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sapience committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent 300b362 commit a88002f
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Showing 3 changed files with 498 additions and 414 deletions.
304 changes: 166 additions & 138 deletions schema.playground.kf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,14 +81,18 @@ table delegates {
foreign_key (inserter_id) references inserters(id) on_delete cascade

// A user gives a grant to write data (create a credential, share the credential) on his behalf to some issuer
table write_grants {
table consumed_write_grants {
id uuid primary,
wg_owner_wallet_identifier text notnull, // user wallet/pk
wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text notnull, // issuer wallet/pk
wg_owner_user_id uuid notnull, // user's id, to be sure we will find the user if the owner's wallet will be deleted
#write_grants_user_id_grantee unique(wg_owner_user_id, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier),
foreign_key (wg_owner_user_id) references users(id) on_delete cascade
owner_wallet_identifier text notnull, // user wallet/pk
grantee_wallet_identifier text notnull, // grantee wallet/pk
issuer_public_key text notnull,
original_credential_id uuid,
copy_credential_id uuid,
access_grant_timelock text,
not_usable_before text,
not_usable_after text,
foreign_key (original_credential_id) references credentials(id) on_delete set null,
foreign_key (copy_credential_id) references credentials(id) on_delete set null

table access_grants {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,36 +369,6 @@ action add_credential (

action add_credential_by_write_grant (
) public {
SELECT get_write_grant_id($user_id); // throw an error if no write_grant

$result = idos.assert_credential_signatures($issuer_auth_public_key, $public_notes, $public_notes_signature, $content, $broader_signature);
SELECT CASE WHEN $result != 'ok' THEN ERROR('assert_credential_signatures:' || $result) END;

$verifiable_credential_id = idos.get_verifiable_credential_id($public_notes);

INSERT INTO credentials (id, user_id, verifiable_credential_id, public_notes, content, encryptor_public_key, issuer_auth_public_key, inserter)
CASE WHEN $verifiable_credential_id = '' THEN NULL ELSE $verifiable_credential_id END,

// TODO: change to procedure
action get_credentials() public view {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,6 +505,7 @@ action share_credential (

// Passporting scenario
action create_credential_copy(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -637,69 +612,144 @@ action share_credential_through_dag (

action share_credential_by_write_grant (
action create_credentials_by_dwg(
) public {
SELECT CASE WHEN $locked_until < 0 THEN
error('locked_until must be positive integer timestamp or zero')
$copy_public_notes_signature, // Signature of an empty string?! This is weird.
$content_hash, // For access grant
$dwg_signature) public {

// Check the content creator (encryptor) is the issuer that user delegated to issue the credential
WHEN $issuer_auth_public_key != $dwg_issuer_public_key
THEN ERROR('credentials issuer must be a grantee of delegated write grant (issuer_auth_public_key = dwg_grantee)')

SELECT get_write_grant_id($user_id); // throw an error if no write_grant

SELECT CASE WHEN NOT credential_belongs_to_user($original_credential_id, $user_id) THEN
error('the original credential does not belong to the user')
WHEN NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=$dwg_owner COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = $dwg_owner))
THEN ERROR('dwg_owner not found')

SELECT CASE WHEN get_write_grant_id($user_id)::text != get_credential_inserter($original_credential_id) THEN
error('you can share only original credentials you created')
$ag_timelock = idos.parse_date($dwg_access_grant_timelock); // Will fail if not in the RFC3339 format
$times_validation = idos.validate_not_usable_times($dwg_not_before, $dwg_not_after); // Check the format and precedence
SELECT CASE WHEN $times_validation != 1 THEN ERROR('dwg_not_before must be before dwg_not_after') END;

SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT count(1) FROM access_grants WHERE id = uuid_generate_v5('31276fd4-105f-4ff7-9f64-644942c14b79'::uuid, format('%s-%s-%s', $grantee_wallet_identifier::text, $id::text, $locked_until::text))) > 0 THEN
error('a grant with the same grantee, original_credential_id, and locked_until already exists')
// Check if current block timestamp in time range allowed by write grant.
// @block_timestamp is a timestamp of previous block, which is can be a few seconds earlier
// (max is 6 seconds in current network consensus settings) then a time on a requester's machine.
// Also, if requester's machine has wrong time, it can be an issue.
parse_unix_timestamp($dwg_not_before, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')::int <= (@block_timestamp + 6)
AND @block_timestamp <= parse_unix_timestamp($dwg_not_after, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS"Z"')::int
THEN ERROR('this write grant can only be used after dwg_not_before and before dwg_not_after')

SELECT CASE WHEN $public_notes != '' THEN
error('shared credentials cannot have public_notes, it must be an empty string')
$dwg_result = idos.dwg_verify_owner($dwg_owner, $dwg_grantee, $dwg_issuer_public_key, $dwg_id, $dwg_access_grant_timelock, $dwg_not_before, $dwg_not_after, $dwg_signature);
SELECT CASE WHEN $dwg_result != 1 THEN error('verify_dwg_owner:' || $dwg_result) END;

$original_result = idos.assert_credential_signatures(
SELECT CASE WHEN $original_result != 'ok' THEN
error('assert_original_credential_signatures:' || $original_result)

$result = idos.assert_credential_signatures($issuer_auth_public_key, $public_notes, $public_notes_signature, $content, $broader_signature);
SELECT CASE WHEN $result != 'ok' THEN error('assert_credential_signatures:' || $result) END;
$copy_result = idos.assert_credential_signatures(
SELECT CASE WHEN $copy_result != 'ok' THEN
error('assert_copy_credential_signatures:' || $copy_result)

$verifiable_credential_id = idos.get_verifiable_credential_id($public_notes);
// Insert original credential
$verifiable_credential_id = idos.get_verifiable_credential_id($original_public_notes);

INSERT INTO credentials (id, user_id, verifiable_credential_id, public_notes, content, encryptor_public_key, issuer_auth_public_key, inserter)
(SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=$dwg_owner COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = $dwg_owner)),
CASE WHEN $verifiable_credential_id = '' THEN NULL ELSE $verifiable_credential_id END,

INSERT INTO shared_credentials (original_id, copy_id) VALUES ($original_credential_id, $id);
// Insert copy credential
INSERT INTO credentials (id, user_id, verifiable_credential_id, public_notes, content, encryptor_public_key, issuer_auth_public_key, inserter)
(SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=$dwg_owner COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = $dwg_owner)),

INSERT INTO shared_credentials (original_id, copy_id) VALUES ($original_credential_id, $copy_credential_id);

// SELECT is just a strange way of calling a procedure from an action
SELECT create_access_grant(

INSERT INTO consumed_write_grants (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -876,51 +926,21 @@ procedure share_attribute($id uuid, $original_attribute_id uuid, $attribute_key


procedure add_write_grant($wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text) public {
INSERT INTO write_grants (id, wg_owner_wallet_identifier, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, wg_owner_user_id) VALUES (
uuid_generate_v5('31276fd4-105f-4ff7-9f64-644942c14b79'::uuid, format('%s-%s', @caller, $wg_grantee_wallet_identifier)),
(SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=@caller COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = @caller)

procedure remove_write_grant($wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text) public {
DELETE FROM write_grants
WHERE wg_grantee_wallet_identifier = $wg_grantee_wallet_identifier COLLATE NOCASE
AND wg_owner_user_id = (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=@caller COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = @caller));

procedure get_write_grant_id($user_id uuid) private view returns (id uuid) {
for $row in SELECT id FROM write_grants WHERE wg_owner_user_id = $user_id AND wg_grantee_wallet_identifier = @caller COLLATE NOCASE LIMIT 1 {
return $;

error('there is no write grant found');

procedure has_write_grant_given_to($wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text) public view returns (has_given bool) {
for $row in SELECT 1 FROM write_grants
WHERE wg_grantee_wallet_identifier = $wg_grantee_wallet_identifier COLLATE NOCASE
AND wg_owner_user_id = (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM wallets WHERE (wallet_type = 'EVM' AND address=@caller COLLATE NOCASE)
OR (wallet_type = 'NEAR' AND public_key = @caller)) {
return true;
return false;
action dwg_message(
$access_grant_timelock, // Must be in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format
$not_usable_before, // Must be in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format
$not_usable_after // Must be in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format
) public view {
idos.parse_date($access_grant_timelock); // Will fail if not in the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ format, and not comply to RFC3339
$result = idos.validate_not_usable_times($not_usable_before, $not_usable_after); // Check the format and precedence
SELECT CASE WHEN $result != 1 THEN ERROR('not_usable_before must be before not_usable_after') END;

procedure has_write_grant_given_by($user_id uuid) public view returns (has_given bool) {
for $row in SELECT 1 FROM write_grants
WHERE wg_owner_user_id = $user_id
AND wg_grantee_wallet_identifier = @caller COLLATE NOCASE {
return true;
return false;
$message = idos.dwg_message($owner_wallet_identifier, $grantee_wallet_identifier, $issuer_public_key, $id, $access_grant_timelock, $not_usable_before, $not_usable_after);
SELECT $message as message;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1184,17 +1204,20 @@ procedure insert_shared_attr_as_owner($original_id uuid, $copy_id uuid) owner pu
// configs: upsert_config_as_owner

procedure insert_access_grants_as_owner($id uuid, $ag_owner_user_id uuid, $ag_grantee_wallet_identifier text, $data_id uuid,
$locked_until int, $content_hash text, $height int, $inserter_type text, $inserter_id text) owner public {
$locked_until int, $content_hash text, $height int, $inserter_type text, $inserter_id text) owner public {
INSERT INTO access_grants (id, ag_owner_user_id, ag_grantee_wallet_identifier, data_id, locked_until, content_hash, height, inserter_type, inserter_id)
VALUES ($id, $ag_owner_user_id, $ag_grantee_wallet_identifier, $data_id, $locked_until, $content_hash, $height, $inserter_type, $inserter_id);

procedure insert_write_grants_as_owner($id uuid, $wg_owner_wallet_identifier text, $wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text, $wg_owner_user_id uuid) owner public {
INSERT INTO write_grants (id, wg_owner_wallet_identifier, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, wg_owner_user_id)
VALUES ($id, $wg_owner_wallet_identifier, $wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, $wg_owner_user_id);
procedure insert_consumed_wgs_as_owner($id uuid, $owner_wallet_identifier text, $grantee_wallet_identifier text,
$issuer_public_key text, $original_credential_id uuid, $copy_credential_id uuid, $access_grant_timelock text,
$not_usable_before text, $not_usable_after text) owner public {
INSERT INTO consumed_write_grants (id, owner_wallet_identifier, grantee_wallet_identifier, issuer_public_key, original_credential_id,
copy_credential_id, access_grant_timelock, not_usable_before, not_usable_after)
VALUES ($id, $owner_wallet_identifier, $grantee_wallet_identifier, $issuer_public_key, $original_credential_id,
$copy_credential_id, $access_grant_timelock, $not_usable_before, $not_usable_after);


procedure all_users_as_owner() public view owner returns table (id uuid, recipient_encryption_public_key text, inserter text) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1339,22 +1362,28 @@ procedure migrate_access_grants($dbid text) public owner {

procedure all_write_grants_as_owner() public view owner returns table (id uuid, wg_owner_wallet_identifier text, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text,
wg_owner_user_id uuid) {
return SELECT id, wg_owner_wallet_identifier, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, wg_owner_user_id FROM write_grants;
procedure all_consumed_wgs_as_owner() public view owner returns table (id uuid, owner_wallet_identifier text, grantee_wallet_identifier text,
issuer_public_key text, original_credential_id uuid, copy_credential_id uuid, access_grant_timelock text,
not_usable_before text, not_usable_after text) {
return SELECT id, owner_wallet_identifier, grantee_wallet_identifier, issuer_public_key, original_credential_id,
copy_credential_id, access_grant_timelock, not_usable_before, not_usable_after FROM consumed_write_grants;

foreign procedure get_all_write_grants() returns table (id uuid, wg_owner_wallet_identifier text, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier text, wg_owner_user_id uuid)
foreign procedure get_all_consumed_wgs() returns table (id uuid, owner_wallet_identifier text, grantee_wallet_identifier text,
issuer_public_key text, original_credential_id uuid, copy_credential_id uuid, access_grant_timelock text,
not_usable_before text, not_usable_after text)

procedure migrate_write_grants($dbid text) public owner {
for $row in SELECT id, wg_owner_wallet_identifier, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, wg_owner_user_id FROM get_all_write_grants[$dbid, 'all_write_grants_as_owner']() {
INSERT INTO write_grants (id, wg_owner_wallet_identifier, wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, wg_owner_user_id)
VALUES ($, $row.wg_owner_wallet_identifier, $row.wg_grantee_wallet_identifier, $row.wg_owner_user_id);
procedure migrate_consumed_write_grants($dbid text) public owner {
for $row in SELECT id, owner_wallet_identifier, grantee_wallet_identifier, issuer_public_key, original_credential_id,
copy_credential_id, access_grant_timelock, not_usable_before, not_usable_after
FROM get_all_consumed_wgs[$dbid, 'all_consumed_wgs_as_owner']() {
INSERT INTO consumed_write_grants (id, owner_wallet_identifier, grantee_wallet_identifier, issuer_public_key, original_credential_id,
copy_credential_id, access_grant_timelock, not_usable_before, not_usable_after)
VALUES ($, $row.owner_wallet_identifier, $row.grantee_wallet_identifier, $row.issuer_public_key, $row.original_credential_id,
$row.copy_credential_id, $row.access_grant_timelock, $row.not_usable_before, $row.not_usable_after);

procedure all_configs_as_owner() public view owner returns table (config_key text, value text) {
return SELECT config_key, value FROM configs;
Expand All @@ -1379,6 +1408,5 @@ procedure migrate_all_data($old_dbid text) public owner {
migrate_write_grants($old_dbid); // WGs must be inserted before access grants

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