Événement is a very simple event dispatching library for PHP.
It has the same design goals as Silex and Pimple, to empower the user while staying concise and simple.
It is very strongly inspired by the EventEmitter API found in node.js.
The recommended way to install Événement is through composer. By running the following command:
$ composer require evenement/evenement
$emitter = new Evenement\EventEmitter();
$emitter->on('user.created', static function (User $user) use ($logger): void {
$logger->log(sprintf("User '%s' was created.", $user->getLogin()));
$emitter->removeListener('user.created', static function (User $user) use ($logger): void {
$logger->log(sprintf("User '%s' was created.", $user->getLogin()));
$emitter->emit('user.created', [$user]);
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit