cljx-start is a Leiningen template to develop an isomorphic webapp via cljx. It incorporates reagent, hiccup, garden, and figwheel for ease of development from the start. It was inspired by cljs-start.
cljx-start isn't intended to have a comprehensive release setup, it focuses more on getting you compiled and coding. This might change very soon as different profiles of the template are investigated.
tl;dr lein once, then lein dev and code away. lein dev will start a figwheel process and the embedded webapp.
long version:
The included web server has been setup as a ring compojure app with caching busted. New clj code will require a page refresh New cljx/cljs code will be automatically updated via figwheel The code includes sample css, server side html and clientside. It only starts you with cljx clojure. If you need clj/cljs, comments have been provided in the project.clj to show you where to start.
lein clean ; clean generated and build targets (does not delete figwheel output)
lein once ; preprocess cljx into clj and cljs and build once
lein dev ; start headless, start cljx auto, and run figwheel (browse to localhost:8080)
- look into figwheel cleaning. is it even necessary and if so what is the best way from lein cli.
- investigate testing integration for both clj and cljs.
- begin implementing various scenarios webapp, lib, script etc.
Copyright © 2015 ilazarte Released under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.