This algo is for edge crossings minimization especially for out-trees (one root only), it combines d3.js and customized algo which uses brute force to search the optimal positions when it also preserves length information as much as possible.
a. npm install
b. pip install networkx, pygraphviz, matplotlib
c. pip install Cython
{"nodes" : [<nodeObject> , <nodeObject>, ...], "links" : [<linkObject> , <linkObject>, ...]}
{id : <str, int, ...> , num : <the size of the node>, x : <float>, y : <float>}
{id : <nodeObjectID_1>_<nodeObjectID_2>, source : <nodeObject_1>, target : <nodeObject_2>, len : <float>}
It calls algo_improved.c extension to run the algo, if you want to modify some codes to cater for your needs, go to algo_improved.pyx. To save the changes, input following command in the terminal:
python build_ext --inplace
you can customize if you want to have node labels, edge labels, radius information and scalar factor of raidus by modifying the variables WITH_NODE_LABELS, WITH_EDGE_LABELS, WITH_NODE_NUM_DISPLAY and NODE_NUM_SCALAR repectively. Furthermore, you should change the file path if the file path finished in step2 or step3 changes.
In main_{2,3}steps.js, we can add nodes that we would like to track to the array tracking, the tracking algo will be running during execution time including storing coordindate information into a file which is by default placed at ./tracking/trackingResults.json. Afterwards, we can execute to see more information about nodes defined in the tracking array.
All scripts with nf.{js,py} at the end are for automation flow, which are added argument functionality.
a. | Generate coordinates by d3 simulation | preprocessing_nf.js |
b. | Optimize coordinates by algorithm | |
c. | Fine Tuning by d3 simulation | fineTuning_nf.js |