An Arma 3 persistent multiplayer scenario about guerilla warfare tactics.
Fork of Antistasi Community Version focused on expanding player's capabilities and introducing new gameplay features.
Steam Workshop: Antistasi Plus
- Arms Dealer vendor with the ability to directly buy and sell weapons, items and gear
- Vehicle Black Market - possibility to spend money on vehicles, aircrafts et cetera
- Commander Menu (CTRL+T shortcut) with various new abilities which commander can use to support his troops
- Rebel Loadouts - ability to customize AI rebels weapons and equipment for each infantry class
- Special crate and commander ability provides capabilities to automatically loot bodies, surrender crates and weapons on ground to reduce tediousness of looting
- New marker types - military administrations and military bases
- 8 random event types (Civilian Helicopter Flyby, Vehicle Drone Strike, Roving Mortar and others)
- 9 new mission types (Find the Arms Dealer, Salvage Helicrash, Prevent Artillery Strike, Ambush Officer, Seize Airdrop, Rescue Smugglers, Rescue Rebel Informer, Investigate the Battleground, Kill Cell Leader)
- Ability to build persistent roadblocks, watchposts, AA, AT emplacements
- Civilian Presence Module - more performance-friendly and alive footmobile civilians
- Rally Point - temporary spawn point that can be placed by commander
- Persistent save for constructions
- Additional commander abilities - Smoke Barrage, Flare Barrage, Light Vehicle Airdrop, Recon Plane Run, Supply Crate Airdrop, Chemical Airstrike
- Special commander ability - Paradrop (commander can move player paratroopers to airplane for HALO jump on desired location)
- Rivals - OPFOR-backed guerilla faction that has different views on country's future, they will try to disrupt your insurgency movement with dirty methods, covert operations and blunt force
- Infantry unit tiers based on current war level, the bigger war level - the better enemy's infantry units equipment
- Discord Rich Presence support
- Chemical airstrike - new airstirke variant which can be used by rebel commander and invader faction
- Howitzer and Mechanized Airborne QRF support types
- Integrated Mag Repack script
- Various additional settings and small abilities - vehicle unflip, server time multiplier et cetera
- Various QoL fixes, tweaks, enhancements, UI improvements (Similar weapons counted as one entity on infinite unlock, Zeus persistent constructions and many more! see changelog to get full details)
- Original Mission by barbolani
- Antistasi Community Edition by Official Antistasi Community
- Magrepack by Outlawled, R3vo and OOster
- HALs_Store by HallyG, R3vo and barman75
- DRO by mbrdmn
- Discord Rich Presence by ConnorAU
- Antistasi Plus fork by Socrates