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React Internship backend

GQL Server backend for React Internship


Make sure you have Node installed; Make sure you have MySQL installed on your machine; Make sure you have yarn installed on your machine;

Open the Terminal app and type brew update. This updates Homebrew with a list of the latest version of Node. node: brew install node yarn : brew install yarn


installation link: MySql Instalation link

2.Create a new database

Database name: internship

user : root

Password: internship2020

3.Run migrations

1. Run yarn migrate
2. Run yarn seed
To reset DB run yarn undo-all and run steps 1, 2 again;

For more information regarding migrations and seeds visit Sequelize


Clone the repo Run command yarn install to download and install dependencies;


yarn start to start the server Server starts at: GQL SERVER

####The main pages of our application:

  • Login page
  • Register page
    • Only simple users can be created from this page
  • Admin CRUD
    • Accessible only for system admin's (user role id = 1);
    • Here the user has the possibility to CRUD , companies, etc
  • Jobs CRUD and job details
    • Accessible only for company users (user role id = 2);
    • Here the user has the possibility to CRUD jobs, associated to their company
    • As a company user I can view who applied for any jobs created by me;
  • My profile page.
    • Accessible only for simple users (user role id = 3);
    • Here the user has the possibility to CRUD CV related information (general info, list of educations, work experiences, skills, etc)
  • Jobs list and job detail pages
    • A list of opened jobs;
    • As a simple user I can apply for this job


No description, website, or topics provided.






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