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Multitasking scripts, with different useful uses at the administration level, personal use and development


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Powershell Useful Scripts

Repository of small scripts that can be used for specific tasks such as Networking, automation, file conversion, server administration and more.

Main objectives

The main goal of the project is to create a well-organized repository with tools that empower and help both system administrators and PowerShell developers. I also value continuous learning and knowledge sharing, so I would appreciate any feedback or ideas that would support the project.

Available Scripts

Apps Administration

  • Hide-MicrosoftStore.ps1: Hide Microsoft Store for local user.
  • Show-MicrosoftStore.ps1: Show Microsoft Store for local user.
  • Remove-ListApps.ps1: Uninstalls the current user's applications from the defined list.
    • Requirements: Winget.

Server Administration

  • Add-SvManager.ps1: Adds servers to Server Manager, formats the XML document before adding the server, and saves the changes.
  • Get-SvManager.ps1: Retrieves and organizes the servers added to Server Manager, displaying information such as status and the date of the last update.

Backup and Cleanup

  • BackupFiles.ps1: Creates a backup of important installers from one location to another.
  • Clean-Temp.ps1: Cleans temporary files from assigned folders.
  • Optimize-Register.ps1: Cleans the Windows Registry for proper system and component operation.
  • Remove-Secure.ps1: Deletes a file so that it is untraceable by file recovery software.

File Conversion

  • Convert-Image-To-PDF.ps1: Converts image files (.bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .ico) to PDF files.
  • Convert-VHDX-To-Qcow2.ps1: Converts .vhdx files to .qcow2 files.
  • Convert-Docx-To-PDF.ps1: Exports .docx files to PDF files.
    • Requirements: Word Application.
  • Convert-PDF-To-Docx.ps1: Exports PDF files to .docx files.
    • Requirements: Word Application.
  • Convert-Docx-To-HTML.ps1: Converts .docx files to HTML files.
    • Requirements: Word Application.
  • Convert-HTML-To-Docx.ps1: Converts HTML files to .docx files.
    • Requirements: Word Application.
  • Convert-Video-To-MP4.ps1: Converts video files to MP4 format.

Security and Passwords

  • Decrypt-Password.ps1: Decrypts a password stored in ".\Password.txt" and outputs the result in clear text.
  • Encrypt-Password.ps1: Encrypts a password provided through input and saves it encrypted in a ".\Password.txt" file.

System Information

  • Get-ActiveUsersReport.ps1: Saves a report of active users into an "ActiveUsersReport.txt" file.
  • Get-HW.ps1: Discovers and organizes information about the hardware of the specific computer.
  • Get-CPU-Temp.ps1: Prints the CPU temperature in Celsius on the terminal.
  • Get-Disk-Temp.ps1: Prints the disk temperatures in Celsius on the terminal.
  • Get-HighResourcesProcess.ps1: Prints the top 10 processes with the highest CPU consumption in an orderly manner.
  • Get-VolumeInfo.ps1: Lists and selects volumes to review their main characteristics in an organized and clear manner.
  • Verify-SystemFiles.ps1: Checks and repairs system files using the sfc /scannow command.

Network and Connectivity

  • Get-IPReport.ps1: Generates a detailed report of the current device's IP information, including public IP, private IP, subnet mask, address family, and MAC address.
  • Monitor-Website.ps1: Monitors a specific web URL with a customizable interval, providing details about the date and time.
  • Test-Latency.ps1: Generates a report of the current device latency by setting six targets (Google, Cloudflare, OpenDNS, Verizon DNS, AWS, Microsoft Azure).
  • Remote-Connection.ps1: Enable Powershell Remote and connect to a computer with requested credentials computer name, username and password.
  • Enable-RDP.ps1: Enable RDP in a computer.
  • Get-OpenPorts.ps1: Prints a list of open ports to the console.
  • Verify-IPConnections.ps1: Verify connections with defined IPs.
  • Scan-IPPorts.ps1: Scan specific ports of a defined IP.
  • Monitor-Networking.ps1: Monitor Network bandwidth.
  • Get-OpenPorts.ps1: Generates a report of the current open ports.
  • Get-IPInfo.ps1: Generates a report of the current used IP properties.
  • Get-ArpTable.ps1: Generate a report of ARP Table.

Updates and Synchronization

  • Get-SoftwareUpdates.ps1: Checks for and installs pending software updates on the system.
  • Sincronize-NTP.ps1: Synchronizes the system's NTP server with the following parameters:
    • Wait: Time to wait before executing the NTP server synchronization (in seconds).
    • Confirm: Ask for confirmation before executing the command.
  • Update-MSEdge.ps1: Forces Microsoft Edge to update to the latest available version.

Compression and Formatting

  • UltraCompress-File.ps1: Compresses the specified file to a .zip with the highest compression allowed in PowerShell.
  • Format-XML.ps1: Formats an XML document to make it easier to view, with file selection functionality using the file explorer.
  • Extract-Files.ps1: Extracts files from a specified archive (e.g., .zip, .rar) to a target directory.

Apps Administration

  • Remove-ListApps.ps1: Script template to delete custom application list.
  • Hide-MicrosoftStore.ps1: Hide Microsoft Store by uninstalling it.
  • Show-MicrosoftStore.ps1: Reinstall and show again Microsoft Store.

Windows Personalization and Configuration

  • Enable-AutoTray.ps1: Enable autotray in Windows 10 and Windows 11, that is, it shows all system tray icons on the taskbar
  • Set-ColorTheme.ps1: Allows you to decide between light or dark theme and apply it to the system
  • Change-IconSize.ps1: Change the size of icons on the desktop and in File Explorer.
  • Change-SystemLanguage.ps1: Change the system language settings.
  • Disable-BackgroundApps.ps1: Disable background apps to improve performance.
  • Disable-Cortana.ps1: Disable Cortana, the virtual assistant.
  • Disable-GameBar.ps1: Disable the Game Bar for gaming features.
  • Disable-GetEvenMoreOut.ps1: Disable "Get Even More Out" suggestions.
  • Enable-SyncTime.ps1: Enable synchronization of system time with an internet time server.
  • Mute-Windows.ps1: Mute all system sounds on Windows.

How to Use

  1. Run PowerShell.

    It is recommended to use the latest version of Powershell available.

  2. Locate the path where the scripts you want to run are located.

    Set-Location -Path "path\to\repository\folder"
  3. Run the script you want to use.



Common problems

  • AccessDenied

    • Solution: Run Powershell as administrator

      if (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator"))  
        $arguments = "& '" +$myinvocation.mycommand.definition + "'"
        Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb runAs -ArgumentList $arguments
  • Running scripts is disabled on this system

    • Solution: Change Execution Policy

      Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted # Recommended for personal use
      Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine
      Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass

      For more information about:


  • Module or Assembly not found

    • Description: This error indicates that the script is trying to load a module or assembly that is not installed on your system.

    • Solution: Install the required module or assembly. For example, to install a missing PowerShell module:

      Install-Module -Name ModuleName
      Add-Type -AssemblyName "AssemblyName"
  • Syntax Errors

    • Description: These errors occur due to incorrect syntax or commands in the script.
    • Solution: Review the script for syntax errors and ensure commands are correctly written and used.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Consult the file LICENSE for more details.


Contributions to enhance the repository or address issues are welcome. Please open a GitHub issue or submit a pull request.


These scripts were created by Ikkxeer

For any inquiries or issues, please contact @ikkxeer


Multitasking scripts, with different useful uses at the administration level, personal use and development





