By adding a small idea, tried to improve Closed-loop Matters: Dual Regression Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution(CVPR 2020) baseline code
Inspired by SamsungSDS 's FrePGAN: Robust Deepfake Detection Using Frequency-level Perturbations,
Images in Frequency domain seems to contain extra infomations that are not in rgb images.
Thus I used images in frequency domain and rgb images at the sametime to train model for Super Resolution task
I simply calcuated new Floss(frequency loss), which is loss between GT images in frequency doamin and created images in frequency domain
As result there was a slight improvement in PSNR score.
Tried simple tests altering weights of Floss, and there were slight improvement, but it was hard to tell with bare eyes
Closed-loop Matters: Dual Regression Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution [arXiv] [github]