To build the project run:
./gradlew build
- Building for different targets, binary types (klib and executable) and build types (debug and release).
- Publishing.
- Dependencies on projects and published artifacts.
- Testing.
- Building and publishing interop libraries.
- Declaring dependencies between source sets.
- Convenient way to create a custom source set.
sourceSets {
// By default 2 source sets are created: main and test.
// Adding custom source sets isn't supported at the moment.
main {
// Adding custom sources.
// 'kotlin' is a SourceDirectorySet so you can use all methods/properties described at
kotlin.srcDir 'custom/path/to/sources'
// Adding target-specific sources. The object returned is also SourceDirectorySet.
target('wasm32').srcDir 'custom/path/wasm/sources'
target('wasm32', 'host') {
srcDir 'common/for/several/targets/sources'
// Settings not related to sources.
component {
// Binary kinds produced from these sources.
outputKinds = [ KLIBRARY, EXECUTABLE ]
// List of targets the binary is compiled for.
// Calling the 'target' method of a source set for some target (see above)
// implicitly adds this target to this list.
target 'host', 'wasm32'
dependencies {
// Project dependency. Only project having output kind 'KLIBRARY' can be a dependency.
implementation project('library')
// External dependency.
implementation 'foo:bar:1.0'
// Kotlin 'expected by' dependency.
expectedBy project('common')
// Test dependencies are stored in the 'testImplementation' configuration:
testImplementation project('testLibrary')
testImplementation 'foo:barTest:1.0'