Easy to use bash scripts in order to provision a Vagrant server.
- This targets Ubuntu LTS releases, currently 14.04.
- Vagrant
+- Use
vagrant -v
to check your version
- Use
- Virtualbox
First, Copy the Vagrantfile from this repo. You may wish to use curl or wget to do this instead of cloning the repository.
Second, edit the Vagrantfile
and uncomment which scripts you'd like to
run. You can uncomment them by removing the #
character before the
You can indeed have multiple provisioning scripts when provisioning Vagrant.
Third and finally, run:
$ vagrant up
Windows Users:
By default, NFS won't work on Windows. I suggest deleting the NFS block so Vagrant defaults back to its default file sync behavior.
However, you can also try the "vagrant-winnfsd" plugin. Just run
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd
to try it out!Vagrant version 1.5 will have more file sharing options to explore as well!
- Base Packages
- Base Items (Git and more!)
- Web Servers
- Nginx
- Databases
- Additional Languages
- NodeJS via NVM
- Ruby via RVM
The vagrant file does three things you should take note of:
- Gives the virtual machine a static IP address of This
static IP allows us to use xip.io for the virtual host setups
while avoiding having to edit our computers'
file. - Uses NFS instead of the default file syncing. NFS is reportedly faster than the default syncing for large files. If, however, you experience issues with the files actually syncing between your host and virtual machine, you can change this to the default syncing by deleting the lines setting up NFS:
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant",
id: "core",
:nfs => true,
:mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime']
- Offers an option to prevent the virtual machine from losing internet connection when running on Ubuntu. If your virtual machine can't access the internet, you can solve this problem by uncommenting the two lines below:
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
Don't forget to reload your Vagrantfile running
vagrant reload --no-provision
, in case your virtual machine already exists.
- Vaprobash Vagrant Provisioning Bash Scripts