Generate TypeScript models and redux-saga
API calls from C# classes and MVC actions.
For usage see test/Program.cs
and api.ts
import { call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { apiCall } from './api';
import {
} from "./models";
export type DateString = string;
export let Backend = {
Foo: {
*Bar(test: ITestType, foobar: string) {
return (yield call(apiCall, `/api/Foo/Bar/${foobar}`, {
body: test,
method: "POST",
})) as IOtherType;
*Baz(foobar: number) {
return (yield call(apiCall, `/api/Foo/Baz/${foobar}`, {
anonymous: true,
})) as ITestType[];
*File(files: FormData, dt: DateString) {
yield call(apiCall, `/api/Foo/File/${dt}`, {
anonymous: true,
body: files,
method: "POST",
URL: {
Foo: {
Bar(test: ITestType, foobar: string) {
return `/api/Foo/Bar/${foobar}`;
Baz(foobar: number) {
return `/api/Foo/Baz/${foobar}`;
File(files: FormData, dt: DateString) {
return `/api/Foo/File/${dt}`;
export type DateString = string;
// test.OtherType
export interface IOtherType {
str: string;
int: number;
list: string[];
iList: string[];
iEnum: string[];
dateTime: DateString;
nDateTime?: DateString | null;
enum: EnumType;
testType: ITestType;
bool: boolean;
char: string;
weird?: boolean[] | null;
charArray: string[];
intArray: number[];
dateArr: DateString[];
nullableArr?: number[] | null;
// test.EnumType
export enum EnumType {
foo = 0,
bar = 1,
baz = 12334,
// test.TestType
export interface ITestType {
str: string;
int: number;
list: string[];
iList: string[];
iEnum: string[];
dateTime: DateString;
nDateTime?: DateString | null;
enum: EnumType;
otherType: IOtherType;
bool: boolean;
char: string;
weird?: boolean[] | null;
charArray: string[];
intArray: number[];
dateArr: DateString[];
nullableArr?: number[] | null;
import { Action } from "redux-actions";
import { SagaIterator } from "redux-saga";
import { put, takeLatest } from "redux-saga/effects";
import * as Actions from "../actions";
import { Backend } from "./backend";
import { ITestType } from "./models";
function* doBar(action: Action<ITestType>) {
try {
const otherType = yield* Backend.Foo.Bar(action.payload, "foobar");
yield put(Actions.doBarSuccess(otherType));
} catch (err) {
// process error
export default function* doBarSaga(): SagaIterator {
yield takeLatest(Actions.doBar, doBar);