This library provides a bridge between Connect protocol and ScalaPB GRPC compiler for Scala. It is inspired and takes ideas from grpc-json-bridge library, which doesn't seem to be supported anymore + the library doesn't follow a Connect-RPC standard (while being very close to it), which makes using clients generated with ConnectRPC not possible.
Since integration happens on the foundational ScalaPB level, it works with all common GRPC code-generation projects for Scala:
- ScalaPB services with
monad - fs2-grpc, built on top of
- ZIO gRPC, built on top of
monad (the most feature-rich implementation)
Note: at the moment, only unary (non-streaming) methods are supported.
As a part of a GRPC adoption, there is usually a need to expose REST APIs. Since GRPC is based on HTTP2, it's not the best option to expose it directly to the clients, which aren’t natively supporting HTTP2. So the most common approach is to expose REST APIs, which will be translated to GRPC on the server side. There are two main protocols for this:
They are similar, but GRPC-WEB target is to be as close to GRPC as possible, while Connect is more
web-friendly: it has better client libraries, better web semantics:
content-type is application/json
instead of application/grpc-web+json
, error codes are just normal http codes
instead of being sent in headers, errors are output in the body of the response JSON-encoded, it supports GET-requests,
etc (you can also read
this blog post describing why Connect is better).
Both protocols support encoding data in Protobuf and JSON. JSON is more web-friendly, but it requires having some component in the middle, providing JSON → Protobuf conversion during the request phase and Protobuf → JSON conversion during the response phase.
And this can be tricky to set up:
The suggested approach in this case is to use a web-server (Envoy) as a proxy, supporting translation of both protocols to GRPC. The general setup of the Envoy in this case allows proxying HTTP/1.1 requests to GRPC, while still having protobuf messages in the body of the request.
To support JSON, Envoy needs to be configured with Protobuf descriptors, which is not very convenient.
That's where this library comes in:
It allows exposing GRPC services, built with ScalaPB, to the clients using Connect protocol (with JSON messages), without Envoy or any other proxy, so a web service can expose both GRPC and REST APIs at the same time on two ports.
This simplifies overall setup: simpler CI, fewer network components, faster execution speed.
versions: [ HTTP_VERSION_1 ]
protocols: [ PROTOCOL_CONNECT ]
codecs: [ CODEC_JSON ]
stream_types: [ STREAM_TYPE_UNARY ]
supports_tls: false
supports_trailers: false
supports_connect_get: true
supports_message_receive_limit: false
Library is installed via SBT (you also need to install particular http4s
server implementation):
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.github.igor-vovk" %% "connect-rpc-scala-core" % "<version>",
"org.http4s" %% "http4s-ember-server" % "0.23.29"
After installing the library, you can expose your GRPC service to the clients using Connect protocol (suppose you already have a GRPC services generated with ScalaPB):
import org.ivovk.connect_rpc_scala.ConnectRpcHttpRoutes
// Your GRPC service(s)
val grpcServices: Seq[io.grpc.ServiceDefinition] = ???
val httpServer: Resource[IO, org.http4s.server.Server] = {
for {
// Create httpApp with Connect-RPC routes, specifying your GRPC services
httpApp <- ConnectRouteBuilder.forServices[IO](grpcServices).build
// Create http server
httpServer <- EmberServerBuilder.default[IO]
} yield httpServer
// Start the server
httpServer.use(_ => IO.never).unsafeRunSync()
Since the library creates a separate "fake" GRPC server, traffic going through it won't be captured by the instrumentation of the main GRPC server.
Here is how you can integrate OpenTelemetry with the Connect-RPC server:
val grpcServices: Seq[io.grpc.ServiceDefinition] = ??? // Your GRPC service(s)
val grpcOtel : GrpcOpenTelemetry = ??? // GrpcOpenTelemetry instance
// Configure the server to use the same opentelemetry instance as the main server
.withServerConfigurator { sb =>
This will make sure that all the traffic going through the Connect-RPC server will be captured by the same opentelemetry.
Run the following command to run Connect-RPC conformance tests:
docker build . --output "out" --progress=plain
Execution results are output to STDOUT.
Diagnostic data from the server itself is written to the log file out/out.log
Current status: 6/79 tests pass
Known issues:
server implementation doesn't support setting response headers (which is required by the tests): #31google.protobuf.Any
serialization doesn't follow Connect-RPC spec: #32
- Support GET-requests
- Support non-unary (streaming) methods