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example: c grammar contributed in #6
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stevefan1999-personal authored and igordejanovic committed Feb 27, 2024
1 parent 4984f39 commit 2c3712d
Showing 1 changed file with 255 additions and 0 deletions.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions examples/c/src/c.rustemo
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
TranslationUnit: ExternalDeclaration | TranslationUnit ExternalDeclaration;
ExternalDeclaration: FunctionDefinition | Declaration;
FunctionDefinition: DeclarationSpecifier+ Declarator Declaration* CompoundStatement;

DeclarationSpecifier: StorageClassSpecifier | TypeSpecifier | TypeQualifier | FunctionSpecifier;

StorageClassSpecifier: "typedef" | "extern" | "static" | "auto" | "register";
| "char"
| "short"
| "int"
| "long"
| "float"
| "double"
| "signed"
| "unsigned"
| "_Bool"
| "_Complex"
| StructOrUnionSpecifier
| EnumSpecifier
| TypedefName

StructOrUnion Identifier? "{" StructDeclaration+ "}"
| StructOrUnion Identifier
StructOrUnion: "struct" | "union";
StructDeclaration: SpecifierQualifierKind+ StructDeclaratorList ";";
SpecifierQualifierKind: TypeSpecifier | TypeQualifier;
TypeQualifier: "const" | "restrict" | "volatile";
StructDeclaratorList: StructDeclaratorList "," StructDeclarator | StructDeclarator;
StructDeclarator: Declarator | Declarator? ":" ConstantExpression;
Declarator: Pointer? DirectDeclarator;
Pointer: "*" TypeQualifier* | "*" TypeQualifier* Pointer;
DirectDeclarator: Identifier
| "(" Declarator ")"
| DirectDeclarator "[" TypeQualifier* AssignmentExpression? "]"
| DirectDeclarator "[" "static" TypeQualifier* AssignmentExpression "]"
| DirectDeclarator "[" TypeQualifier+ "static" AssignmentExpression "]"
| DirectDeclarator "[" TypeQualifier* "*" "]"
| DirectDeclarator "(" ParameterTypeList ")"
| DirectDeclarator "(" IdentifierList? ")"

left=Expression ',' right=Expression {CommaExpression, 0, left}
| AssignmentExpression {1, right}

AssignmentOperators: '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '&=' | '^=' | '|=';
AssignmentExpression: ConditionalExpression | left=UnaryExpression AssignmentOperators right=Expression {right};
ConditionalExpression: ArithmeticExpression | condition=Expression "?" branch_true=Expression ":" branch_false=Expression {right};
ArithmeticExpression: UnaryExpression
| left=Expression '||' right=Expression {LogicalOrExpression, 3}
| left=Expression '&&' right=Expression {LogicalAndExpression, 4}
| left=Expression '|' right=Expression {BitwiseOrExpression, 5}
| left=Expression '^' right=Expression {BitwiseExclusiveOrExpression, 6}
| left=Expression '&' right=Expression {BitwiseAndExpression, 7}
| left=Expression '==' right=Expression {LogicalEqualExpression, 8}
| left=Expression '!=' right=Expression {LogicalNotEqualExpression, 8}
| left=Expression '<' right=Expression {LessThanExpression, 9}
| left=Expression '<=' right=Expression {LessThanOrEqualExpression, 9}
| left=Expression '>' right=Expression {GreaterThanExpression, 9}
| left=Expression '>=' right=Expression {GreaterThanOrEqualExpression, 9}
| left=Expression '<<' right=Expression {BitwiseLeftShiftExpression, 10}
| left=Expression '>>' right=Expression {BitwiseRightShiftExpression, 10}
| left=Expression '+' right=Expression {AdditionExpression, 11}
| left=Expression '-' right=Expression {SubtractionExpression, 11}
| left=Expression '*' right=Expression {MultiplyExpression, 12}
| left=Expression '/' right=Expression {DivisionExpression, 12}
| left=Expression '%' right=Expression {ModuloExpression, 12}

TypeCast: "(" TypeName ")";

UnaryExpression: PrimaryExpression
| "++" UnaryExpression {PreIncrementExpression, 13, right}
| "--" UnaryExpression {PreDecrementExpression, 13, right}
| '!' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {LogicalNotExpression, 13, right}
| '~' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {BitwiseNotExpression, 13, right}
| '+' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {PlusExpression, 13, right}
| '-' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {MinusExpression, 13, right}
| '*' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {DereferenceExpression, 13, right}
| '&' TypeCast? UnaryExpression {ReferenceExpression, 13, right}
| "sizeof" Expression {SizeOfExpressionExpression, 13, right}
| "sizeof" "(" TypeName ")" {SizeOfTypenameExpression, 13, right}
| assumed_array=UnaryExpression "[" index=Expression "]" {ArrayAccessExpression, 14, left}
| assumed_callable=UnaryExpression "(" arguments=ArgumentExpressionList? ")" {FunctionCallExpression, 14, left}
| assumed_variable=UnaryExpression "." Identifier {AccessExpression, 14, left}
| assumed_pointer=UnaryExpression "->" Identifier {PointerAccessExpression, 14, left}
| assumed_increment=UnaryExpression "++" {PostIncrementExpression, 14, left}
| assumed_decrement=UnaryExpression "--" {PostDecrementExpression, 14, left}
| TypeCast "{" InitializerList ","? "}" {CompoundLiteralExpression, 14, left}

Num {Number}
| Identifier {Identifier}
| StringLiteral {StringLiteral}
| '(' Expression ')' {Paren}

ArgumentExpressionList: AssignmentExpression | ArgumentExpressionList "," AssignmentExpression;
TypeName: SpecifierQualifierKind+ AbstractDeclarator?;
AbstractDeclarator: Pointer | Pointer? DirectAbstractDeclarator;
"(" AbstractDeclarator ")"
| DirectAbstractDeclarator? "[" TypeQualifier* AssignmentExpression? "]"
| DirectAbstractDeclarator? "[" "static" TypeQualifier* AssignmentExpression "]"
| DirectAbstractDeclarator? "[" TypeQualifier+ "static" AssignmentExpression "]"
| DirectAbstractDeclarator? "[" "*" "]"
| DirectAbstractDeclarator? "(" ParameterTypeList? ")"

ParameterTypeList: ParameterList | ParameterList "," "...";
ParameterList: ParameterDeclaration | ParameterList "," ParameterDeclaration;

ParameterDeclarationKind: Declarator | AbstractDeclarator?;
ParameterDeclaration: DeclarationSpecifier+ kind=ParameterDeclarationKind;
InitializerList: Designation? Initializer | InitializerList "," Designation? Initializer;
Designation: Designator+ "=";
Designator: "[" ConstantExpression "]" | "." Identifier;
ConstantExpression: ConditionalExpression;
Initializer: AssignmentExpression | "{" InitializerList ","? "}";

IdentifierList: Identifier | IdentifierList "," Identifier;

"enum" Identifier? "{" EnumeratorList ","? "}"
| "enum" Identifier
EnumeratorList: Enumerator | EnumeratorList "," Enumerator;
Enumerator: EnumerationConstant | EnumerationConstant "=" ConstantExpression;
EnumerationConstant: Identifier; // Hack
TypedefName: Identifier;
FunctionSpecifier: "inline";
Declaration: DeclarationSpecifier+ InitDeclaratorList? ";" ;
InitDeclaratorList: InitDeclarator | InitDeclaratorList "," InitDeclarator;
InitDeclarator: Declarator | Declarator "=" Initializer;
CompoundStatement: "{" statements=BlockItem* "}";
BlockItem: Declaration | Statement;
label=Identifier ":" body=Statement {LabelStatement}
| "case" condition=ConstantExpression ":" body=Statement {CaseClause}
| "default" ":" body=Statement {DefaultClause}
| CompoundStatement
| expression=Expression? ";" {ExpressionStatement}
| "if" "(" condition=Expression ")" body=Statement {IfStatement}
| "if" "(" condition=Expression ")" branch_true=Statement "else" branch_false=Statement {IfElseStatement}
| "switch" "(" condition=Expression ")" body=Statement {SwitchStatement}
| "while" "(" condition=Expression ")" body=Statement {WhileStatement}
| "do" body=Statement "while" "(" condition=Expression ")" ";" {DoWhileStatement}
| "for" "(" init=ForInitClause condition=Expression? ";" step=Expression? ")" body=Statement {ForStatement}
| "goto" label=Identifier ";" {GotoStatement}
| "continue" ";" {ContinueStatement}
| "break" ";" {BreakStatement}
| "return" value=Expression? ";" {ReturnStatement}
ForInitClause: ";" {None} | Expression ";" {ForInitWithExpression} | Declaration {ForInitWithDeclaration};


Ampersand: '&';
Caret: '^';
Colon: ':';
Comma: ',';
Dash: '-';
Dot: '.';
Equal: '=';
Exclaim: '!';
LeftBracket: '<';
LeftCurlyBracket: '{';
LeftParen: '(';
LeftSquareBracket: '[';
Percent: '%';
Plus: '+';
Question: '?';
RightBracket: '>';
RightCurlyBracket: '}';
RightParen: ')';
RightSquareBracket: ']';
Semicolon: ';';
Sizeof: 'sizeof';
Slash: '/';
Star: '*';
Tilde: '~';
VerticalBar: '|';

AmpersandEqual: '&=';
CaretEqual: '^=';
DashEqual: '-=';
DashRightBracket: '->';
DoubleAmpersand: '&&';
DoubleEqual: '==';
DoubleLeft: '<<';
DoubleDash: '--';
DoublePlus: '++';
DoubleRight: '>>';
DoubleVerticalBar: '||';
ExclaimEqual: '!=';
LeftBracketEqual: '<=';
PercentEqual: '%=';
PlusEqual: '+=';
RightBracketEqual: '>=';
SlashEqual: '/=';
StarEqual: '*=';
VerticalBarEqual: '|=';

Ellipsis: '...';
DoubleLeftEqual: '<<=';
DoubleRightEqual: '>>=';

Auto: "auto";
Break: 'break';
Case: 'case';
Char: "char";
Const: "const";
Continue: 'continue';
Default: 'default';
Do: 'do';
Double: "double";
Else: 'else';
Enum: 'enum';
Extern: "extern";
Float: "float";
For: 'for';
Goto: 'goto';
If: 'if';
Inline: "inline";
Int: "int";
Long: "long";
Register: "register";
Restrict: "restrict";
Return: 'return';
Short: "short";
Signed: "signed";
Static: 'static';
Struct: 'struct';
Switch: 'switch';
Typedef: "typedef";
UnderscoreBool: "_Bool";
UnderscoreComplex: "_Complex";
Union: 'union';
Unsigned: "unsigned";
Void: "void";
Volatile: "volatile";
While: 'while';

Num: /[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/;
Identifier: /\p{XID_Start}\p{XID_Continue}*/;
StringLiteral: /"[^"]*"/;

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