A really small utility to extract images from Chrome Timeline.
yarn global add devtools-timeline-images
# or NPM
npm i -g devtools-timeline-images
As of v2 CLI includes and alias for the name, dte
(Devtools Timeline Export). This has been changed as in the future
there is a plan to export videos, not only images.
dte images <input> [options]
Generate sequence of images.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--output, -o Path to JSON file generated by Chrome. [string] [required]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Also you can generate images with an alias i
, like this: dte i <input> [options]
With a video command you can instantly generate a slowdown video of the loading progress.
dte video <input> [options]
Generate slowdown video from the timeline export.
--version Show version number [boolean]
--output, -o Video file name to export. [string] [required]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Also you can generate a video with an alias v
, like this: dte v <input> [options]
- Specify the output folder.
Note: If the output directory does not exist the CLI will create it.
dte i ./example-site.json -o ./images
More information at Google Developer Docs