Command | Aliases | Parameters | Description |
Help | help | {command alias} | Prints a list of all commands or info about a single one |
Status | status | state | settings | Prints status of the mod, which commands are active with which values | |
Disable All | disableall | alloff | Disables all commands | |
God Mode | god | godmode | Activates all health, stamina and status related features at once. (You will have to disable god mode to be able to toggle them seperatly) | |
Heal | heal | Player gets fully healed once (host only) | |
Infinite Health | health | hp | infhp | infhealth | Player gets fully healed and becomes invincible (host only) | |
Infinite Stamina | stamina | sp | infsp | infstamina | Player won't consume stamina (works partial as guest) | |
Infinite Crouch Roll | infroll | crouchroll | stealthroll | Allows player to use the crouch roll ability from Sneaking LvL 5 without a cooldown. | |
Infinite Durability | durability | infdurability | infdur | Keeps player's gear and hotbar items durability at maximum (works as guest) | |
Infinite Energy | energy | infenergy | Keeps player's gear and held item charge/energy at maximum (host only) | |
No Overheat | nooverheat | overheat | Prevents items from overheating (currently only the Jetpack) (host only) | |
Infinite Max Weight | infweight | carryweight | maxweight | noweight | infcarry | Increases maximum carry weight. (To refresh overweight status drop heavy items then pick them up again) (host only) | |
No Hunger | hunger | nohunger | eat | Player won't be hungry (works partial as guest) | |
No Thirst | thirst | nothirst | drink | Player won't be thirsty (works partial as guest) | |
No Fatigue | fat | nofat | fatigue | nofatigue | tired | Player won't be tired (works partial as guest) | |
Infinite Continence | con | infcon | InfiniteContinence | noneed | constipation | Player won't need to go to the toilet (works partial as guest) | |
Low Continence | lowcon | lowcontinence | nocon | nocontinence | laxative | Freezes the need to go to the toilet at low value. (Each time you seat down on Portal WC you have 1% change to trigger it) (host only) | |
Instant Toilet | instwc | insttoilet | fastpoop | instpoop | instanttoilet | instantpoop | Automatically, instantly finishes your toilet business. Combined with "Low Continence" command (host only), it can generate infinite amount of poop. (works as guest) | |
No Radiation | rad | norad | radiation | noradiation | Player can't receive radiation (works partial as guest) | |
Perfect Temperature | nocold | nohot | temperature | temp | perfecttemp | Makes player temperature resistant. (host only) | |
Infinite Oxygen | oxygen | info2 | o2 | infoxygen | Makes player breath under water. (host only) | |
Invisible | inv | invisible | invis | invisibility | untargetable | Makes player invisible/untargetable by enemy NPCs (host only) | |
No Fall Damage | falldmg | falldamage | nofall | nofalldmg | nofalldamage | Prevents player from taking fall damage (host only) | |
Free Crafting (Debug function) | freecraft | freecrafting | crafting | craft | Allows player to craft ALL recipes, upgrade the Crafting Bench, instantly build furnitue and unlock chests without keys. (Warning: You may need to restart the game to deactivate it completely!) (host only) | |
Instant Crafting | InstantCrafting | instacraft | instantcraft | instcraft | Reduces crafting duration for all recipes to minimum (works as guest) | |
Set Money | money | {value} | Set money to desired value (works as guest) |
Infinite Ammo | infammo | ammo | infiniteammo | Keeps ammo of ranged weapons replenished (as guest works somehow, but is bugged) | |
No Recoil | norecoil | recoil | weaponnorecoil | Reduces weapon's fire recoil to minimum (haven't found a way to remove completely yet) (works as guest) | |
No Sway | nosway | sway | noweaponsway | Removes weapon's sway. (works as guest) | |
Instant Plant Growth | instplants | instplant | instantplants | instgrowth | instantplantgrowth | instantgrowth | growplants | Makes planted plants fully grow instantly. (host only) | |
Leyak Cooldown | leyakcd | leyakcooldown | cdleyak | {minutes} | Changes Leyak's spawn cooldown in minutes (Default: 15min). The cooldown will be reapplied by the mod automatically each time you start the game. (To disable the command set value to 0 or 15) (host only) |
Trap Leyak | trapleyak | containleyak | Trap's Leyak in the next possible Containment Unit. (host only) | |
Free Leyak | freeleyak | Free Leyak from a Containment Unit. (host only) | |
Infinite Trait Points | inftraits | inftrait | traitpoints | inftraitpoints | Lets you select as many Traits as you want while creating a new character. (works as guest) | |
No Clip | noclip | clip | ghost | Disables player's collision and makes him fly (host only) | |
Add Skill Experience | addxp | addexp | xpadd | skillxp | skillexp | skill | skillxp | {skill alias} {XP value} | Adds XP to specified Skill (host only) |
Remove Skill Experience | removexp | removeexp | resetxp | resetexp | resetskill | resetlevel | resetlvl | {skill alias} | Removes All XP from specified Skill (host only) |
Reset All Skills | resetallskills | resetallskill | resetallxp | resetallexp | resetalllvl | Resets all character skills! (works as guest) | |
Show Traits | traits | Show player's Traits. | |
Master Key | masterkey | key | keys | opendoor | opendoors | Allows to open all doors (host only) | |
Weather Event | setweather | nextweather | weatherevent | weather | {weather} | Sets weather event for the next day (host only) |
Reset Portal Worlds | resetportals | resetportal | resetworlds | resetportalworlds | resetvignettes | Resets Portal Worlds (host only) | |
Poop on Floor | poop | pooponfloor | Poop on the Floor (works as guest) | |
Set Time | settime | Set game's time in 24-hour format (0-23:0-59). (host only) | |
Kill All Enemies | killall | killnpc | killnpcs | killallnpc | killallnpcs | killallenemies | killenemies | {drop loot} | Kill all enemy NPCs in your vicinity. (host only) |
Spawn All Enemies | spawnall | spawnnpc | spawnnpcs | spawnallnpc | spawnallnpcs | spawnallenemies | spawnenemies | Respawn all enemy NPCs in your vicinity. (host only) | |
Destroy All Dropped Items | killdropped | killalldrop | killalldropped | killdropped | destroydropped | destroyallitems | destroyalldroppeds | Destroy all dropped items in your vicinity. Caution! It will destroy ALL items dropped on the ground, by you, by NPCs or by destroyed items! (not item spawns) (host only) | |
List Locations | locations | showloc | showlocations | loc | locs | Shows all saved locations | |
Save Location | savelocation | saveloc | setloc | wp | savewp | setwp | waypoint | setwaypoint | savewaypoint | {name} | Saves your current position and rotation under an assigned name |
Load Location | loadlocation | loadloc | loadwp | tp | goto | loadwaypoint | teleport | {name} | Teleports you to a named location that was previously saved (host only) |
Player List | playerlist | listplayers | players | Prints a list of all players in the game. Format: (index): (player name) | |
Teleport To Player | toplayer | teleportto | tpto | {name/index} | Teleports to a player based on their name or index (host only) |
Teleport To Me | tome | teleporttome | pull | {name/index} | Teleports a player to yourself based on their name or index (host only) |
Kill Player | smite | kill | execute | {name/index} | Kills a player based on their name or index (host only) |
Revive Player | revive | res | resurrect | {name/index} | Revive a dead palyer (host only) |
Give Skill Experience to Player | givexp | {name/index} {skill alias} {XP value} | Gives Skill XP to a player (host only) |
Remove Skill Experience from Player | takexp | {name/index} {skill alias} | Remove All Skill XP from a player (host only) |
Speedhack | speedhack | speedmulti | speedscale | {multiplier/scale} | Sets a speed multiplier for your character's Walk and Sprint speed. (Default speed: 1.0) (host only) |
Player Gravity Scale | playergravity | playergrav | pg | setpg | {scale} | Sets player's gravity scale. (Default scale: 1.0) (host only) |
Delete Object Trace | deleteobject | removeobject | Deletes an object in front of you (up to 10 meters). (Aim carefully, the object will be gone for good) (host only) | |
Fix Item Liquid Type | fixliquid | fixliquidtype | fixitemliquid | Fixes the liquid level and type of currently held object, if it doesn't match. (host only) |
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Cheat Console Commands UE4SS Mod for Abiotic Factor
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Cheat Console Commands UE4SS Mod for Abiotic Factor