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React Tools Library

@ilz5753/react-tools is a comprehensive utility library for React, offering an assortment of hooks, providers, and components oriented towards optimizing common development patterns in React and enhancing overall functionality.



Provides a context for managing errors across a React application. Utilize the ErrorHandlerProvider to centrally capture and handle errors within your application.


Implements the publish/subscribe pattern, enabling components to broadcast events and register corresponding event listeners. This facilitates communication between disparate components without resorting to prop drilling or context usage.


Assists development by issuing a meaningful warning when attempting to access context values without the presence of a surrounding <Provider>. This feature aids in identifying missing providers during early stages of development.


This provider allows you to “freeze” your application state, prohibiting state updates and re-renders. It is beneficial for scenarios where you need to ensure the UI remains invariant, such as during critical animations or transitions.


This utility function transforms a flat array structure into a tree, typically useful for creating hierarchies from flat data structures. It is valuable for menu navigation, file systems, or any hierarchical representation of data.


Manages navigation within your application via a context provider. Use NavigationProvider to oversee the current location, navigation history, and transitions between different views in a Single Page Application (SPA).


A custom implementation of React’s built-in useContext hook, potentially incorporating additional developer warnings or enhancements. This hook provides access to context values using an interface identical to React’s native hook.


This custom hook interacts with the ErrorHandlerProvider to handle errors within components, simplifying the process of catching and handling errors locally or elevating them to a global handler.


A hook that collaborates with FreezeProvider to control the “freezing” of your application’s state. It can be employed to trigger or apply the “frozen” status from within components.


A hook tailored for interacting with NavigationProvider, facilitating streamlined access to navigation actions and state. Simplify the navigation and routing logic within components by utilizing this hook.


To integrate @ilz5753/react-tools into your project, simply install it using your package manager of choice:

npm install @ilz5753/react-tools --save

or if you're using yarn:

yarn add @ilz5753/react-tools


Here's a quick example to get you started:

import { ErrorHandlerProvider, useErrorHandler } from "@ilz5753/react-tools";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const { show } = useErrorHandler();

  const dangerousAction = () => {
    try {
      // Something risky that might throw an error
    } catch (error) {
        // ...

  return <button onClick={dangerousAction}>Do Risky Thing</button>;

const App = () => (
    <MyComponent />


We welcome your contributions! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests to the react-tools repository.


react-tools is MIT licensed.