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Dialog2Flow: convert your dialogs to flows. This repository accompanies the paper "Dialog2Flow: Pre-training Soft-Contrastive Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction", accepted to the EMNLP 2024 main conference


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💬 Dialog2Flow: Convert Your Dialogs to Flows!

Model on HFDataset on HF License: MIT arXiv

This repository accompanies the paper "Dialog2Flow: Pre-training Soft-Contrastive Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction", accepted to the EMNLP 2024 main conference.
It contains code to replicate the experiments, train the models, and access released resources:

  • 🤗 Models and Dataset: available on Hugging Face.
  • 📉 Proposed Loss: implementation details described here.
  • 🔬 Experimentation: To replicate the experiments and plots from our paper, see the "Paper replication" section.
  • 🏂 Training: For details on training the models from scratch, go to the train/ folder.

📖 Table of Contents

| 🎥video | 📊slides | 📜poster |

🌞 How Does It Work?

It's simple!

  1. Input: A collection of dialogues or conversations.
  2. Output: A step-by-step action transition graph!

Input Example

In the data/example/ folder, you'll find 13 customer service conversations for a fictional health insurance company, SilverCare Health Solutions. These dialogues were generated using ChatGPT to demonstrate the process, but you can replace them with your own real-world conversations.

Output Example

Using Dialog2Flow, these conversations are automatically converted into the following graph, which visually represents the common flow of interactions in this example set:

Additionally, Dialog2Flow generates a self-contained HTML file with an interactive visualization of the graph. You can explore the interactive version of the graph online here. Features include:

  • Click to expand nodes.
  • Double-click on a node to enter "navigation mode" for a step-by-step traversal.
  • Click the blue arrow in the bottom-left corner to undo the last action.

Hovering over a node will display example utterances from the conversation collection that correspond to that step, providing context for how the dialogue flows.

🌛 Can I Do It?

Certainly! You can generate the graph step-by-step using two Python scripts as described in Section 7 of our paper:

  1. This script clusters utterance embeddings using Dialog2Flow embeddings to convert dialogues into trajectories of cluster IDs (discrete steps).
  2. This script combines the trajectories into a graph.

Step-by-Step Example

  1. Before starting, make sure your environment and dependencies are all set up:

    # creates the corresponding "dialog2flow" conda environment
    conda env create -f conda.yml
    conda activate dialog2flow
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    (👉 in case your having issues with package versions, we also provide the full exported conda environments (conda-exported.yml) and requirements (requirements-exported.txt) from the exact environment the code was tested the last time)

  2. Convert the 13 dialogues into 13 trajectories:

    python -i data/example/ -o output/ -t 0.6


    • -i is the path to the conversations.
    • -o is the path to store the trajectories.
    • -t sets the similarity threshold (0–1) for clustering. The lower the value, the more "steps" will be identified. In this example, we use 0.6.

    This will generate a JSON file containing the 13 trajectories: output/trajectories-dialog2flow-joint-bert-base.json.

  3. Convert the 13 trajectories into an action transition graph:

    python -i output/trajectories-dialog2flow-joint-bert-base.json \
                          -o output/graph/ \
                          -ew prob-out \
                          -te 0.1 \
                          -png \


    • -i is the path to the JSON file with the trajectories.
    • -o is the output directory.
    • -ew specifies how to weight the edges (in this case, by transition probabilities).
    • -te sets the edge weight threshold. Edges with probabilities below 0.1 will be pruned.
    • -png generates a PNG image of the graph.
    • -iv generates an interactive HTML version of the graph.

By default, the nodes represent clusters of utterances, with the name of each step being a representative utterance from the cluster. If you open the generated PNG image (output/graph/dialog2flow-joint-bert-base/graph.png), you will see a graph like this:

Add Names to the Steps

To generate names for the steps, we can use a generative model (e.g., GPT-4) to assign a name to each cluster of utterances. This process is detailed in Appendix G of the paper.

To automatically generate names, use the -l argument in

python -i data/example/ -o output/ -t 0.6 -l
python -i output/trajectories-dialog2flow-joint-bert-base.json \
                      -o output/graph/ \
                      -ew prob-out \
                      -te 0.1 \
                      -png \

Make sure to set your OpenAI API key in the environment variables before running these commands:


After running the commands, the new PNG graph (output/graph/dialog2flow-joint-bert-base/graph.png) will include meaningful step names as shown in the first graph :).

👹 Where Did That -t 0.6 Come From?

As described in Appendix F of the paper, determining the correct number of steps (clusters) is non-trivial. We use dendrogram plots to assist with this. To generate the dendrogram plots, add the -sp argument to the script:

python -i data/example/ -o output/ -t .6 -sp

The plots will be saved in the output/plots directory. For example, you can view the dendrogram for the user (customer) utterances in output/plots/dendrogram_dialog2flow-joint-bert-base.user.png:

The plot shows that a threshold of 0.6 seems appropriate, yielding over 20 clusters (steps). If you want to use a fixed number of clusters (e.g., 10 steps), specify the number instead of the threshold:

python -i data/example/ -o output/ -t 10 -sp

This will result in a more simplified graph.

🔬 Paper Replication!

This section described how to replicate the quantitative and qualitative experimentation described in the original paper.

📌 Resources

  • Models: The models are available on Hugging Face here.
  • Dataset: The dataset is available on Hugging Face here, or you can create it from scratch as described here.
  • Training: For training the models from scratch, go to the train/ folder for more details.
  • Proposed loss: implementation details described below.

📎 Getting started

Before starting, if you haven't done it yet, make sure your environment and dependencies are all set up:

# creates the corresponding "dialog2flow" conda environment
conda env create -f conda.yml
conda activate dialog2flow
pip install -r requirements.txt

(:point_right: in case your having issues during installation, remember we also have exported the full conda environment and requirements (conda-exported.yml) and (requirements-exported.txt) for you to use the exact same environemt used the last time we tested the code)

In case you want to replicate the results obtained with OpenAI text-embedding-3-large model, do not forget to add your OpenAI API key to your current environment variables:


Additionally, in case you want to include the baseline models D2F-Hard${single}$, D2F-Hard${joint}$ and SBD-BERT to the results:

  1. Download and unzip the "" file in the root directory, after unzipping you should have the following structure:
    - dialog2flow/
        +- data/
        +- misc/
        |- models/
        |   |- d2f-hard_joint/
        |   |- d2f-hard_single/
        |   |- todbert_sbd/
        +- train/
  2. Now, uncomment the lines marked with "------> (UNCOMMENT line if already unzipped)" in the following two bash scripts:
    • evaluate_graphs.bash.bash

That's it! everything ready to begin replicating the experiments! :)

📐 Similarity-based Evaluation (Section 6)

The bash script will take care of running the evaluation on each model and show the results at the end. To run in just simply pass the name of the evaluation set to use, as follows:

  1. Results on the unified TOD evaluation set (Table 2 and 4):
    bash unified_evaluation
  2. Results on SpokenWOZ (Table 3 and 4):
    bash spokenwoz

After scripts finish running, all results are saved in output/results/DATASET_NAME so they can be printed anytime without the need to re-compute them again, using the ``script as follows:

  1. Results on the unified TOD evaluation set (Table 2 and 4):
    python -i "output/results/unified_evaluation"
  2. Results on SpokenWOZ (Table 3 and 4):
    python -i "output/results/spokenwoz"

For instace, the output for the unified TOD evaluation set should look something like this:

=============== CLASSIFICATION RESULTS ===============
| model                                   | 1-shot f1    | 5-shot f1    | 1-shot accuracy   | 5-shot accuracy   |   intra-anisotropy |   inter-anisotropy |   intra-inter delta |
| dialog2flow-single-bert-base            | 64.54 ± 0.82 | 71.30 ± 0.76 | 67.36 ± 0.76      | 74.51 ± 0.56      |              0.757 |              0.186 |               0.572 |
| dialog2flow-joint-bert-base             | 62.98 ± 0.68 | 71.17 ± 0.75 | 65.95 ± 0.64      | 74.28 ± 0.65      |              0.734 |              0.289 |               0.444 |
| d2f-hard_single                         | 58.21 ± 0.74 | 68.54 ± 0.82 | 61.11 ± 0.65      | 71.26 ± 0.61      |              0.65  |              0.313 |               0.337 |
| d2f-hard_joint                          | 55.20 ± 1.12 | 66.69 ± 1.14 | 58.04 ± 0.99      | 69.67 ± 1.01      |              0.638 |              0.399 |               0.239 |
| dse-bert-base                           | 34.60 ± 0.76 | 43.25 ± 1.15 | 37.41 ± 0.90      | 47.59 ± 1.05      |              0.652 |              0.541 |               0.111 |
| space-2                                 | 26.93 ± 0.64 | 37.04 ± 0.66 | 28.95 ± 0.62      | 41.32 ± 0.57      |              0.664 |              0.646 |               0.018 |
| DialoGPT-medium                         | 25.47 ± 0.75 | 32.64 ± 0.65 | 27.83 ± 0.70      | 36.81 ± 0.52      |              0.735 |              0.758 |              -0.023 |
| bert-base-uncased                       | 23.33 ± 0.57 | 28.64 ± 0.77 | 26.00 ± 0.63      | 33.09 ± 0.78      |              0.742 |              0.781 |              -0.039 |
| text-embedding-3-large                  | 32.11 ± 0.86 | 41.09 ± 0.69 | 34.92 ± 0.83      | 45.55 ± 0.62      |              0.541 |              0.424 |               0.117 |
| all-mpnet-base-v2                       | 27.34 ± 0.60 | 34.02 ± 0.84 | 30.08 ± 0.57      | 38.63 ± 0.74      |              0.507 |              0.333 |               0.173 |
| gtr-t5-base                             | 29.89 ± 0.74 | 38.67 ± 0.49 | 32.55 ± 0.80      | 43.21 ± 0.45      |              0.694 |              0.706 |              -0.012 |
| todbert_sbd                             | 23.99 ± 0.56 | 27.66 ± 0.80 | 25.99 ± 0.65      | 31.57 ± 0.57      |              0.685 |              0.604 |               0.081 |
| average_word_embeddings_glove.840B.300d | 23.10 ± 0.68 | 24.11 ± 0.50 | 26.00 ± 0.63      | 29.59 ± 0.71      |              0.669 |              0.633 |               0.036 |
| TOD-BERT-JNT-V1                         | 26.77 ± 0.54 | 33.82 ± 0.67 | 28.90 ± 0.59      | 37.54 ± 0.50      |              0.847 |              0.864 |              -0.017 |

=============== RANKING RESULTS ===============
| model                                   | NDCG@10      |
| dialog2flow-single-bert-base            | 67.30 ± 0.41 |
| dialog2flow-joint-bert-base             | 66.51 ± 0.50 |
| d2f-hard_single                         | 60.86 ± 0.47 |
| d2f-hard_joint                          | 58.39 ± 0.71 |
| dse-bert-base                           | 38.09 ± 0.71 |
| space-2                                 | 30.01 ± 0.47 |
| DialoGPT-medium                         | 28.86 ± 0.71 |
| bert-base-uncased                       | 26.97 ± 0.80 |
| text-embedding-3-large                  | 35.76 ± 0.62 |
| all-mpnet-base-v2                       | 30.89 ± 0.69 |
| gtr-t5-base                             | 33.21 ± 0.60 |
| todbert_sbd                             | 27.20 ± 0.83 |
| average_word_embeddings_glove.840B.300d | 26.53 ± 0.56 |
| TOD-BERT-JNT-V1                         | 30.54 ± 0.74 |

(Note that there could be some minor difference due to results being the average of running 10 experiments sampling different instances each time)

🌐 3D Voronoi Plots (as in Figure 3)

We provide the python script to generate the interactive 3D Vonoroi plots, as the ones shown in Figure 3. More precisely, this script takes as input (1) the path to the trajectories.single_domain.json file of the dataset (which contains, for each domain, the list of dialogs with their utterances and ground truth annotation, as explained in the last section of this README file), (2) the model to use to compute the embeddings, (3) the output path to store the plots, and (3) the domain of the dataset to use, if not provided, all domains by default. More preciselly, the script can be called as follows:

                       -m MODEL \
                       -o OUTPUT_PATH \
                       -d DOMAIN

For example, let's generate the plot with the dialog2flow-joint-bert-base model (D2F$_{joint}$ in the paper) for the hospital domain in SpokenWOZ:

python -i data/spokenwoz/trajectories.single_domain.json \
                       -m "sergioburdisso/dialog2flow-joint-bert-base" \
                       -o "output/plots/voronoi/d2f_joint" \
                       -d hospital

The output are interactive visualizations saved HTML files, one of each speaker in the provided output path as output/plots/voronoi/d2f_joint/DOMAIN/voronoi_SPEAKER.html, for instance, for the above example, the file output/plots/voronoi/d2f_joint/hospital/voronoi_user.html (online version here) contains the plot for the user utterances of the selected hospital domain, which should look like this one:

Let's suppose now we want to generate the same plot but using OpenAI text-embedding-3-large model to compare results with the above, then we can simply change only the model name and the output folder name, as follows:

python -i data/spokenwoz/trajectories.single_domain.json \
                       -m "openai/text-embedding-3-large" \
                       -o "output/plots/voronoi/openai" \
                       -d hospital

and look for the same file inside the new output folder, output/plots/voronoi/openai/hospital/voronoi_user.html (online version here), which should look like this one:

💬 Dialog Flow Extraction Evaluation (Section 7)

To replicate the dialog flow extraction evaluation, we have prepared a special bash script, evaluate_graphs.bash.bash, to take care of it. This script execute the following steps:

  1. For each different embedding model, calls to convert all the dialogs into trajectories by clustering their utterances (embeddings).
  2. Calls to build the ground truth graphs for SpokenWOZ using its ground truth trajectories file (data/spokenwoz/trajectories.single_domain.json).
  3. Calls again to build the graphs for all the trajectories files generated in the first steps with each model.
  4. Calls to evaluate the extracted graphs (step 3) against the ground truth graphs (step 2), and print the results, as in Table 6.

Thus, simply call this bash script:

bash evaluate_graphs.bash.bash

The output should look like this:

| MODEL                                   | taxi (31)    | police (23)   | hospital (18)   | train (49)   | restaurant (59)   | attraction (45)   | AVG.   |
| dialog2flow-single-bert-base            | 9.68% (+3)   | 4.35% (-1)    | 11.11% (-2)     | 2.04% (+1)   | 5.08% (-3)        | 8.89% (+4)        | 6.86%  |
| dialog2flow-joint-bert-base             | 3.23% (+1)   | 8.70% (-2)    | 5.56% (-1)      | 10.20% (-5)  | 23.73% (-14)      | 0.00% (0)         | 8.57%  |
| dialog2flow-single-dse-base             | 16.13% (+5)  | 8.70% (-2)    | 5.56% (-1)      | 6.12% (+3)   | 5.08% (-3)        | 20.00% (+9)       | 10.26% |
| dialog2flow-joint-dse-base              | 19.35% (+6)  | 13.04% (-3)   | 5.56% (-1)      | 20.41% (+10) | 3.39% (-2)        | 8.89% (+4)        | 11.77% |
| d2f-hard_single                         | 12.90% (-4)  | 26.09% (-6)   | 16.67% (-3)     | 10.20% (-5)  | 10.17% (-6)       | 15.56% (+7)       | 15.26% |
| d2f-hard_joint                          | 0.00% (0)    | 8.70% (-2)    | 33.33% (-6)     | 20.41% (-10) | 25.42% (-15)      | 13.33% (-6)       | 16.87% |
| dse-bert-base                           | 32.26% (-10) | 17.39% (-4)   | 33.33% (-6)     | 30.61% (-15) | 27.12% (-16)      | 26.67% (-12)      | 27.90% |
| space-2                                 | 32.26% (-10) | 30.43% (-7)   | 38.89% (-7)     | 18.37% (-9)  | 32.20% (-19)      | 33.33% (-15)      | 30.91% |
| DialoGPT-medium                         | 32.26% (-10) | 34.78% (-8)   | 22.22% (-4)     | 44.90% (-22) | 64.41% (-38)      | 51.11% (-23)      | 41.61% |
| bert-base-uncased                       | 54.84% (-17) | 30.43% (-7)   | 22.22% (-4)     | 46.94% (-23) | 59.32% (-35)      | 42.22% (-19)      | 42.66% |
| text-embedding-3-large                  | 54.84% (-17) | 47.83% (-11)  | 55.56% (-10)    | 42.86% (-21) | 49.15% (-29)      | 44.44% (-20)      | 49.11% |
| all-mpnet-base-v2                       | 54.84% (-17) | 43.48% (-10)  | 55.56% (-10)    | 57.14% (-28) | 50.85% (-30)      | 55.56% (-25)      | 52.90% |
| gtr-t5-base                             | 41.94% (-13) | 43.48% (-10)  | 66.67% (-12)    | 51.02% (-25) | 61.02% (-36)      | 53.33% (-24)      | 52.91% |
| todbert_sbd                             | 77.42% (-24) | 43.48% (-10)  | 38.89% (-7)     | 71.43% (-35) | 86.44% (-51)      | 86.67% (-39)      | 67.39% |
| average_word_embeddings_glove-840B-300d | 80.65% (-25) | 52.17% (-12)  | 55.56% (-10)    | 75.51% (-37) | 86.44% (-51)      | 80.00% (-36)      | 71.72% |
| TOD-BERT-JNT-V1                         | 74.19% (-23) | 78.26% (-18)  | 55.56% (-10)    | 85.71% (-42) | 83.05% (-49)      | 82.22% (-37)      | 76.50% |

As with the previous section, in case you want to print the results without having to re-build all the graphs, simply call the script of the step 4 above, as follows:

python -i "output/graph" -gt "output/graph/ground_truth"

🔮 Dialog Flow Figures (Figure 2, 4, A1, and A2)

We can use the that takes a trajectories JSON file and a domain as input, and generates and saves the graph in the provided output path, as follows:

python -i PATH/TO/INPUT/trajectories.json \
                      -o PATH/TO/SAVE/GRAPH \
                      -d DOMAIN

We can pass an extra special argument -png to tell this script to also generate a PNG image of the graph. Therefore, to generate the image for the ground truth graph for the hospital domain shown in Figure 1, we can do:

python -i "data/spokenwoz/trajectories.single_domain.json" \
                      -o "output/graph_plot/ground_truth" \
                      -d hospital \

which will save the desired PNG file in output/graph_plot/ground_truth/hospital/graph.png, which should look like:

Then, we can use the same script, passing the path the the trajectories.json file generated with model (located in output/) to generate the image of the graph for each model and domain we want, as:

python -i "output/trajectories-MODEL.json" \
                      -o "output/graph_plot/MODEL" \
                      -d DOMAIN
                      -png \

To make this easier, we also provide a bash script that will generate the plot for all the models and as well as the ground truth graph for any given domain, as follows:

bash generate_graphs_visualization.bash.bash DOMAIN

With this script we can simply generate the plots from the paper (Figure 4, A1 and A2) by running:

bash generate_graphs_visualization.bash.bash hospital

The plots are saved following the output/graph_plot/MODEL/DOMAIN/graph.png path structure. For example:

  • Reference graph: output/graph_plot/ground_truth/hospital/graph.png
  • D2F graph: output/graph_plot/dialog2flow-joint-bert-base/hospital/graph.png
  • DSE graph: output/graph_plot/dse-bert-base/hospital/graph.png
  • Sentence-BERT graph: output/graph_plot/all-mpnet-base-v2/hospital/graph.png
  • OpenAI graph: output/graph_plot/text-embedding-3-large/hospital/graph.png

🐾 SpokenWOZ ground truth trajectories

As mentioned in the paper, before creating the graph, dialogues are converted to trajectories by clustering the embeddings and using their cluster ids to replace each utterance in the dialog. The ground truth trajectories are generated likewise, but instead of using the cluster ids, using the ground truth action annotation (dialog act + slots) from the dataset. We already provide the ground truth trajectory for SpokenWOZ in this repo (located in data/spokenwoz/trajectories.single_domain.json).

However, in case you need to create this file again from scratch or to create the same file with other dataset, we also provide the Python script data/ we used to convert the original SpokenWOZ dataset to the trajectories.single_domain.json file.

To generate again this file from scratch, follow the following steps:

  1. Download the original SpokenWOZ dataset train, dev and test set files and unzip them, for instance in the data/my_spokenwoz new folder, as follow:
    cd data
    wget -P my_spokenwoz
    tar -xvzf my_spokenwoz/text_5700_train_dev.tar.gz -C my_spokenwoz
    wget -P my_spokenwoz
    tar -xvzf my_spokenwoz/text_5700_test.tar.gz -C my_spokenwoz
  2. Now use the script available in data/ folder to convert the original SpokenWOZ files to the ground truth trajectories JSON file as follows:
    python -i my_spokenwoz/

After this, the file trajectories.single_domain.json should've been created inside data/my_spokenwoz/ folder (feel free to remove all the other files created inside this folder).

📉 Proposed Soft-Contrastive Loss

The implementation of the proposed loss can be found in train/spretrainer/losses/ as a SentenceTransformer-compatible loss class (as the ones located in the original repo).

The class constructor should be called with the argument use_soft_labels=True to use our proposed soft-contrastive loss, otherwise will act as a regular supervised contrastive loss. The full lisf of arguments received by this class is:

  • model: SentenceTransformer model to train
  • use_soft_labels: Wheather to use soft semantic labels or not (i.e. soft-contrastive loss)
  • soft_label_temperature: Temperature parameter to scale the cosine similarities for the soft labels.
  • soft_label_model: SentenceTransformer model to use to get the embeddings of the labels.
  • temperature: Contrastive loss temperature parameter.
  • is_symmetrical: Wheather to consider the loss as symmetrical between anchor and target sentences.
  • accelerator: Optional Accelerator object to be used in forward() to gather batches across GPUs
  • use_contrastive_head: Wheather to use the contrastive head or not.
  • use_abs: Wheather to use the absolute value of the cosine similarity or not.

Assuming you are in the train/ folder that has access to our custom spretrainer module, an example usage is be:

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from import DataLoader

from spretrainer.datasets import SimilarityDatasetFromLabels
from spretrainer.losses import LabeledContrastiveLoss

# the model to train
my_model = SentenceTransformer(...)

# the paper's supervised soft-contrastive loss
loss_model = LabeledContrastiveLoss(model=my_model,

# The input data
data = [["utterance-0", "label-0"],
        ["utterance-1", "label-1"],
        ["utterance-n", "label-n"]]  # (utterance, label) paris
# Convert data to a Dataset object with InputExample()s as SentenceTransformer needs
dataset = SimilarityDatasetFromLabels(data,

# Pre-computing and caching label embedings for label similarity

data_iterator = DataLoader(dataset, ...)
optimizer = ...

# Let's train!
for _ in range(n_epochs):
    for data in data_iterator:
        tokenized_batch, labels = data

        loss = loss_model(tokenized_batch, labels)


📄 Citation

If you found the paper and/or this repository useful, please consider citing our work: 😊👍

    title = "{D}ialog2{F}low: Pre-training Soft-Contrastive Action-Driven Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction",
    author = "Burdisso, Sergio  and
      Madikeri, Srikanth  and
      Motlicek, Petr",
    editor = "Al-Onaizan, Yaser  and
      Bansal, Mohit  and
      Chen, Yun-Nung",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    month = nov,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Miami, Florida, USA",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "5421--5440",

🎫 License

Copyright (c) 2024 Idiap Research Institute.

MIT License.


Dialog2Flow: convert your dialogs to flows. This repository accompanies the paper "Dialog2Flow: Pre-training Soft-Contrastive Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction", accepted to the EMNLP 2024 main conference







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