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Parseltongue is an S-expression parser. It provides a single parse function capable of parsing symbols, numbers, booleans and strings — as well as lists and dotted pairs. Expressions may be quoted.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`(address (street "644 Glen Summit")
                (city "St. Charles")
                (state "Missouri")
                (zip 63304))`);
  [ 'street', '"644 Glen Summit"' ],
  [ 'city', '"St. Charles"' ],
  [ 'state', '"Missouri"' ],
  [ 'zip', 63304 ]


Parseltongue can be installed via npm with the following command:

npm install parseltongue



Atomic symbols are parsed into native JavaScript strings. As usual, symbols cannot start with a number.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

// 'driver-loop'

// '+'


Atomic numbers are parsed into native JavaScript numbers. As such, they are subject to the same rules and limitations. There is no support for fractions (i.e., exact numbers). Exponential notation is also not supported at this time.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

// 42

// 12.8


Atomic strings are parsed into native JavaScript strings. The content is put in quotation marks (").

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`"this is a string"`);
// '"this is a string"'


Atomic booleans are parsed into native JavaScript booleans.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

// true

// false

Dotted pairs

JavaScript does not provide a native tuple data type. For this reason, dotted pairs are parsed to a custom Pair class.

import { parse, Pair } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`(abelson . sussman)`);
// Pair { car: 'abelson', cdr: 'sussman' }


Symbolic lists are parsed into native JavaScript arrays. Dotted pairs forming a proper list are also parsed to arrays.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`(roger dave nick rick)`);
// [ 'roger', 'dave', 'nick', 'rick' ]

parse(`(roger . (dave . (nick . (rick . ()))))`);
// [ 'roger', 'dave', 'nick', 'rick' ]

Square and curly brackets are also supported:

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`{[roger bass] [dave guitar] [nick drums] [rick keyboard]}`);
  [ 'roger', 'bass' ],
  [ 'dave', 'guitar' ],
  [ 'nick', 'drums' ],
  [ 'rick', 'keyboard' ]


S-expressions may be quoted.

import { parse } from 'parseltongue';

// [ 'quote', 42 ]

parse(`'(1 2 3)`);
// [ 'quote', [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]

Partial Parsing

Parseltoungue has built-in support for partial parsing. That is, the parse function asks for more characters if the input string has to potential to result in a well-defined S-expresssion.

import { Partial, parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`(1 2 `);
// Partial {}

parse(`(1 2 `).complete(`3)`);
// [ 1, 2, 3 ]

A partial parsing can be turned into a failure using the .fail() method. When invoked, .fail() will throw a ParseError error.

import { Partial, ParseError, parse } from 'parseltongue';

parse(`(1 2`).fail();
/* throws
   ParseError {
     at: 4,
     expected: {
       oneOf: [
         '0', '1',     '2',
         '3', '4',     '5',
         '6', '7',     '8',
         '9', '/\\s/', ')',

Error Handling

When fed with a malformed input, parse throws a ParseError error detailing what valid characters were instead expected in the input string.

import { ParseError, parse } from 'parseltongue';

/* throws
   ParseError {
     at: 4,
     expected: {
       oneOf: [

// 0.121

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