The library allows exposing GRPC services as REST-APIs using Connect protocol (with JSON messages) + GRPC Transcoding, without Envoy or any other proxy.
In essence, a service implementing the following protobuf definition:
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
service ExampleService {
rpc GetExample(GetExampleRequest) returns (GetExampleResponse) {}
message GetExampleRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetExampleResponse {
string name = 1;
Is exposed to the clients as a REST API:
POST /example.ExampleService/GetExample HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "123"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"name": "example"
It is compatible with Connect protocol clients (e.g., generated with Connect RPC protoc
In addition, the library allows creating free-form REST APIs
using GRPC Transcoding approach (based on google.api.http
annotations that can be added to methods):
syntax = "proto3";
package example;
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
service ExampleService {
rpc GetExample(GetExampleRequest) returns (GetExampleResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/example/{id}"
message GetExampleRequest {
string id = 1;
message GetExampleResponse {
string name = 1;
In addition to the previous way of execution, such endpoints are exposed in a more RESTful way:
GET /example/123 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"name": "example"
The library works with all ScalaPB-based GRPC code-generators:
- ScalaPB services with
monad - fs2-grpc, built on top of
- ZIO gRPC, built on top of
At the moment, only unary (non-streaming) methods are supported.
The library provides two frontends:
— based on http4s server. More stable, was added first, but has some limitations, like inability to support streaming.connect-rpc-scala-netty
— based on Netty server. Lower-level, not-ready-for-production yet, but has some advantages, making it a way to go with time:- Better performance
- Support for streaming
- Ability to reuse Netty from
dependency, used by GRPC itself
Feature comparison:
Netty | http4s | |
Connect protocol | ✅ | ✅ |
- JSON Codec | ✅ | ✅ |
- Protocol Buffers codec | ⌛ Working / 12/85 tests | ⌛ Working / 13/85 conformance tests pass |
- Unary requests | ✅ | ✅ |
- Streaming | planned | ➖ / not planned |
- GET-requests | ✅ | ✅ |
- Encoding | identity/gzip | identity/gzip |
- gRPC-Web protocol | ➖ / considered | ➖ / not planned |
Netty | http4s | |
gRPC Transcoding ( google.api.http annotations) |
planned | ✅ |
- GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH methods | ➖ | ✅ |
- Path parameters, e.g., /v1/countries/{name} |
➖ | ✅ |
- Query parameters, repeating query parameters (e.g., ?a=1&a=2 ) as arrays |
➖ | ✅ |
- Request body (JSON) | ➖ | ✅ |
- Request body field mapping, e.g. body: "request" , body: "*" |
➖ | ✅ |
- Path suffixes, e.g., /v1/{name=projects/*/locations/*}/datasets |
➖ | ➖ |
Installing http4s frontend (you also need to install one of http4s
server implementations):
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"me.ivovk" %% "connect-rpc-scala-http4s" % "<version>",
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-ember-server" % "0.23.29"
The interface provided by the library can be expressed as:
(_: List[io.grpc.ServiceDefinition]) => org.http4s.HttpApp[F]
E.g., it takes a list of GRPC services and returns a list of http4s
routes based on those services.
This interface is implemented by ConnectRouteBuilder
import org.ivovk.connect_rpc_scala.http4s.Http4sRouteBuilder
// Your GRPC service(s)
val grpcServices: Seq[io.grpc.ServiceDefinition] = ???
val httpServer: Resource[IO, org.http4s.server.Server] = {
for {
// Create httpApp with Connect-RPC routes, specifying your GRPC services
httpApp <- Http4sRouteBuilder.forServices[IO](grpcServices).build
// Create http server
httpServer <- EmberServerBuilder.default[IO]
.withHttp2 // If you want to enable HTTP2 support
} yield httpServer
// Start the server
httpServer.use(_ => IO.never).unsafeRunSync()
How-tos that go beyond the basic usage:
- How to support CORS-requests
- How to integrate with OpenTelemetry
- How to work with ZIO
- How to implement Kubernetes health checks
Run the following command to run Connect-RPC conformance tests:
For the Netty server:
docker build -f build/conformance/Dockerfile . --progress=plain --output "out" \
--build-arg launcher=NettyServerLauncher --build-arg config=suite-netty.yaml
For the Http4s server:
docker build -f build/conformance/Dockerfile . --progress=plain --output "out" \
--build-arg launcher=Http4sServerLauncher --build-arg config=suite-http4s.yaml
Execution results are output to STDOUT.
Diagnostic data from the server itself is written to the log file out/out.log
Public APIs on the website are implemented with it, you can open Web Inspector and see the requests being made to the server (private APIs are just straight GRPC communication).
Connect RPC conformance tests are run on every commit.
The library is not a web-server or proxy, it uses http4s
as a server implementation, and it uses official
bridge to communicate with the GRPC services.
JSON ↔ Protobuf conversions are done using the scalapb-json4s
What the library does is just puts it all together, exposing HTTP routes, where it parses JSON to case classes, resolves particular GRPC endpoint and calls it.
Performance is not a primary goal of the library, but it is designed to be efficient.
There is no additional serialization/deserialization overhead, after JSON messages are parsed to case classes they
aren’t serialized to protobuf anymore:
GRPC bridge has some built-in optimizations to avoid unnecessary serialization-deserialization of the data.
Headers are converted between http4s
and grpc-java
types, but it is a very lightweight operation.
If performance is a concern, it is recommended to switch to Protobuf messages,
as it is more efficient: JSON messages are larger and slower to parse.
Protobuf messages are supported by the protocol and the library itself (it's a 1-line switch, useBinaryFormat
in TypeScript client).
ScalaPB will do decoding/encoding in this case.
GRPC Transcoding is a little bit less optimal, since some additional JSON manipulations are done:
fields are converted toa: { b: { c: ... } }
json-objects when they’re used in path and query parameters- fields from POST-body, query and path parameters are merged into a single JSON object (I have doubts most APIs use all of them at once, so it is not a big deal)
Consider that normally you would use this library only once, where request lands on the server, and then you would communicate with the internal services using GRPC. And it should be compared with using a separate proxy (Envoy or GRPC Gateway) for the same purpose, which is one more hop, and needs protobuf files.
- All incoming
headers are removed, as they aren’t allowed by GRPC. - All outgoing
headers are removed. - Original
request header is renamed tox-user-agent
is set to the in-process client's User Agent (grpc-java-inprocess/1.69.0
), there is no way to disable it.
The library is inspired and takes some ideas from the grpc-json-bridge. Which doesn't seem to be supported anymore, + also the library doesn't follow a Connect-RPC standard (while being very close to it).
I'm trying to put a word about the situation in Ukraine in all projects that I'm working on. In many areas, Ukraine right now is in a worse situation than a year ago.
Russia still attacks Ukraine, and the war is ongoing.
The russian economy worsens, but russians, if know they can win, will continue the push.
That's why it is important to show your support, to show that Ukraine is not alone. So russians will come up with different civilization targets than rebuilding the fallen empire.
Please support Ukrainian people in any way you can, spread the word, donate to the army, donate to the humanitarian organizations.
Official website: