This repository contains ROS packages for the CereProc CereVoice TTS engine. It is useless without the CereVoice SDK and a valid license. To get CereVoice please visit
To use this package you have to create a package for the CereVoice SDK you got from CereProc. Put all folders and files from the SDK in this package. The CMakeLists.txt
has to look like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
find_package(catkin REQUIRED)
find_package(ALSA REQUIRED)
NAMES cerevoice_eng_shared
PATHS cerevoice_eng/lib)
NAMES cerevoice_pmod_shared
PATHS cerevoice_pmod/lib)
NAMES cerehts_shared
PATHS cerehts/lib)
NAMES cerevoice_shared
PATHS cerevoice/lib)
NAMES cerevoice_aud_shared
PATHS cerevoice_aud/lib)
INCLUDE_DIRS cerevoice_eng/include cerevoice_aud/include
In the package.xml
depend on libasound2-dev
$ roslaunch cerevoice_tts tts.launch
You may have to modify the language file information in the launch file.
Always launch the node on the computer where the speakers are connected!
The text in the goal will be put in XML format, so feel free to use XML or SSML tags in your text.
You do NOT have to provide the <xml>
and <speak>
tags. This is done automatically.
If you leave the voice parameter unset, the default voice will be used.
The default voice is the first voice specified in the launch file.
$ rosrun actionlib /TTS
There enter the name of the voice and the text.
See the ROS actionlib tutorial for how to use actionlib.
Create the action client with
actionlib::SimpleActionClient<cerevoice_tts_msgs::TtsAction> action_client("TTS", true);
Set the voice and the text in the action goal with
cerevoice_tts_msgs::TtsGoal goal;
goal.text = "Your text here.";
goal.voice = "Heather";
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<param name="cerevoice_tts_node/startup_sentence" type="string" value="Text zu Sprache bereit." />
<rosparam param="voices" ns="cerevoice_tts_node" subst_value="true">
- path: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/cerevoice_alex_3.0.6_22k.voice
license: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/license.lic
abbrev: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/example_data/abbrev_german.txt
- path: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/cerevoice_gudrun_3.0.6_22k.voice
license: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/license.lic
abbrev: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/example_data/abbrev_german.txt
- path: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/cerevoice_heather_3.0.8_22k.voice
license: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/voices/cereproc_license.lic
lexicon: $(env HOME)/cerevoice_sdk/example_data/additional.lex
<node name="cerevoice_tts_node" pkg="cerevoice_tts" type="cerevoice_tts_node" respawn="false" output="screen" />
The path and the license of a voice are required. Lexicon and abbreviations file are optional. The optional string startup_sentence will be synthesized when the TTS node is ready.
To test text you can use the script txt2speech. It takes as an argument the path to a text file. This text will be synthesised.
usage: txt2speech [-h] [--voice Alex] path/file
$ rosrun cerevoice_tts txt2speech text.txt
$ rosrun cerevoice_tts --voice=Alex text.txt
This software has been developed by the Ravensburg-Weingarten Institute of Artificial Intelligence and not by CereProc. It has been published with kind permission of CereProc.