Releases: idenfy/FlutterSDK
Releases · idenfy/FlutterSDK
- Android, iOS SDK's updated to 8.6.1
- Added questionnaire multi file upload question type
- Added url detection for questionnaire descriptions
- Added deny reasons alert dialog for identification results
- Added support to relaunch SDK with same token after closing during manual review
- Bug fixes
- Added IdenfySettings and IdenfyUISettings classes to the Flutter SDK
- Android, iOS SDK's updated to 8.6.0
- Added internet connection stability alert
- Added immediate redirect option from idenfy settings
- Added realtime blur glare detection in document capture feature
- Added face auto capture feature
- Process death improvements for Android
- Video recording frame rate increased
- Updated 3D Face liveness version
- Android SDK updated to 8.5.3
- Fixed document recognition transitioning bug between front and back steps
- iOS SDK updated to 8.5.7
- Android SDK updated to 8.5.2
- Updated 3D Face liveness version
- iOS migrated to Swift 6.0. SDK is compatible with XCode 16
- KYC Questionnaire FILE and IMAGE questions merged
- Bug fixes
- iOS SDK updated to 8.5.3
- Updated 3D Face liveness version
- NFC document reading improvements
- Bug fixes
- iOS SDK updated to 8.4.5
- Android SDK updated to 8.4.2
- Added Danish, Greek, Croatian, Norwegian, Serbian, Finnish, Turkish languages
- Added Image upload attempt validation
- Added virtual camera detection for Android IDV feature (Will result in a failed identification)
- Updated Document Recognition feature
- Improved phone number validation for KYC questionnaire
- Updated 3D Face liveness version for iOS
- Bug fixes
- iOS SDK updated to 8.4.2
- Updated lottie-ios to 4.4.3
- Increased minimum deployment target to iOS 13
- Please update to this version to avoid Apple Review team privacy manifest file warning