The MultiRenter smart contract uses the following 2 design patterns
Inheritance and Interfaces (Importing and extending contracts and/or using contract interfaces)
The contract inherits from the OpenZeppelin Ownable contract
which gives it additional functionality like transferOwnership
and renounceOwnership
contract MultiRenter is Ownable ...
Access Control Design Patterns (Restricting access to certain functions using things like Ownable, Role-based Control)
The MultiRenter restricts access to only the contract owner for the following methods:
function setListingFee(uint _listingFee) public onlyOwner returns(uint){
//only owner can change this fee
listingFee = _listingFee;
return listingFee;
This allows only the contract owner to change the default listing fee. The listing fee is the fee that a landlord needs to pay to the contract to list a property.