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Front End available at:

Project Structure

Project is built with Truffle, and has the standard folders:

index.html - frontend ui
app - js file for the frontend (built with jQuery + Web3.js)
contracts - MultiRenter.sol is the main contract
migrations - truffle migration js files
test - truffle tests

The UI is built with jQuery and Boostrap. Why jQuery? Because I haven't worked with React yet, and it's been a while since I did Angular and VueJS (my prefered spa framework). Also because I hate webpack with a passion. So I went old school.

Project Description


The project simulates a property rental/buyer marketplace.

The project will allow anyone with an ethereum wallet to list a real wold property for rent for a specified rental price. Anyone can then rent the propety by paying a fee.

The following functions are be implemented:

  • becomeLandlord() - anyone can become a 'landlord' (gas fee only)
  • listRentalProperty() - a 'landlord' can list a property for rent (gas fee + listing fee)
  • rentProperty() - a 'renter' can rent a property that is listed (and unrented) (gas fee + rental price)

The property has 4 attributes

struct RentalProperty {
        string propertyAddress; //real world address
        uint rentalPeriod; //how long it will be rented for
        uint price;  //rental price in wei
        Status status; //Available or Rented

Additional Info

In the real world once a property is rented it would have a bluetooth enabled smart lock with blockchain integration that would allow a renter to open the door.

Note: Initially I had more ambitious goals to allow multiple renters to rent the property at the same time (without overlapping, on alternate days) but due to time constraints realized this would take me a lot longer to implement, as it would require Oracles and a 3rd party (off-blockchain) service for additional functionality.

The idea however was similar to how a timeshare would work, with the assumption that the real world appartment (or unit) has a blockchain enabled smart contract or app that determines if a renter has access to it and a bluetooth enabled smart lock that unlocks the unit, instead of a physical key (the implementation of which would be outside the scope of this project).

I trimmed down the project to the above functionality, which allows a landlord to list one or more properties and only one renter to rent a property at any time with some limitations built in.

As a result, I didn't end up implementing the enter() function which would have handled the determination of which renter, out of multiple renters within a 30 day period, would be allow to enter 'today' for example.

How it works

  • User is prompted to connect with Metamask

  • A Landlord can list a unit for rent by specifying the following

  • the physical world address

  • length of time to rent it (30 days)

  • the amount of eth required to rent it (in ETH)

  • A Renter can rent the property by paying the rental fee (as long as it's not already rented)


  • only a landlord can list a property for rent (you must become one before listing a property)
  • a landlord has to pay a listing fee to list a property
  • a renter can rent a property by paying the rental fee
  • a renter can't rent a previously rented property
  • a property must exist to be rented

How to Run Locally

  • git clone
  • setup new ganache project using truffle-config.js file OR spin up ganache on port: 8545
  • npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
  • npm install @openzeppelin/contracts See:
  • create a .secret file in the root project directory (write some dummy word in it) | only used while deploying to rinkeby so it's just needed for truffle-config.js to load properly.
  • run: 'truffle test' to run the tests
  • run: 'truffle compile' then 'truffle migrate' on the develop network
  • copy the MultiRenter locally deployed contract address into app/dapp.js file variables
  • (optionally copy the ABI as well, but it should be the same as what's deployed)
  • run the app/index.html file on localhost as needed
  • point your metamask to port 8545

Ethereum Address for Certification



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