI if city name doesn't exist.
- Making search bar in sync with key-press events
- OpenWeather API is integrated in such a way that it fetch results for a daily limit of 50k with a clear status.
- It won't be matter of concern for the API in how many simultaneous calls with different endpoints were made.
- Alignment of Current city status, weekly status, geolocation status in a container card is done as per using flex properties.
UI on Loading
Searched Result UI
Error Page